
Omnitrix In Young Justice (YJ)

Transmigrated to DC World, more specifically Young Justice Universe with a Object in Wrist Similar to Omnitrix from Ben 10 Series. (The introduction is weak, I hope you can like the content)

Rex_Zatch · Anime & Comics
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15 Chs

Chapter 6 The Call to Action

Chapter 6 The Call to Action


As they arrived at the designated location, anticipation filled the air. However, there was nothing there—no Tower of Fate, no signs of Kent Nelson. It was as if their destination had vanished into thin air.

Frustration simmered among the team as they scanned the area. Kid Flash ran in circles, searching for any hidden entrances, while Superboy and Miss Martian used their respective powers to sense energies. But the Tower remained elusive.

Kevin, ever the curious and determined hero, decided to investigate the surrounding area, Kevin transformed into Wildmutt via Omnitrix but again nothing. Although team were curious how Kevin in a Wildmutt form doesn't have an eye.

He wandered a bit farther from the team, his senses scanning for any clues. That's when he 'saw' it—a peculiar cat with fur that seemed to shimmer like moonlight.

The cat fixed its gaze on Kevin for a moment, its eyes filled with an odd intelligence, before hurrying away into the shadows. Later finding nothing kevin transformed back and return to the team.

Meanwhile, the rest of the team continued their search for the Tower of Fate. Artemis, always the sharp thinker, suggested a more scientific explanation for the Tower's disappearance.

"Perhaps it's a matter of cloaking technology or advanced illusions," she mused, her eyes scanning the empty space.

Wally West, known as Kid Flash, overheard Artemis's suggestion, initially impressed with Artemis's suggestion of a scientific explanation for the Tower's disappearance but pretends to believe in a mystical explanation for Megan.

"You know, maybe there's some ancient spell at play here, something only true believers of magic can see," he said with a theatrical tone.

Kaldur, the team's level-headed leader, stepped forward with a more pragmatic approach. "Regardless of the cause, we need to find a way to access the Tower. Kent Nelson's safety and the Helm of Fate's security are at stake."

Kaldur produced a small, ornate key and examined it closely. He deduced that gaining access to the Tower required an act of faith. With a decisive motion, he inserted the key into the air, where an invisible keyhole seemed to materialize. The Tower of Fate itself appeared around the key, its majestic spires rising from the ground.

The team exchanged glances of amazement and relief as the Tower became visible. But before they could celebrate their discovery, the door slammed shut, disappearing into thin air behind them.

Inside the Tower, the team found themselves in a mystical chamber, bathed in an otherworldly light. A spectral image of Kent Nelson materialized before them, his eyes filled with ancient wisdom.

"Why have you come?" the spectral image of Kent Nelson asked, his voice echoing with power.

Wally, still trying to impress Megan, decided to play along. "We are true believers of magic," he proclaimed with exaggerated conviction.

The moment his words left his lips, the ground beneath them gave way. The team plummeted toward a lava pit far below, their screams of surprise filling the chamber.

As they descended, Kevin's instincts kicked in. With a swift transformation, he transformed into Stingfly, his insectoid form equipped for aerial maneuvers. He swooped down and managed to catch Superboy just inches from the scorching lava.

Superboy dangled from Kevin's insectile grip, his boots dangerously close to the molten heat below. "Thanks, Omni. Although you Stink I mean literally, you just saved my favorite boots from melting, Thanks again."

The team found themselves teetering on the precipice of a fiery death, their screams echoing in the chamber as they plummeted toward a scorching lava pit. Fear gripped them until Megan Morse, the empathic Martian, finally broke the tense silence.

"We were sent here by Red Tornado," she shouted, her voice carrying through the chamber. "Our mission is to make sure Kent Nelson is okay!"

As the words left her lips, the molten pool below them vanished in an instant, replaced by solid ground. The relief that washed over the team was palpable.

Artemis, the archer and sharp-tongued member of the team, turned to Wally West, known as Kid Flash, with an accusing glare. "Nice going, Wally. Pretending to be a 'true believer' nearly got us all killed!"

Wally shifted uncomfortably, his bravado waning. "I can't believe in magic, Artemis. Everything can be explained by science."

Even as he spoke, Kaldur'ahm, the stoic leader of the team, opened a trapdoor beneath their feet. To their surprise, they found themselves not in a pit of lava, but in a snowy landscape.

Wally, ever the skeptic, crossed his arms and insisted, "This is just a pocket dimension. Science can explain it."

Megan couldn't help but be curious about Wally's adamant disbelief in magic. She turned to Kaldur and inquired, "Why is Wally so opposed to the idea of magic?"

Kaldur, who had once been a brief student at Atlantis's Conservatory of Sorcery, offered insight. "Wally uses his understanding of science to control what he cannot comprehend. To admit the existence of magic would be to relinquish the last vestiges of that control."


In the snow-covered landscape, the team discovered Kent's walking stick floating in the air. Artemis and Wally's while bickering they reached for it at the same time, and in a flash of magic, the staff flew off with both of them, disappearing into the unknown.

