
Omnitrix In Young Justice (YJ)

Transmigrated to DC World, more specifically Young Justice Universe with a Object in Wrist Similar to Omnitrix from Ben 10 Series. (The introduction is weak, I hope you can like the content)

Rex_Zatch · Tranh châm biếm
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15 Chs

Chapter 7 Bond, Kevin Bonds

Chapter 7 Bond, Kevin Bonds


[Filler Chapter][Filler Chapter] [Filler Chapter]

[Filler Chapter Part 1+2+3]

[Few Days After Joining the Team]


Kevin wearing his custom created combat/Hero suit, a sleek White-black ensemble adorned with the Omnitrix symbol, exuded an air of advanced technology. He was eager to prove himself to his new teammates.

Aqualad, the team's leader, addressed the group. "Team, today we have our new member joining us."

Robin, the acrobatic detective, nodded in approval. "Welcome to the team, Kevin."

Miss Martian, her emerald skin glowing softly, offered a warm smile. "We're like a family here. You'll fit right in."

Superboy, with his muscular build and confident demeanor, gave a nod of acknowledgment. "Just don't get in my way."

Kid Flash, the speedster with a perpetual smirk, leaned in closer to Kevin. "So, what's the deal with that Omnitrix thingy? Can you turn into a big, powerful alien?"

Kevin grinned, activating the Omnitrix to demonstrate. In a burst of green light, he transformed into a towering alien with four arms and a powerful physique. "Yep, I can become Four Arms."

Kid Flash's eyes widened with excitement. "That's so cool! Can you turn into more aliens?"

Kevin nodded. "I've got a whole arsenal of them. Heatblast, XLR8, Diamondhead, and more."

Superboy crossed his arms, intrigued. "Impressive. I could use someone with your firepower for training."

Aqualad, always the voice of reason, brought the discussion back to business. "Today's mission is to investigate a disturbance in Happy Harbor. Reports suggest an unknown meta causing chaos. Kevin, you'll be working/observing alongside Superboy, Miss Martian, and Robin."

Kevin nodded eagerly. "I'm ready. Let's do this."

The team arrived in Happy Harbor to find a scene of chaos. Buildings were damaged, and people were fleeing in panic. At the center of the chaos was a giant robot, wreaking havoc with powerful laser blasts.

Robin surveyed the situation. "We need to stop that robot. Kevin, can you transform into something that can take it on?"

Kevin activated the Omnitrix, transforming into a fiery figure with molten rock skin. "Heatblast, ready for action!"

With a burst of flames, Heatblast soared into the sky, drawing the robot's attention away from the fleeing civilians. Miss Martian used her telekinesis to fly up in the sky and create a telepathic link, allowing the team to communicate.

Heatblast unleashed a stream of intense fire, causing the robot to stagger backward. Superboy, with his Kryptonian strength, leaped into the fray, delivering a powerful punch that sent the robot toppling.

As the team worked together to dismantle the robot, Kevin noticed a young girl trapped in the rubble. Without hesitation, he turned the dial and transformed into Four Arms and used his immense strength to lift the debris, freeing the girl.

Robin, impressed by Kevin's quick thinking, commended him. "Nice work, Kevin. You're proving to be a valuable addition to the team."

The robot, now heavily damaged, emitted a distress signal that echoed through the airwaves. Miss Martian intercepted the signal, revealing its origin. "It was being controlled remotely from a nearby warehouse."

Superboy clenched his fists. "Let's find the person responsible and put an end to this."

In the dimly lit warehouse, the team confronted the villain behind the remote-controlled robot. He was a tech-savvy meta with an array of gadgets at his disposal.

The villain, his eyes wide with fear, attempted to activate a hidden escape mechanism. But before he could react, Kevin again dialed the watch and transformed into XLR8, a speedster alien, and zipped forward with lightning-fast reflexes, disarming the villain, and pinning him to the ground.

Robin's detective skills kicked in. "Who are you working for? Why did you attack Happy Harbor?"

The villain, struggling to catch his breath, confessed. "I was hired by an underground organization. They wanted to cause chaos and distract the heroes."

Superboy, his eyes narrowing, demanded answers. "Who's behind this? Tell us everything."

The villain hesitated, then spilled the beans about his employers and their sinister plans.

As the team apprehended the villain and called in the authorities, Kevin reverted to his human form, the Omnitrix symbol on his chest fading away.

Miss Martian gave him a reassuring smile. "Great job out there, Kevin."

Kid Flash, ever the joker, added, "Yeah, and you've got the coolest gadgets."

