
He Worries Too Much

Addison and Noelle headed into Becca's room together and found her cradling the baby as Joy cooed over how cute he was. She was inclined to agree. He was even cuter than his picture had been. 

"Oh, Becca, he's adorable!" Noelle squealed. 

"He is, isn't he?" she replied proudly. "And he and your daughter are going to be best friends."

"It will be fun raising our kids together."

Gwen arrived a moment later, completing their little party. "Seems like everyone's here but Darius. Did he go home?"

Becca laughed. "He went to get us takeout. I will not stand for hospital food and he knows it. Isn't he the sweetest? Hunter said he'd keep watching Harrison for us so Darius can keep staying here with me and Sawyer until I'm released tomorrow."

"He does take his missive to be the favorite uncle very seriously."