Megan and Kaldur watched Wally and Artemis vanish, concern etched across their faces. Superboy, always the quiet observer, joined them.

"We need to find a way to get them back," Superboy said, his voice filled with determination.

Megan nodded, her telepathic abilities already at work as she searched for any trace of their missing teammates. Together with Kevin, Kaldur and Superboy, they found a door in the air that led back into the main Tower.


Wally and Artemis reappeared on a platform across from Abra Kadabra and Klarion the Witch Boy, the very villains they had come to confront. The staff they had taken with them had apparently re-energized Kent Nelson, who now stood by their side.

The tension in the air was palpable, After re energized Kent used his magic to call and magical elevator to escape from the two formidable foes.

Kent Nelson introduced himself, his voice filled with gravitas.

"Abra Kadabra may be a charlatan, using science to simulate magic," Kent explained, "but Klarion is a Lord of Chaos, a being of tremendous magical power."

As the elevator come to the destination, they all found themselves standing next to a giant bell, one that seemed to hum with ancient power. All team gather there, Kevin, now with his enhanced suit as Omni, stood ready, his Omnitrix in recharge mode, Megan, Kaldur, and Superboy tumbled from thin air, reappearing next to their teammates, but the relief was short-lived. Abra Kadabra and Klarion was hot on their heels, their malevolent intentions clear.

Suddenly, Abra Kadabra unleashed a barrage of electrifying energy blasts, sending the heroes scrambling for cover. Kent Nelson, using his walking stick, rang the massive bell. It glowed with mystical energy, and in an instant, Kent, Wally, and Klarion disappeared, transported to the very top of the Tower of Fate.


Superboy clenched his fists, his Kryptonian strength simmering just beneath the surface. "That guy always manages to cook up trouble."

Kevin White, adjusting the high-tech gauntlets of his battle suit, nodded in agreement. "I've trained for situations like this. We'll handle it."

Aqualad's calm demeanor belied his determination. "Let's go, team. We need to put an end."

Abra Kadabra, clad in his signature attire, stood amidst a swirling vortex of shimmering lights and metallic orbs. His laughter echoed through the streets as he unleashed bursts of energy from his futuristic staff.

Superboy's eyes blazed with resolve. "This ends now."

The team advanced cautiously, Miss Martian's telepathic abilities allowing her to monitor Abra Kadabra's thoughts. She relayed his plan to the others. "He's using a combination of technology and misdirection to confuse and disorient us."

Kevin White activated the combat mode of his battle suit, enhancing his physical abilities to peak human levels. "No problem. I'll take on his gadgets."

Aqualad nodded. "Superboy and I will focus on taking him down. Miss Martian, be ready to use your telepathy to disrupt his concentration."

The battle commenced with Superboy and Aqualad charging towards Abra Kadabra. The magician, with a flourish of his staff, conjured a swirling vortex that sent debris hurtling toward them. Superboy used his strength to deflect the projectiles, while Aqualad manipulated water to create a protective barrier.

Kevin White, agile in his battle suit, leaped into the fray. His enhanced reflexes allowed him to dodge Abra Kadabra's energy blasts with ease. He unleashed a series of precise strikes with his gauntlets, aiming for the magician's devices. Sparks flew as metal clashed with technology.

Abra Kadabra sneered, conjuring a holographic illusion of a dozen copies of himself. The duplicates danced around the heroes, creating a dizzying display of chaos. Superboy and Aqualad struggled to discern the real Abra Kadabra from the illusions.

Miss Martian concentrated, her telepathic abilities piercing through the illusion. She located the real Abra Kadabra's thoughts and relayed his position to her teammates. "He's to your left, Super Ah-."


At the tower's peak, exposed to the vast expanse of the night sky, the Helmet of Fate waited, its presence radiating power. Klarion wasted no time and aimed a deadly spell at Kent Nelson.

With his last reserves of strength, Kent encased himself, Wally, and the Helmet of Fate in a protective magical bubble. The old sorcerer succumbed to his injuries, his life force slipping away.

In his final moments, Kent Nelson whispered to Wally, "Believe in magic." With that, he passed away in Wally's arms, leaving behind a legacy of mysticism and a profound message that would linger in the young speedster's mind.

Amidst the chaos in the mystical chamber at the top of the Tower of Fate, Klarion the Witch Boy continued to batter the protective bubble that surrounded Wally West, Kent Nelson, and the coveted Helmet of Fate. Their situation had become increasingly dire, with Kent's life slipping away.

Wally, desperation in his eyes, tried to resuscitate Kent, but his efforts proved futile. The old man had given everything to protect the Helm, and now it seemed he had given his life.


In the midst of the turmoil, a telepathic message reached Wally's mind. It was Megan, Miss Martian, communicating urgently with him. They were losing the fight against Abra Kadabra down below, and they needed Doctor Fate's help.

