
Oh who is she? (+ flashback)

I slowly opened my eyes. Only to instantly shut them closed , the light was blinding. I slowly reopened them, slowly adjusting to my surroundings. I paused instantly confused when I didn't spot the usual red or white wallpapers engraved with gold or jewels.

I sat up slowly wincing in pain when I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and lower abdomen area. I instantly pulled up my shirt gasping when I saw bandages wrapped around my waist and stomach (+abdomen idk).

I paused, finally tuning into the noise around me. I paused, turning to my side to see… a red haired female . I held in a breath analyzing her looks. She had raven black hair with tan skin and beautiful red eyes. Kinda reminds me of someone…. But who?


Where am I? Last I knew I was … I was … I don't remember, groaning. I reached up to my head pausing when I felt bandages.

"Finally you're awake!" I snapped my head to look at the girl. "Where.. where am I? And who are you?"  She paused guilt overtaking her features. I felt my breath fasten suddenly everything's too loud and too bright again. "Were.. were in my house. My name's Naomi and I am the dragon from  the "haunted castle" . At the end she rolled her eyes slightly. "Okay

….umm how did I get here?" She paused looking at me. "You don't remember..?" She turned to look at me with concern. I simply ended up finding the ground incredibly interesting . But knowing I had to answer I shook my head. She walked over to me and I finally noticed a red jewel on her forehead. She extended her hands to my face, pausing before holding it. I froze, feeling my heartbeat increase. She whispered a soft "I'm sorry." Before pressing her forehead against mine


Flashback besties <333 ( what happened after last chapter :P)< p>

As father moved towards the front, occasionally swaying from side to side. My uncle smirked slightly looking towards us… towards me? Everyone noticed this which is why George stepped forward to try and hide me.

My mother was struggling to breath and to stand having to be held up by King Darryl and Queen Hermione. Her eyes widened as she slowly stepped towards my father, pain and confusion clear as the sky on her face. I watched my uncle's features go from cocky and overconfident to absolute rage and hatred. I instantly rushed forward despite all the people trying to stop me. My siblings instantly rushed to my side as we quickly went to our parents' side. Instantly my uncle stared at us. "Well well well what do we have here?" He strutted closer , father instantly grabbing his sword pointing it at him followed by everyone in the room , who had a sword , grabbing theirs as well.

My uncle paused, visibly passed raising his hand and with one small wave of it everyone's sword shattered. Gasps could be heard around the room. "Now , is that any way to greet your favorite older brother, Edward?" "What do you want, Alastor." Father spat back I paused confused yet curious "I want.. What do I want? Hmm… I want the throne" "...what?" "YOU heard me, I want the throne. Because it should be MINE! IT'S MY THRONE, MY BIRTHRIGHT!" He screeched and I stepped back wincing at his loudness " Alastor we both know I won't give you what you want."

"....fine I'll have to take it myself then" what? What does he mean by that? Sure he seems to have magic but there's no way he'll win against everyone…right?

He raised his hand and the black mist returned , slamming his hand down as the mist slashed at us.

A liquid splashed onto my face. I hesitantly touched it to see it was red.

Is that… is that blood?

Oh God oh God it is, it is Blood.

I felt my insides turn. I wanted to throw up, I wanted to scream.

I paused looking up to see….

Mom? I rushed to catch her noticing the deep cut going from the left side,top, of her chest to right bottom abdomen. I looked over to see George catch dad and I oh my god… he's covered in blood. Fuck fuck what do we do now?

I look to see everyone's frozen, some crying, some just standing there I pull eret to my side and whisper "get everyone out now." He paused but nodded, standing up and carrying mom "EVERYONE RUN!" instantly people rushed out. I grabbed my sword running towards my uncle who paused before quickly flicking his wrist making my sword break into tiny pieces.

He did a swift motion pointing from me to him. I went flying across the room into his hands…

To be continued


Hi everyone! I'm so sorry it took me so long to upload. I didn't know what to do for this chapter plus I am still in a bit of pain.(just a bit)

BUT ANYWAYS , HOW are you, you wonderful beings?


Also have a wonderful day and sorry if i don't update soon :(