
One Night Stand With A Werewolf

Preview; My one-night stand started with a bet. I would have to find some random guy to lose my virginity. I know nothing about guys, boys, men etc. I am completely clueless. I'm eighteen now but in the next half hour, I'll be officially nineteen. Yay me! Nineteen is big because all my attempts of suicide and not wanting to be here failed. The universe must want me here, that or I'm one lucky B-I-T-C-H. If it wasn't for my best and gay friend Jacob I would be just memories. It's because of him I continue to exist. He makes my existence not suck.

Nadia_Lucas · Thanh xuân
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Jacob came inside and sat down next to me. Mr. Blue Eyes is not giving me the free will to say no, all my rights went out the window. I could a least try for the child I'm carrying, but that didn't mean I have to give up my life here in to live his. I was about to get up and go to the kitchen when I felt a sharp pain.

" Owww " I yelped.

Mr. Blue Eyes was at my side in an instant.

" What's wrong? "

I panic lacing his voice.

" I don't know. "

I say through my teeth. I look at jake and then I decided that I needed to go to the hospital.

" Jake take me to the hospital. "

I say through my teeth

The pain is sharp but bearable.

"I'm coming with you. "

Mr. Blue Eyes says, his concern genuine.

"No, you can't. "

I say refusing him.

There is no way I am letting him come with me.

" I wasn't asking princess I am coming whether you like it or not."

He says disregarding my answer.

" Guys we can argue later."

Jake says furious and annoyed at our bickering.

For the first time in my life, I felt scared, not for myself but for the child I am carrying. I didn't realize it when I started caring about the life growing inside of me. te drive to the hospital was short and I was now in the emergency wing of the hospital waiting on a doctor to tell me if everything is okay. I didn't realize I was holding my breath until the door opens and in comes the doctor.

" Hi, Ms.Vanessa Hale I'm doctor Fabien. What seems to be the problem today?"

I take a deep breath to calm myself and then I spoke,

" Well, I'm pregnant for this idiot. "

I say pointing at Mr blue eyes. after that I continued to speak to the doctor,

" I would like to have a check to know how far along I am and what need to know about caring for myself and my baby."

I explained.

The doctor did what I asked. first, he did an ultrasound and I almost cried, after that he gave me the prescribed medication and told me to make sure to get a lot of rest. When I was done I left the doctor's office with Mr blue eyes trailing after me.

" Vanessa wait! "

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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