Wally's mind raced as he considered their options. This had to be another test, similar to the one with the key. It was a test of faith, a test of his belief in the mystical world that he had so staunchly denied.

As Klarion's relentless assault on the bubble continued, he issued a warning to Wally. "Put on the Helmet, and you risk being unable to ever take it off. You'll be bound to it for all eternity."

Wally hesitated, the weight of the decision bearing down on him. But he knew that they had no other choice. He couldn't let Kent's sacrifice be in vain.

In a decisive moment, Wally placed the Helmet of Fate on his head. In an instant, he found himself in a realm unlike any he had ever experienced—a calm, dark, and echoey place. It was the inside of the Helmet of Fate.

To his surprise, Kent Nelson was there with him. Kent's form appeared before him, and Wally realized that Kent's soul had been brought into the Helmet along with his own.


Wally's body remained in the real world, but it was no longer under his control. Instead, it was being manipulated by Nabu, the true Doctor Fate, and a Lord of Order. The power of the Helmet surged through Wally, its ancient magic flowing through him.

Together, Wally and Kent watched as Doctor Fate, now in Wally's body, confronted Klarion. The battle that unfolded was unlike anything Wally had ever seen.



Dr. Fate, the enigmatic sorcerer bound to the helmet of Nabu, stood tall and resolute. His indigo cloak billowed around him as he raised his golden-clad arms, summoning the arcane energies that flowed through him.

Klarion, the Witch Boy, floated above the ground with a malevolent grin. His cat familiar, Teekl, perched on his shoulder, eyes gleaming with mischief. "Time to play, Fate!"

Their confrontation had been inevitable, a clash of opposing forces—one a guardian of order, the other a harbinger of chaos.

Dr. Fate's voice echoed with ancient power. "Your games end here, Klarion. You've tampered with the natural order for far too long."

Klarion cackled, red energy crackling around him. "Oh, but that's what makes it fun, Fate! Chaos rules, remember?"

With a wave of his hand, Klarion unleashed a torrent of chaotic magic. Dr. Fate countered with a brilliant beam of order, the clash of energies sending shockwaves through the temple.

Their battle raged on, a spectacular display of mystic might. Reality itself seemed to warp and shift with each incantation and counter-spell.

Amidst the chaos, Dr. Fate's voice remained steady. "You underestimate the balance, Klarion. Order and chaos must coexist."

Klarion's eyes blazed with defiance. "I'll take chaos any day!"

Doctor Fate's mastery of the Helm's magic was evident as he countered Klarion's chaotic spells.

In the end, Doctor Fate emerged victorious, realizing that Teekl, Klarion's familiar, served as the witch boy's anchor on the Earthly plane, just as the Helmet was Nabu's anchor. With Teekl incapacitated, Klarion had no choice but to flee.


Back in the Tower of Fate, Doctor Fate in wally body wielded his newfound power, causing Abra Kadabra's clothes and technology to vanish into thin air. Superboy, now unburdened, delivered a powerful punch that rendered the sorcerer unconscious.


As the battle reached its conclusion, a dilemma remained. Nabu, possessing Wally's body, had no intention of relinquishing control. He did not want to be confined to the Helmet for eternity.

However, it was Kent Nelson's soul that provided the voice of reason and compassion. He argued that Wally would ensure the Helm was used for noble purposes and offered to remain inside the Helmet to keep Nabu company. He was willing to delay his reunion with his beloved Inza for the sake of safeguarding the balance of power.

Before Wally could fully comprehend the weight of his new responsibility, Kent imparted one last piece of advice, his voice tinged with warmth and humor. "Find your own little spitfire, one who won't let you get away with nothin-'."

But before Kent could finish his thought, Wally made a crucial decision. With resolve in his eyes, he removed the Helmet of Fate, returning control of his body to himself.


The Helmet rested in his hands, its power palpable. The mission to secure the Helm had been successful, but Kent Nelson died that day. Wally West, now in possession of the ancient artifact, had embarked on a new journey—one that would test his faith, challenge his beliefs, and lead him down an uncharted path of magic and mysticism.


In the quiet of the next day, the team gathered in their base, reflecting on their recent mission. Wally West, also known as Kid Flash, placed the Helmet of Fate on his shelf of souvenirs. It sat there among the relics of their adventures, a testament to the mystical world they had encountered.

Artemis, the sharp-witted archer of the team, came to check on Wally. As they talked, Wally couldn't help but address the elephant in the room.

"I still don't believe in magic," he admitted, despite all that he had seen and experienced. His skepticism remained unshaken.

Artemis couldn't help but roll her eyes playfully. "You're such a geek, Wally."

Wally's brow furrowed as he remembered Kent Nelson's final piece of advice—the notion of finding his own "spitfire." It tugged at his thoughts, a nagging reminder of something he had yet to truly understand.

But, ever the master of deflection, Wally immediately brushed aside his introspective moment. With a mischievous grin, he turned to Miss Martian, who was nearby, and attempted to change the subject.
