
On The Wind Of Love

[Mature content / No rape. R18] In a world where supernatural beings and humans have no trust for one another. Divided is how they stand...or is it? Crown, a headstrong, spirited and adventurous woman has always found herself embroiled in trouble from a young age despite her good intentions. Her misadventures and recklessness often time leads to unexpected mishaps that one time threatens the feigned and very fragile peace of her people. There are many words to describe the werewolf Prince Zaccai of the House of Zeror. Enigmatic, devilishly handsome, kind but with a guarded exterior are but a few. He cannot believe his luck when three fated encounters with a human changes the trajectory of his life and the destiny of his bloodline forever. World's collide in the strangest of ways in this series that is a tale of romance, love, sacrifice and acceptance as Crown and Zaccai embark on a journey to unravel the mysteries of their intertwined destinies, all while discovering what it means to truly love another. ___ DISCLAIMER All characters are fictitious and any resemblance to a real life person or place is completely a coincidence. Cover photo was designed by Me Source - Pinterest & Personal Photos of Me. UPDATES: Daily.

withlovetale · Kỳ huyễn
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59 Chs

horns and claws...

The large silver carriage pulled by four back horses with footmen at the front and back, galloped along the dusty and lonely road leading to Ashford. It bore the royal crest of the House of Zeror along with its flag that danced in the wind.

The crew of five probably had the same thought going through their mind. Their mission: to secure a wife for the Prince Zaccai and they were ordered to not return until it was accomplished.

Four of them had been selected by the prince himself.

—The night before—

Zaccai walked in the midst of the twenty men that had been selected for him to choose from for the task ahead.

"You," he pointed to a soldier. "Hmmm. What are you?" He asked.

"I am a rainbow serpent."

"What?" Zaccai was lost for a moment. "You don't say. A chalkydri! You are my first."

He whispered to Sir Adin. "Is he dangerous?"

"None of them are sir although they can be."

"That's all good right, cause we are not marching to war."

"Have no fear sir. As long as you don't send a werewolf, all will go smoothly, our kind is the only one affected by the curse."

Zaccai turned back to the group and recognized Hawthorne. "You! You are selected, for barging into my room this morning."

Hawthorne who had been a little frozen to his spot came forward. "Yes your highness."

Zaccai picked out two more men and sent the rest on their way.

"Now the four of you, you will be going on an adventure. Follow me."

They passed looks amongst themselves as they tried to guess what the adventure could be.

"You all are to journey into the land of humans tomorrow and secure me a wife." Zaccai announced once they gathered in his private library on the last floor of the mansion.

He didn't fail to notice the surprised look that the men threw at him.

No one in Tahu didn't know about his punishment, however quietly it was being whispered. Everyone knew about it, so they weren't surprised about the action to be taken. What surprised them was their involvement in it.

"Have no fear, what you have to do will be told to you. You bring any harm to them and you will be killed for it, by me. You have one mission only, do you understand so far?"

"Yes sir."

"These are the names of the families that you are going to visit." He raised up a tiny scroll he had transferred the names given him by Lady Ma. "Anyone at all from this list will do. I will leave that discretion to you all."

"What if we choose someone you are not pleased with, your highness." One of them asked.

"No one you pick can please me." He fell silent as the thought of Crown slipped into his mind. "And that's why it doesn't matter who you pick. I will live with it. Understood?"

"Yes sir."

He raised another scroll. "This is what you are to do and say. In details. It's of utmost importance that you do not do anything outside of it." He placed it close to the smaller one.

"I know for all of you maybe, you've not had any contact with the humans all your life and I am sorry I have to send you to them this way. Expect the unexpected. If they get hostile, leave and return back to Tahu, do not attack. I do not seek to shed blood over this, not one. Am I clear?"

"Yes sir."

"Now, who will represent me as well as the crew?" Zaccai asked as he sat down behind his desk.

None of them stepped forward.

"Hawthorne?" Zaccai pointed to him saying nothing else.

The boy stepped forward. He was tall, startlingly dark colored eyes, his skin a pale shade and his face looked like what a woman's comfortable dreams were made of. His hair was tamed as it was required of all servants of the royal house.

