

"Bai!" Yixing exclaimed and recognition appeared in his eye. It shocked all three of them. Yitian and Huobai. And even Yixing himself. 

He remembered someone. He remembered Bai. A stream of memories flashed in his mind like a movie. It was overwhelming, but at the same time; he welcomed it. It was better than the total darkness when he tried to remember something. 

"Are you okay? Do you know what happened?" Yixing asked, but frowned because the one thing he still did not remember about Huobai was the day of the accident. 

"Mmm, I'm better than you. You idiot, why did you do it?" Huobai nodded and asked. But Yixing frowned. 

"What I did? I don't know…" he frowned even one, but Huobai smiled at him and got up from the wheelchair with the help of Yitian. He sat on the side of Yixing's bed and grabbed his arm.