
Omniverse- starts with Naruto Universe

Larry_Page_0183 · Tranh châm biếm
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12 Chs

Chapter 4: The Curious Case of the Cosmic Catastrophe

Lerish, at seven years old, had already devoured countless books on astronomy. The vastness of space, the intricate dance of celestial bodies, the mysteries of black holes – these were the topics that truly ignited his passion for learning. However, confined to the structured curriculum of elementary school, his thirst for knowledge remained largely unsated.

He found solace in his home library, a haven of towering bookshelves overflowing with scientific journals, historical accounts, and philosophical treatises. Here, he could delve deeper, exploring complex concepts at his own pace, drawing from the vast reservoir of information within him thanks to the metallic sphere.

One evening, engrossed in a treatise on the formation of galaxies, Lerish stumbled upon a curious anomaly. The text described a specific sequence of events leading to the birth of a star cluster, a sequence that, based on his extensive knowledge, seemed statistically improbable. A wrinkle of concern furrowed his brow. This wasn't a minor discrepancy; it was a glaring inconsistency that challenged the very foundation of this theory.

Fueled by intellectual curiosity, Lerish spent the next few days exploring the anomaly from every conceivable angle. He consulted advanced physics and astrophysics textbooks, meticulously recreated the mathematical models, and even ventured online (with his parents' careful guidance) to access research papers published by leading astronomers.

The anomaly persisted. It gnawed at him like an unsolved puzzle. He could have easily brushed it aside, returned to the safety of well-established theories. Yet, something compelled him to delve deeper, to uncover the truth hidden within the data.

His internal library churned with possibilities. Perhaps the textbook itself contained a printing error, a typographical mistake that skewed the entire theory. Or maybe, there were groundbreaking discoveries, groundbreaking enough to rewrite the established notions of stellar formation, that hadn't yet filtered down to basic textbooks.

The desire to understand, to bridge this gap in his knowledge, became almost overwhelming. He wasn't concerned with grades or school projects. This was a personal quest, a journey into the unknown fueled by his insatiable hunger for truth.

Suddenly, a memory surfaced. During a recent visit, his distant cousin Sherlock Holmes, a renowned detective, had imparted a valuable lesson. "The greatest mystery," he'd said, his voice gruff but laced with wisdom, "is often the one we choose to ignore."

Lerish understood. This anomaly wasn't just a random anomaly; it was a mystery within the realm of astrophysics. Perhaps, he mused, this could be his first case as the Universal Consultant – not a case involving missing cookies or misplaced library books, but a case that challenged the very fabric of our understanding of the universe.

He glanced at the clock. It was late, past his usual bedtime. But the challenge beckoned, a siren song in the vast ocean of his intellect. With a determined glint in his eyes, Lerish pulled out a fresh notebook, ready to document every step of his investigation into the curious case of the cosmic catastrophe. The journey, he knew, had just begun.