
Omsim Magic lang Malakas

Current Earth but with Magic Our MC pushes himself to go through life with Everything he has Since Fate wants to play he will play Till one of them backs down Let there be Chaos and maybe order.

Arthas_san075 · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Luck it is

Ceazar cautiously stepped into the dark path that lay before him. The light from his slowly depleting elemental magic pierces through the thick veil of darkness that enveloped him. Ceazar needs to find any wood and use his ragged clothes to burn along with his small vial of oil on his waist bag. The cavern walls were wet from moisture, and the air was musty and damp. As he moved deeper into the cave, the passages twisted and turned, and the sounds of running water echoed around him. And it came from the stream he was following. Suddenly, a light came from further in as he followed the stream down the cave. He shone his firebolt's light in the direction to see what obstacles he must go through, and luckily there were none. Instead, it was a pool of clear water. Caesar steadied himself and took a step forward, determined to leave this place and get back at that tiger that caused him such pain. He moved towards the light while wading through the shallow pool of water. Caezar emerged from the damp and musty cave, squinting as his eyes adjusted to the bright sunlight outside.

"Ahhh, fresh air once again.. cough cough. That was sharp to the throat compared to the air inside the cavern".

Caezar moved cautiously through the pine tree forest, the sound of crunching needles under his feet echoing through the slowly darkening day. The only light came from the few gaps of sunlight from above, barely illuminating the path ahead. He kept his hand on the ready to cast any spell he needs. Ceazar also stays alert for any potential danger lurking in the shadows. The scent of pine and damp earth filled his nostrils, as he made his way deeper into the forest trying slowly moving southward.

On the way, he caught a few evolved rabbits because the animals around here are mostly a little bit enhanced or evolved already. Luckily for rabbits, they just grew a horn that they used to puncture any idiot who stands straight and won't avoid such an easy attack.

"hmmm it should be that way, I remember those specific crooked trees let's see if they are the same ones"

Ceazar moves close to take a look and see if the trees are really the ones he marked.

" Has my luck really turned for the better? well thank you I guess"

Ceazar made use of a carving as the CenterPoint he has done as a way for him to go to a specific path that will bring him to his nest and his stash.

" hmm.. the temperature is getting way colder than my naked and wounded body can tolerate. I should make a run for it since I have been having luck after that incident I should still have some... hopefully"

Ceazar moves fast but not to the point that he is loud. He still avoids branches here and there that he could see from the few sunset lights left.

He immediately goes to his stash first to take some clothes and it was a sack hanging from high up the tree bound to a rope tied at some branch. What it contained really was just a bunch of clothes and some soap extra ointments and other etcetera kinds of stuff that he might need.

"well gotta change then rush to that nest for I am really damn sleepy and tired from all this"

Ceazar immediately forces himself to go faster to the nest. According to a quote " Never put your eggs in one basket". Ceazar tried to at least do that and separated his stuff just in case one is compromised he can still make use of one. Ceazar arrives at his nest luckily once again it was not disturbed. Unknown to him it was not really luck that made sure his nest was ok for some birds known as Kalaw came but a certain someone chased them away. He says that he just felt like removing the noise and it has got nothing to do with helping the kid.