
One of a Kind: The Path of Destiny

Yelena had been hidden for 18 years after the death of her mother. When her brother and father didn't show up on her 18th birthday, she needed to find out why. After receiving a mysterious gift from her father two years before, she decides it's time to open it amongst her friends. Now, as the most powerful supernatural being on earth, she chooses to walk the path to save her family and the world

Thegamingmomma · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
14 Chs

Chapter 1

I felt so weird leaving the castle-like house I had just spent the past eight years in, the three-story house with high old-fashioned ceilings and painted masterpieces on each wall, the home of my childhood.

I closed my suitcase and looked around my room one last time. I had to laugh at my bedroom; it was the only one in the house that had dark blue walls and a baby blue ceiling. I had painted it to look like the sky. It had little clouds, and the sun was painted in one of the corners. I heard the cab honk at me, taking me out of my reminiscing.

I walked over to the window of my room and opened it, "I'll be down in a minute." I yelled out to the cab driver, and he nodded to let me know he heard me. I chuckled to myself because of the look on his face. He wasn't pleased with me. I turned around quickly and ran into Kiah, my suitcase hitting him in the groin.

"Oh my God, Kiah I am so sorry!" I squealed apologetically. I was shocked that I had not heard him come in.

Kiah is the son of John and Kelly. He is tall, dark, and handsome. He is 6'2, which is about a foot taller than me. He has deep caramel-colored skin and shaggy black hair, and the one quality I love most about him, besides his tight abs and muscular arms, are his eyes. He has one green eye and one blue, and they are the most beautiful part of him.

"Yelena, don't worry about it," He laughed softly, shaking me out of my thoughts. He slowly picked himself up off of the floor. "It's not the first time you've ever hit me in the balls, although it hurts more and more every time." He kept smiling as he shook it off. "I just came to tell you that you can't forget me and I am going to miss you"

I laughed a little and replied, "I'm not going to forget you. I am coming back." I promised as I flashed my 'I'm going to be okay' smile.

He hugged me and said, "You know you'll find them, Yelena, they aren't lost, they just need your help." He let me go and walked away, sarcastically under his breath said: "I don't know why you are taking a cab to the airport or even taking a plane when you can just portal walk."

I turned to look at him funny, but he was already gone, I shook my head slowly and walked down the spiral staircase, tracing the oak railing with my fingertips. When I got to the big oak front door, I opened it knowing Kiah could hear me, yelled back into the house "It's good to pretend to be normal!" then I shut the door and ran to the cab.

On the ride to the airport, I began to worry more than ever. I may seem strong, but when it comes to my family, I'm the biggest baby; I am the baby of my family. I was always protected growing up, the only girl in my family, and now, it was my turn to protect them.

My brother Cole and my father Walter was supposed to contact me after my 18th birthday, weeks had gone by, and I hadn't heard from them. Spur of the moment one day with Kiah, I told him I had to find them and help protect them, that it wasn't like them to break a promise. I knew something had happened, and I was praying for the best, but ready to accept the worst, that either one or both of them were dead. I hoped and prayed I would be on time, and that they were fine, but I would accept their deaths if I had to.

The cab had come to a stop, and the jolt had brought me out of my thoughts. I looked at the total cost of the ride.

"$105, damn," I thought to myself, "I must have left him waiting for a long time." I grabbed the $105 out of my wallet and gave him a $10 tip with it as well. I know he deserved more, but I couldn't really afford more than that. I thanked him and grabbed my belongings, and ran for my plane.

I hated waiting for planes, I know I didn't have to, and that I could just portal walk, but a part of me wanted to be human sometimes. I just followed through with it.

"Excuse me miss." A gentle but firm voice said behind me. I smelled him and jumped without turning around, "werewolf," I thought to myself as I took a defensive stance. I turned around and dropped my guard immediately. "What in the sam hell are you trying to do to me, Kiah!" I yelled in surprise, trying to swing a punch into his arm and clutching my chest at the same time.

"I was just seeing how well you were on your guard, and to tell you that your cab driver was too damn slow. I've been here for almost an hour." He smiled and laughed, "Plus, I'm your bodyguard while you are still here."

I sighed and sat back down, leaning into him, making sure my head nustled right into the crook of his shoulder. It was my way of thanking him quietly.

He chuckled a little, his body moving with it. "Good thing I know you so well, and you are very welcome, Yelena. I would do anything for you and you know it." He finished smiling as he kissed my forehead.

~Over head page~

'First-class passengers on flight 1066 to Chicago now boarding.'

This first-class ticket was not my idea. Kiah figured if I wanted to be 'normal' that I should at least fly in style. I grabbed my handbag and stood up, and looked at him with sad eyes. I really didn't want to leave him. I felt so safe with him. But I know I had to save my family.

"Whelp, that's me," I slowly turned to walk away, I felt his hand grab mine gently, and he pulled me back turning me into him so that he could look into my eyes.

"You better come back to me." He said seriously with a worried expression on his face. "I worry about you, Yelena." He said quietly as he pulled me into a tight hug, and for the first time, before he let me go, he lifted my chin and kissed me on the lips. I felt electricity zing through my body, and I yelped.

I pulled back with a confused look on my face, and the only thing I managed to choke out was "thank you" before he kissed me again.

I pulled back and said with a massive grin on my face, "I made a promise remember." I picked up my bag, "I am coming back, you're welcome to find me at any time, you know where I'll be." I walked away and turned to look back at him one last time, but he had already run off.

"Why did he have to make this harder for me, and what was that electric feeling I felt through my body?" I thought to myself as I handed the stewardess my ticket. She ushered me through so I could find my seat. This is going to be a longer flight than I thought it would be, quickly finding something other than Kiah to occupy my mind.