
Who is this?

As Karl slowly went back to normal he was able to finally see the faces of the muffled voices whom had helped him. He paused slightly when he saw the two "new" faces. They were Prince Sapnap and Prince Quackity. He instantly felt as if the room had gotten warmer. Schaltt softly extended a hand to help him up he smiled gratefully and took it once he was steady he turned to be able to face all three males. He bowed "My apologies for what happened. Thank you for your kindness" the other males stopped, processing what he said.

"It's no problem at all your majesty" Schlatt quickly intervened, bowing slightly.

"Oh- uhm there's no need to thank us we simply did what anyone else would" Quackity responded bringing his hand to the back of his neck rubbing it nervously Karl couldn't help but notice a slight blush on the male's face. He was about to ask if he was alright when Prince Sapnap spoke up.

"Are you alright, your majesty?" Karl paused slightly frowning, "Please don't call me that  it makes me feel old. But yes i am alright" he sent a small timid smile at the end. Unaware that when he did, cupid sent arrows through the three other males' hearts. The other three nodded. What else could they do? If he asked them to plunge a knife into their heart that very moment they would without a moment's hesitation. If you had seen the young prince you would have to.

As Sapnap was about to ask something a loud voice caught their attention. 

It was the king smiling as he held a microphone, Karl knew he had to go over to his siblings so he excused himself and left. The others watched as he left Quackity and Sapnap quickly looked at each other to confirm they both gained feelings for Prince Karl.

You might be confused dear reader. So i'll explain Prince Quackity and Prince Sapnap are currently in a relationship , they're very open about it and they both are fine with an open relationship. That should explain it a bit.  Anyways back to the stories my dear's.

"I want to take this moment to thank you for coming to celebrate my wife's birthday.  My beautiful amazing wife…" I smiled at my father as he spoke. He really knew what he was doing. I slightly looked at my mother and saw her blushing and covering her mouth with her hand but I could see her smile. The way her eyes wrinkled, I could see his lips curved upwards. I smiled happy to have been lucky enough to have them as my parents. "My love, you are so very dear to me. You are like an angel , your voice is like honey, sweet and slick." murmurs of agreement came from the crowd. I smiled and gave an encouraging smile to my mother as she hesitantly walked towards my father who extended his hands to hold hers.

"My dear, my love , my life you are the greatest person to come into my life. And I will forever thank whatever deity or entity that caused fate to allow us to meet. I wouldn't want fate any other way. " he softly kissed my mothers hand as she smiled brightly, blushing, my parents had always been this way, lovey dovey, they were the relationship i aspired to have. I adored them , their relationship, their way of speaking and showing love. I heard soft awws from the crowd. (THEY BE MILKING FOR AWW'S)

My father proceeded to read a poem to her

"Roses are red,

Violets are blue,

My temper is sweet,

And so are you.

Orchids are white,

Ghost ones are rare,

Material is soft,

And so is your hair.

Magnolia grows,

With buds like eggs,

Your flow is smooth,

And so are your legs.

Sunflowers reach,

Up to the skies,

My cake is honey,

And so are your eyes.

Foxgloves in hedges,

Surround the farms,

Weather is warm,

And so are your arms.

Daisies are pretty,

Daffies have style,

Lights are bright,

And so is your smile.

A rose is beautiful,

Just like you

To my dear, my queen , my sweet Amidalya"

By the end my mother was in tears instantly attacking him with a hug which caused him and her to fall. But neither of them cared he simply smiled and moved strands of her hair out of her face softly kissing her. Earning once again awww's and a few bleh's from the children including from George who made sure they could hear him "Get a room!" he teased earning laughter and a small smile from mom. While dad gave a soft light-hearted glare. Though they stood up and kissed again I smiled , yearning for a relationship like that.

A loud sharp sound caught everyone's attention to a guard standing in the middle of the entry-way as he walked forward still clapping. A purple mist enveloped his body and as it faded it revealed someone the king never wanted to see again. Someone whom he thought had died , that someone was a person the royal children of Kinoko had only ever heard legends, myths and stories of.

Someone who was back for revenge. Someone who wanted to see the King and Queen suffer. Because he simply assumed that was the only thing left to do. The other royal people in the room rushed in front of father and mother. I was confused but was quickly grabbed by Prince Quackity who forced me inside the… protective circle? I looked at my siblings in confusion. Hannah and Eret seemed confused and distressed. George seemed terrified. But why was he scared? What is there to be scared of? I looked around and realized Prince Quackity , Prince Sapnap and Prince Schlatt were right next to me. I blinked slowly processing what was happening.

"How are you- you're supposed to be dead!" my father shouted he had moved towards the front i paused slowly taking in the features of the male my father had shouted at. He… he looked like the man in the pictures I found in my father's office. He couldn't be the male in the picture was my father's brother. My uncle.

-To be continued-

Hi everyone! I'm so sorry it took me so long to upload. I didn't know what to do for this chapter and I got my motivation only at school, not sure why. So when i wrote this i was in class supposed to be doing an essay-

BUT ANYWAYS , HOW are you, you wonderful beings?


Also have a wonderful day and sorry if i don't update soon i made the stupid idea of writing 5 stories at once :(