"You will represent me. With the proper clothes and a proper cleanse, I'm sure your looks will sway a few women, and men." He smirked.

Hawthorne dared not refuse. "Yes-yes sir."

"Not a word of this to anyone outside this room. For now it's important we do this discreetly until when I'm ready to tell all. You may leave now. All that you need will be provided tomorrow. You leave by sunrise."

"Yes sir." They took a bow and filed out.

"I really hope this brings forth the result you desire." Sir Adin said once they were alone.

"It will. It has to."

The next morning arrived rather quickly. Hawthorne was dressed in royal clothing as he was to stand as a representative of the Prince and couldn't do so looking drab. He looked every inch a nobleman of high-class.

Sir Adin advised on letting a woman join the team and Zaccai agreed.

The others were given outfits of a lesser grade but still well sewn and made with the finest of fabrics.

With lots of gold, some food for the road and the two scrolls they set out on their journey, it was half a days ride and were to reach Ashford by noon if all went well.

There was Hawthorne, a dream fairy.

Elara, an elf, possessed agility and keen senses that allowed her to sense people's feelings before they even felt it themselves.

Lucia, a shadow monster, he could control people using their shadow and manipulate it to do his bidding.

Phina, a healing spirit, whose gentle touch could mend wounds and soothe the hearts of those he encountered.

Vax, a trickster that could weave enchantments that concealed their true nature from prying eyes.

And lastly was Esra, a rainbow serpent, he had the ability to create weapons from anything at all.

Their journey was smooth and much wasn't said on the trip. Everyone of them was consumed with the thoughts of how their mission could possibly end. Hawthorne was however a bit excited. He had always wanted to see the humans up close. His mother told him that they were quite fascinating and complicated. Ashford finally came in their line of view at the brink of the evening. The sun shone extra brightly but it's burn could no longer be felt, it's rays however caused their carriage to shine and command attention as it rolled finally into Ashford.

"Why did I ever think their land was going to be a majestic sight." Esra spoke first as he looked out the window.

"They aren't as advanced as I thought," Elara added.

"Where are the majestic buildings? Lucia's further added. His voice was quite bristle.

"We only just got here, can we not judge them yet." Hawthorne argued.

The further they went into Ashford, they realised that it wasn't much a city like theirs as it was a simple community of people of the same kind. At the heart of Ashford was a bustling community of craftsmen of various vocations. The air was filled with the rhythmic clinking of hammers on anvils, the delicate symphony of artisans weaving intricate patterns into fabrics, the loud whispers of people communicating. More people were starting to notice their carriage the further it travelled into the village and by the time they got to their destination, a lot of persons had gathered.

Vax was the first to come down from the carriage. By the time Elara came down, the suspicions on the minds of everyone present was confirmed. Her ears gave them away.

"They have finally remembered us. The creatures of Tahu. I knew this day will come." One villager spoke with fear.

Hawthorne got down last and the crowd was thrown into confusion.

Men frowned as it was obvious Hawthorne was of a high-class and that could possibly mean trouble. It had been over five hundred years their paths crossed. What could be the issue? They pondered over in their minds.

Young ladies didn't hide their admiration for him and the others, a few got excited.

"I thought they were actual beasts with horns and claws. They don't look like beasts to me." One girl whispered to her friend who she held on tightly to.

"I know, that is the most beautiful man I have ever seen in my life!"

Some pointed fingers at them, trying to guess what could have brought them here.

Hawthorne walked up the tiny stairs of the home they had stopped at.

It was the home of the High chief of Ashford. Just like Prince Zaccai had ordered. It was the first and most important thing to carry out.


"Family!" Tiran ran inside the house a little out of breath. "You won't believe what is going on outside."

"What is it Tiran?" Their father said irritably. They had only just sat down to an early dinner. It was a long day for all.

"Tahu— people—— beast— they are here. In Ashford!" He finally got his words out and prayed they all understood. He was out of breath from running all the way home and with excitement. He also felt worry somewhere deep down and from the look on everyone's face now, they all felt it too.

Everyone looked at Crown.

"I swear, I've done nothing. I have nothing at all to do with this." She defended when she understood their reaction.


I hope you are liking the story so far.

Tale. xo

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