

A man with a chance to change it all. Alexios the successor of the one true God adventures as he travels through the OmniVerse. [Everything belongs to their respected owners]

WanderingWomanizer · Tranh châm biếm
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13 Chs


(Changed P.O.V.)


As I was slowly but surely increasing my total amount of magical energy through meditation. I felt some kind of blockage and the energy couldn't move forward. Worried of what this was I asked the System.

"System what is going on. Why does it feel like I'm blocked practicing the [Omni Magic]." Right after I asked the system I hear a response.

[That young master, is the barrier of the first universal mortal rank. You feel the block as once you go through this you will fundamentally change to adapt to this new power. You must understand the universal ranking is like no other, when you reach the rank of a apprentice of lvl 1 you will be recognized as a master of the magical arts here in this world. This rank will be given as the magic in this world is not developed fully as most of the magic is used in a primitive way here. To pass through the blockade you will need to gather and filter your magical energy to make more pure but in your case you need not worry as you gather the most pure energy possible within this world. So young master just needs to gather your energy and focus it in one point to breakthrough.] Hearing the systems response I realized just how truly amazing this technique truly was. Once I had my answer I went back to try to breakthrough.

As I sat down I slowly followed the technique and gather my energy. As the energy slowly gather the energy stopped moving forward I knew I reach the point of my breakthrough. I slowly gather the energy making a ball of pure condensed magical energy within my body. Once I felt that I gather enough energy I gather all my focus and got ready to breakthrough.

I breathe in deeply and *boom* I moved my energy. Once the energy was push to my blockade the energy met resistance. The resistance didn't last long cause as soon as my energy hit it broke through. Once the energy broke through I felt this electric feeling all over my body.

The feel was passing all over my body as it slowly gather and was pushing out. Worried it will be noticed I asked the system to hide my breakthrough. I saw a barrier put up around my skin like a membrane. Once the energy hit the membrane the energy slowed down and slowly returned.

Once this feeling passed I feel more energy in body then ever before. I slowly meditate again to see the effects of breaking through. I noticed my max capacity of energy just double from its previous amount. I let the energy freely flow through my body from the top to the bottom.

"System what's nexts." I asked the system as I have broken through in the universal apprentice rank 1.

[Well young master, you should practice your control to get better results cause power that isn't controlled is bad for you. Then you could start practicing mortal rank spells to get a better grasp of your current power] Once I heard the reply of my system I thanked it for the advice.

I slowly let my energy gather in a spherical shape in the palm of my hand. To get better control of my new power I slowly change the spherical shape to a cube. I used this way to gain better control of my magic as through changing the shape of my pure magical energy I was getting better in my control.

I kept on practicing my control till I could start building more complex things. While practicing I asked the system what was the best way to get better control. One of the ways it told me was to build things with my magical energy. After my practice session the most complex thing I could build with accuracy was the room I was in.

Feeling tired I guess this happens when you practice magic. I slowly stood up and glanced at Merlin still asleep.

"System, could you do a check if anyone noticed anything of my breakthrough." I asked the system worried that someone might have noticed my breakthrough.

[No, young master no one noticed your breakthrough. I have blocked it off completely so no one would noticed a thing] The system replied to me. Feeling happy that no one noticed a single thing I said my thank you to the system. I walk to the window to look out.

As I looked out the window I saw the beautiful moon outside in the sky. Admiring the moon, I felt tired I moved to the bed. Slowly not to make a ruckus I slowly laid down. Once I was laying down I closed my eyes and said good night to the system. Think about tomorrow.

[Goodnight Young Master]- feminine voice.