
Omsim Magic lang Malakas

Current Earth but with Magic Our MC pushes himself to go through life with Everything he has Since Fate wants to play he will play Till one of them backs down Let there be Chaos and maybe order.

Arthas_san075 · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs



Edrian, Jandyne, and the new friend Fayde decided to hang out and catch up over coffee at their favorite cafe near the school. As they walked in, the pleasant aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air and the sound of silence and calmness greeted them.

They went to their usual cozy table near the window and ordered their favorite drinks. Edrian and Jandyne went for an iced latte, and Fayde ordered a hot chocolate with whipped cream.

As they sipped their drinks and chatted, they internalized what have they been doing the past few weeks now. They discussed how to become better at casting the spells or how to control the quality of the cast spells.

After a while, they decided to order and eat some snacks, and their choice was cake. The waiter brought them a delicious-looking chocolate cake. They savored every bite while continuing their conversation for you never know what tomorrow brings.

"Hey, any news from that uncle of yours on how Ceazar is doing nowadays?" Edrian asks as he drinks his coffee.

"Last my uncle heard he was sent earlier than supposedly to the forest near the portal at Mt. Pulag and has been there about a week now."

"Then he must have leveled up, good for him"

"Ha.. are you not gonna doubt if he is even alive"

"Hahaha, Him dying early in life has to be a big joke. He might be lazy with the usual rambling that he loves to sleep. But we all know he wants to become stronger too. So for him to die against some few evolved rabbits and other past normal animals is impossible." Edrian Smirks

" Who is this Ceazar?" Fayde asks.

" A close friend of ours who luckily and unluckily got the chaos element as his awakening."

"Oh.. so that's why he is not here. Well anyways good luck to him hope he survives whatever those folks throw at him"

"Oh seems you know a little bit about it" Jandyne leans in to ask

"Come on tell us something hehe"

"Unfortunately, I am not allowed I cannot maybe after we enter the military, then I think I can" Fayde shoves Jandyne a little.

"That's fine as long as Ceazar lives and is getting stronger then all is good. Then after we enter the military we can get power leveled by him hehe."

As they finished their drinks and cake, they realized they had been at the cafe for a few hours. They paid their bill and said their goodbyes, promising to meet early tomorrow. So that they can do their early morning exercises together before class since nowadays it starts at 9 a.m.

As they walked out of the cafe, they felt grateful for the times they spent together for when in the future these times will become scarce.

-Ceazars POV-

Name: Ceazar Laxamana

Element awakened: Chaos ????

Level 2: 20/1000 Experience Points

'hmmm. Yesterday I leveled up by killing five rabbits across the week plus the boar which gave me 50 most likely exp points. But this time I killed four rabbits so that means per rabbit now is 5 exp points.'

Ceazar packs up his stuff to move to that cavern that he explored yesterday since it was not that large. He slowly moves to take the center point tree that he marked. As he walked, he noticed the wildlife around him to see if there were any more rabbits for exp and food. Squirrels scurried up the trees, and birds sang in the distance and he even heard the Kalaw birds. The forest was alive with activity, and it was a beautiful sight to behold but it holds danger to those bewitched by it.

Finally, after walking to the marks he made along the way back yesterday night, Ceazar spotted the small entrance to the cavern covered by vines and has water flowing out of it. He let out a sigh of relief and quickened his pace, eager to make that place his base. Since the bottom entrance had water which meant that it could remove his scent from following animals. And the other entrance that he knows, for now, is at the face of a cliff. All he needs to do now is make sure there are no other surprises in that place.

As he entered the cavern, he was greeted by the darkness and the sound of trickling water. He could feel the cool, damp air against his skin, and it was a welcome relief from the heat of the forest. Ceazar made his way deeper into the cavern, he planned to create a few torches and stick them in these walls since he had no other choices. He could not return to the military base yet until someone picked him up. He immediately leaves some of his stuff and takes his multi shovel to go and take materials for torches and beddings. He might also get to kill a few animals here and there but he must also avoid that tiger. For he is not a match for the tiger yet.

'I will get picked up after I kill that tiger most likely, all I have to do is get to a higher level by killing something else like those Kalaw from before or more rabbits since that is still 5 exp points. Or maybe I stumble to another boar and do the same strategy since the last boar I killed most likely is part of a pack but for some reason went solo'