Superboy just nodded in agreement.

Kevin felt a sense of camaraderie he hadn't experienced before. "Thanks, guys. I'm honored to be a part of this team."

Back at the Mount Justice, the team debriefed on their mission's success. Aqualad commended everyone's efforts. "Today, we stopped a dangerous threat and protected innocent lives. That's what The Team is all about."

Robin, with a mischievous grin, turned to Kevin. "You passed your initiation with flying colors."

Kevin smiled, a sense of belonging settling in. "I'm proud to be a part of this team. And I promise, I'll always have your backs."

[Filler 2]

Robin, ever efficient, began the briefing. "Team, today we're dealing with a situation in Blüdhaven. There's a new villain in town causing chaos, and we need to put a stop to it."

Kevin listened intently, eager to contribute. He had trained extensively with the Omnitrix, mastering the abilities of several powerful aliens.

Aqualad, the team's leader, turned to Kevin. "Kevin, this is your beginning phase of hero mission with us. We rely on teamwork and trust each other. Stick close to us, and we'll get through this together."

Kevin nodded, appreciating the support. "Got it, Aqualad. I'm here to help in any way I can."

With the briefing concluded, the team geared up and headed for Blüdhaven. As they arrived at the scene, chaos reigned. Buildings were ablaze, and the supervillain responsible, a metahuman with fiery abilities, wreaked havoc.

Superboy clenched his fists. "We need to contain the fires and stop this guy before it gets worse."

Kid Flash, with his characteristic smirk, cracked his knuckles. "Time to cool him down."

Miss Martian, using her telepathic abilities, scanned the area. "I sense fear and anger. This guy is emotionally unstable."

Aqualad took command. "Team, we need to work together. Superboy, help with the fires. Kid Flash, cool down the supervillain. Miss Martian, try to calm him mentally. Kevin, stay close and be ready for anything."

The team sprang into action, their years of training and experience evident in their coordinated efforts. Superboy used his super-strength to create barriers, containing the spreading fires. Kid Flash raced toward the supervillain, generating gusts of wind to counteract the flames.

Miss Martian reached out with her telepathy, attempting to soothe the man's turbulent emotions. "It's going to be okay. We're here to help."

But the fiery metahuman, overwhelmed by anger and fear, resisted her efforts. He unleashed a wave of searing flames that forced the heroes to retreat.

Kevin, observing the chaos, decided it was time to make his move. He activated the Omnitrix, transforming into Heatblast, a fiery alien with control over flames.

With a burst of fiery energy, Heatblast soared into the air, creating a protective barrier against the supervillain's flames. The metahuman, momentarily stunned by the appearance of a new threat, faltered.

Heatblast's voice boomed with authority. "Enough! It's time to cool off."

Kid Flash seized the opportunity and generated a whirlwind of wind, engulfing the fiery metahuman. Superboy, with a powerful leap, tackled him to the ground. Heatblast absorbing the flames nearby, extinguishing the flames.

Miss Martian, using her telepathy, reached out once more, this time with a calming presence. "You're safe now. We're here to help you."

The metahuman's rage began to subside, and his flames flickered out. He looked around, disoriented but no longer a threat.

Heatblast reverted to his human form, Kevin, and approached the metahuman cautiously. "It's going to be okay. We'll get you the help you need."

As the situation in Blüdhaven was brought under control, the heroes regrouped. Aqualad clapped Kevin on the shoulder, a proud smile on his face. "Great job, Kevin. You handled yourself well out there."

Kevin grinned, feeling a sense of camaraderie he had been longing for. "Thanks, Aqualad. I'm honored to be part of this team."

The supervillain was taken into custody, and the heroes returned to Mount Justice. In the debriefing room, they discussed the mission's success and their effective teamwork.

Robin addressed Kevin. "Nicely done, Kevin."

The room erupted in cheers and applause as Kevin, overwhelmed with gratitude, realized that he had found not just a team but a friends.

As the days went by, Kevin bonded with his fellow heroes. He and Kid Flash quickly became fast friends, sharing jokes and pranks that kept the team's spirits high. Superboy and Aqualad welcomed him with open arms mostly the latter but when come to sparing the former welcomed him with open arms, offering guidance and support. Miss Martian, with her empathetic nature, helped him adjust.

Kevin's unique abilities with the Omnitrix added an asset to the team. His transformations into different aliens provided creative solutions to the most complex problems.

One evening, as the team gathered around the common area at Mount Justice, Kevin couldn't help but reflect on his journey. He had gone from being a solo hero to a member of one of the most respected young hero teams in the world.

