
Omniverse Book 1

The story follows a young boy named david aztlan who was once a normal human but now has become an alien race called the aztlanians who is trying to enjoy his long life to the very fullest by going on many fun adventure's and quests alike with his growing crew called the worst prodigy but in order to have his stolen freedom given back too him he has start by stopping the evil organization called the injustice order lead by king jester humane who is the last ancient human on the planet earth who is on a mission to exterminate the aztlanian race for good from planet earth david and his crew member's having no other choice decide to fight back fighting fighter's, monster's, alien's, and even gods themselves for a better and brighter future full of freedom and no restriction placed on them whatsoever.

UnknownKind · Khoa huyễn
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912 Chs

Chapter 20

As he was surrounded by 6 vamps he had to find a way outta there so he beast hammer the floor below them falling into a river connected to the town they we're in he had a good advantage over them because the vamps we're trying to get out instead of finding him as he use his reflex he took out five vampires in an instant leaving the vampire killer behind as he was able to kill the vamp he smile telling him to catch up to him if he can dissapering out of thin air leaving him confused he was able to sense his smell and used his eye's to tell where he was going chasing him away from the small town leading him to a huge forest he followed him until he stop out of nowhere michael ask if he decided to turn himself in or does he want to die by his hand the vampire turns around to look michael directly in his eye telling him that he's gonna fight him head on for his nest honor both preparing for the other person to make the first move to attack but both warrior do nothing michael decides to charge first throwing a right punch toward the vampire but he somehow knew it was gonna happen but he just thought he got lucky throwing a kick at him but the vampire once again counter his attack.

Grabbing his leg and slamming him into the ground multiple time until michael threw a good kick across his face making him loosen his grip on his leg michael says that he knew fighting stupid wasn't gonna lead him nowhere so he decided to stay in a calm like state not giving the vamp what he wanted thinking before he acted as the vamp grew inpatient he charged first as michael has predicted allowing the vampire to get the idea he has no other choice but be in defence as he got closer to him michael pull back his right hand making a fist waiting for the right time to strike but then the vampire smiles at him saying he got him good dissapering instantly before his very eye's leaving him worry where he could've appear from but it was to late he been cut all over his body in a instant but before he can delivered the final blow while he was bleeding on the ground a older brother from the crew saved his life taking out the vamp with ease by cutting his head and stabbing also his heart to be sure making michael realize his struggle earlier look pathetic compared to him daniel and yuri both ask who was it that help him that day michael say he's gonna tell them who it is later.

When he has defeated him in 1V1 battle to show him that he isn't the same scare youngling that needed his help that night from the vamp long ago michael tell them he knows about the bet too cause he was the one who ask him that night for a full power battle when he was ready to fight him so michael say to his group that he has so much to learn if he hope's to be the best like his rival the group member look at him then burst out loud laughing patting him in the back saying he has the heart of a true warrior they can't wait to see him grow as they continued training michael eye's wonder to his savior/rival looking at finn who is also working hard in his training with his group but not before giving michael a understanding look saying he's not gonna slack off in his training to be the best michael slaps his face hard saying ouch at first but then calms down telling his group mates that he's ready to try advanced observation haki right now closing his eye's shut yango tell michael to released all his emotions to be in a calm like state in order to used the full ability of his haki as michael does this david watches this happen while training both yuri and daniel who have removed all there emotions.

Dodging attacks from his harden woodstick telling them both that if they get hit they have to start to over and over until they reach 100 dodge attempts without getting hit atleast once yuri and daniel loose focus getting hit on there head hard by david who tells them that they have to remove all unnecessary thoughts or they will get hit over and over all day today yango tell michael he has to be ready or he will regret it soon waving his stick cover in haki at his direction but to his own surprised michael dodges the first couple hits with ease yango says here he goes waving the stick around attempting to land a blow on him almost reaching 50 dodges yango goes a little serious when reaching over 50 he hides his presence from the area making michael actually nervous a bit scared to do anything that will make him start all over he stays calm for a bit attempting to guess where the next attack coming from as yango is about to strike michael dodges left thinking he's is right but to his realization he feels a hard wood on top of his head making his shout in pain saying now he has to start over again as david starts laughing he gets hit by yango also who's asking why isn't he blindfolded to.

He has to go the same pace as them or their group won't advanced like the rest of the other pointing at the other group who are practicing the third level of the two haki branches david sigh for a moment before putting on his own blindfold asking yango to train with while the other watch how he does it yango tell the other member's to put a close attention to david so they know what they have to for there test as yango walks in circle taunting david with his own presence scaring him but david just takes deep breaths using his advance observstion haki to sense the aura of his grandpa and predict the attack moves he about to do michael, daniel, yuri watch closely not missing out at all making sure they see there leader skills in haki as yango throws ten swings all at once confusing david but he does the opposite predicting the next coming attacks as the swing numbers start adding up to 100 little by little the three other member's sense the energy both of his spirit and physical being shock on how calm he can be in such like state without messing up both energy's are as one working with one another not showing imbalanced at all showing the true difference between there skills.

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