
Yes! Totally Not Fair

Addison put Harrison in the stroller and began pushing him back to the Burnses' building as he sang a little song he made up using solely the words "baby time" pretty much the whole way there. Thankfully, it stopped by the time they got back because he wanted her to read him a whole stack of books in funny voices.

She did her best to do it the way Becca did. She had seen it a few times by now and thought she did a decent job of mimicking her. 

It was a relief when Harrison went down for his nap after lunch though. She had enough time to watch two episodes of her show before he woke up and wanted to play with blocks. 

Addison ended up playing a whole bunch of different things before dinner. How in the world did Becca do this all day? And she was about to have another one too. Addison couldn't help but be in awe because she genuinely enjoyed it.