Miss Martian, noticing his contemplative expression, sat down beside him. "You seem deep in thought, Kevin. Everything okay?"

Kevin nodded, a grateful smile on his face. "I was just thinking about how lucky I am to be here. You guys have become like the closest thing to family for me."

Miss Martian placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "We're glad to have you, Kevin. We're not just a team; we're friends who look out for each other."

As the night wore on, laughter and camaraderie filled the room. The heroes of Young Justice knew that they were stronger together, and with Kevin's unique abilities and unwavering spirit, they were more formidable than ever.

Kevin had found his place among the heroes, and together, they would continue to face whatever challenges the world threw their way, as a team and as friends.

[The Boys]

The sun was setting over Mount Justice, casting warm hues of orange and pink across the tranquil landscape. The team had gathered in the common area, winding down after a long day of training and missions. The atmosphere was relaxed, and laughter filled the air as the young heroes shared stories and camaraderie.

Amid it all, Kevin White, sat on a couch, quietly observing his teammates. He had been part of the team for a few weeks now, but the bond among the members was strong, and he like it here.

Robin noticed Kevin's thoughtful expression and decided it was time to make him feel more at ease. He gestured toward the group of male team members. "Hey, Kevin, come over here and join us. We're just sharing some embarrassing stories from our early hero days."

Kevin, grateful for the invitation, made his way over to the group. Superboy, Kid Flash, and Aqualad welcomed him with friendly nods and pats on the back.

Aqualad, with his calm and composed demeanor, spoke first. "We've all had our fair share of blunders and mishaps when we first started out. It's all part of the learning process."

Kid Flash chimed in with an impish grin. "Yeah, like the time I accidentally ran through a parade and ended up covered in confetti for a week!"

Superboy, who had been rather reserved around Kevin until now, chuckled at the memory. "Or when I mistook a vending machine for a supervillain and tried to punch it into submission."

Kevin couldn't help but laugh at their stories, feeling a sense of connection forming. "Wow, you guys really have been through a lot."

Robin shared a mischievous grin. "Oh, the stories we could tell. But don't worry, we'll save some for another time."

As the evening continued, Kevin found himself engaged in conversations with the male members of the team. Superboy opened about his experiences growing up as a clone, Kid Flash shared his love for pranks and good-natured mischief, and Aqualad talked about his responsibilities as the team's leader.

Kevin was particularly intrigued by Superboy's story and his struggle to find his identity. "I can't imagine how tough that must have been, Superboy. But it's clear you've become a strong and capable hero."

Superboy nodded, appreciating the sentiment. "Thanks, Kevin."

As the night wore on, the group's laughter and conversation continued to flow. Kevin felt a sense of belonging that he had been searching for since joining the team. These heroes were more than just colleagues; they were becoming his friends.

As they wrapped up their evening, Aqualad extended an invitation. "Tomorrow, we're planning a team training session at the beach. You should join us, Kevin."

Kevin's eyes lit up with excitement. "I'd love to, Aqualad. Thanks for including me."

"Come that is already given, We are team now and foremost, we are friends." said Kid Flash in his goofy smile.

The following day, the team gathered at a secluded beach. The waves crashed against the shore as they prepared for their training session. Aqualad like a leader, led the exercises, focusing on teamwork and coordination.

Superboy, his Kryptonian strength on full display, lifted heavy objects with ease. Kid Flash zipped around, creating whirlwinds that challenged the team's agility. Aqualad demonstrated his hydrokinesis by manipulating the water, creating obstacles and challenges for the others.

Kevin watched with fascination, eager to contribute. He decided to transform into one of his alien forms, Heatblast, a humanoid creature with the power to control fire.

Flames erupted from Kevin's hands as he manipulated the fire, creating intricate shapes and patterns in the air. The team watched in awe as he showcased his abilities.

Kid Flash's eyes widened with excitement. "That's seriously cool, Heatblast!"

Heatblast grinned, his fiery eyes glowing with enthusiasm. "Thanks, Kid Flash. It's one of my favorite forms."

The training session continued, with each member of the team contributing their unique abilities. They worked together seamlessly, their camaraderie growing stronger with each exercise.

As the day turned into evening, they gathered around a bonfire on the beach, sharing stories and laughter once more. The fire crackled and cast a warm glow on their faces.

Superboy, usually reserved, spoke up. "You know, Kevin, I've been pretty distant since you joined the team. I wasn't sure how to handle having another person with around."

Kevin nodded, understanding Superboy's perspective. "I get it, Superboy. It can be challenging to adjust to change."

