
Omniverse Book 1

The story follows a young boy named david aztlan who was once a normal human but now has become an alien race called the aztlanians who is trying to enjoy his long life to the very fullest by going on many fun adventure's and quests alike with his growing crew called the worst prodigy but in order to have his stolen freedom given back too him he has start by stopping the evil organization called the injustice order lead by king jester humane who is the last ancient human on the planet earth who is on a mission to exterminate the aztlanian race for good from planet earth david and his crew member's having no other choice decide to fight back fighting fighter's, monster's, alien's, and even gods themselves for a better and brighter future full of freedom and no restriction placed on them whatsoever.

UnknownKind · Khoa huyễn
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912 Chs

Chapter 36

Toward the enemy who says his dome is not that weak to be easily broken with him charging head first making oscar laughs who jumps while running toward the energy putting his two foot together to add more power to kick attack saying eat this asshole as oscar feets go through the dome itself hitting taro square on his face that sends him flying out his safe space crashing pass many wooden or brick wall's until he stops his back touching the ground causing him to cough up blood all over himself but he just ignores it like nothing saying all that matters is winning walking out he spots oscar dashing toward him fast with a smile on his face as they both begin to run at one another clashing there fist in the middle before they start fighting all over the battlefield with no holding back or rest keeping one another tight in there feet with couple minutes passing by quickly oscar landing a uppercut on taro chin that sends him back falling on his back hard before oscar can throw another punch taro touches the ground blowing up the ground with them in it pushing each other back to there own side with oscar saying your good officer taro with taro then.

Saying that he hates to admit it but he ain't that bad now he knows why his twin brother lost to him before as he finishes his sentence oscar say so he was right the whole time about them being blood related he could sense and smell the similarities between them two over the fight but he didn't wanna budge in there life since he has no need for it taro punches oscar on his face before he knees him hard causing him to gasp for a breath of air but taro says aura blast blowing up the whole area along with him in it pushing him to the other side of the now destroyed village as oscar gets up looking at his clothes tattered and dirty he tells tion sorry for ruining your handmade monk robe that he spend all night making again after he got it ruined in the first fight with omi tion from across the land say telling oscar to not worry about it just focus right now on going all out and enjoy the fighting with officer taro as oscar teleports in front of his enemy they fly to one another fist meeting in the middle blowing up from the two strong energy colliding with one another as oscar fire's force gun using his finger to fire projectiles at taro who coats himself with aura energy.

Charging closer and closer to the enemy punching him on the stomach spewing out blood and plant his foot on his chest crashing through the ground cracking it from the strong force he's giving off oscar then grab hold of taro leg bitting it hard causing him to jump out the way with oscar taking this chance to plant his palm on taro chest saying full power force palm attack sending him up in the air with a line crack appearing in his stomach leaving taro even more worry for his safety but he can't stop fighting for his boss fotone and officer tilor who told him to bring in the gold and help them win this war for their temple goal's oscar runs to meet taro in the middle both clashing with one another throwing and swinging there arm and feet along with there attacks blowing up more of the village home's and buildings like nothing the trio say thank god they have enough space to give the villagers enough space to live and relax here without any worries or fear of them getting attacked back with the main fight oscar land's a kick on taro chest that sends him back as he stops he goes rage mode punching oscar hard on the stomach that causes him.

Have his eye's wide from shock and pain unable to move for a bit taro grab his leg smashing him all over the ground without stop until he slams him for the the last with him using force bite attack on the same hand leaving him with a bite mark on his hand as taro throws away oscar who uses his hands to hold on tight to the ground he charges toward taro who swing his arm forward blasting the whole area he's in right now saying aura blast blowing up in front of them but thanks to oscar quick unusual idea he manages to move and dodge the attack head on to not get burnt to much using his own power to throw a force wall or force sphere to stop him from looking around making him the weakest by tricking his huge ego with wordplay saying now you can't see no more buddy landing a fast punch across his face that makes him bleed spotting red liquid come out his helmet making oscar say he's doing damaged but he don't why now though as he keep on punching him in the stomach and face he uses his energy for this last punch saying force rupture punch as the attack is about to connect taro uses his own aura to stop oscar.

With his aura wall that has trap him in place with no way to escape then he breaks his confinement mask saying not bad buddy but he saw that already beforehand coating his hands in aura energy landing a dual punch on his stomach that can be felt throughout his organs insides making him fall to his knee coughing up blood on the snow that turns soon red but oscar don't seem to wanna call it quits just yet he still has the energy to stand even after all the attack he just took head on saying to the young kid he is much more stronger than the adults he has faced in his long life before today they don't have the same burning fire in there eye's as he do that's why they alway lose or die to him because they have no faith in themselves or there power's they hone as oscar hear this he can't help but smile as he start to feel his blood boil again saying he has to trust himself whole with no hint of fear of regret inside his mentally as he get up cracking his knucles side to side he charges toward taro who is caught off guard by his sudden increased in speed and strength punching his face at fast speed that blows him back away passing through many.