Superboy continued, his voice tinged with vulnerability. "But I've realized that having you on the team is a strength. We can learn from each other, grow stronger together."

Kevin smiled warmly. "I feel the same way, Superboy. We're all here to support each other, no matter our abilities or backgrounds."

Their conversation was interrupted by Kid Flash, who playfully threw a marshmallow into the fire. "Enough with the heartfelt speeches, you two! Let's enjoy some s'mores."

Laughter filled the air as they roasted marshmallows and shared stories long into the night. It was a night of bonding and connection, one that solidified Kevin's place within the Team.


It was a crisp morning at Mount Justice, the sun casting a warm glow over the training grounds. The members of The Team were gathered, going through their routines and honing their skills. Robin was leading a combat simulation, Miss Martian was practicing her telekinesis, and Aqualad supervised a sparring match between Superboy and Kid Flash, Artemis shooting her arrows while doing obstacle courses.

As Kevin walked onto the training grounds, the team couldn't help but glance in his direction. He was a lean, confident young man with a pair of high-Omni gauntlets that hinted at his Omninological prowess.

Robin approached him with a welcoming smile. "Kevin, good to have you join us."

Kevin returned the smile, adjusting his gauntlets. "Thanks, Robin. I'm excited to be here."

As the morning went on, Kevin joined them in their training exercises. He showcased his impressive martial arts skills and his remarkable agility. Kid Flash couldn't help but be impressed as he watched Kevin perform a series of acrobatic flips.

"Nice moves, Omni!" Kid Flash said, offering a high-five.

Kevin grinned and returned the gesture. "Thanks, Kid Flash. You're not too shabby yourself."

After training, they gathered in the common area for a much-needed break. As they lounged on the couches, Robin initiated a conversation.

Kid Flash's eyes widened with excitement. "Dude, The Omnitrix that's awesome! Can we see some of those forms in action?"

Kevin nodded and activated the Omnitrix on his wrist. He began to transform, his body morphing and shifting until he stood before them as a towering, four-armed alien with rocky skin.

"Meet Four Arms," Kevin said with a grin. "He's strong, durable, and packs a mean punch."

Four Arms flexed his muscular arms, drawing impressed whistles from the team. Miss Martian's curiosity got the better of her as she used her telepathic abilities to communicate with Kevin.

"Can you feel the thoughts and emotions of these alien forms when you're transformed?" she asked.

Kevin nodded. "Yeah,"

Superboy chimed in, his interest piqued. "Have you encountered any particularly unique or challenging forms?"

Kevin transformed back into his human form, pondering the question. "Well, there's Heatblast, who can shoot fire from his hands. And then there's XLR8, who's incredibly fast. Each form has its strengths and weaknesses."

The team was fascinated by Kevin's abilities and eager to see more. As they chatted, Kid Flash suggested, "How about a little friendly competition? We'll see if we can outmaneuver one of your alien forms."

Kevin's eyes sparkled with enthusiasm. "Sure thing! Who's up for a race against XLR8?"

Kid Flash raised his hand immediately, his competitive spirit showing. "Oh, me, me. Pick me, I'm in!"


The race was on, and Kevin transformed into XLR8, a sleek alien with lightning-fast reflexes. Kid Flash and XLR8 dashed through the training grounds, the wind whipping past them. Kid Flash's natural speed was impressive, but XLR8's alien abilities allowed him to keep pace.

In the end, it was a close call, but Kid Flash managed to cross the finish line seconds ahead of XLR8. The team cheered, and Kid Flash couldn't hide his triumphant grin.

Kevin reverted to his human form, panting with exhilaration. "You're fast, Kid Flash! That was a great race."

Kid Flash grinned. "Thanks, Omni. You're pretty quick yourself."

As the day continued, Kevin bonded with the team, sharing stories and learning about their backgrounds. They all discovered common interests, from their love of heroics to their appreciation for Omninology.

The day came to an end, and the team gathered for dinner. They shared laughter, stories, and a newfound sense of unity. Kevin had seamlessly become a part of the The Team family.

As they sat around the table, Robin raised his glass in a toast. "To new friendships and a stronger team. Welcome to The Team, Kevin."

Kevin raised his glass with a grateful smile. "Cheers, Robin. I'm honored to be a part of this incredible team."

In the weeks that followed, Kevin continued to strengthen his friendships with his teammates. They trained together, faced challenges together, and supported each other through the ups and downs of her life.

As Kevin looked out at the team gathered around him, he couldn't help but feel grateful. He had found not only a team of heroes but a group of friends who accepted him.
