
Omniscience in Marvel

As GOD, the three Omnis, Omnipresence, Omnipotence and Omniscience were inherent Abilities ingrained into their Divine Existences. What would happen if one such being is reduced to a mere mortal while given access to only one of the Three Omnis. Follow Shun as he walks through the Earth and uncovers the secrets hidden by the One Above All. Read extra 10+ Chapters on my Patre@n patreon.com/JoshRichie2. buymeacoffee.com/JoshRichie

Josh_Richie · Tranh châm biếm
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Omniscience in Marvel 60

Title - The Race 2

Leucadius POV

Looking at the gods being all gung-ho about the race that was about to start, I couldn't help shaking my head at how human this all seemed. Divine Energy aside, Divinity was just a cooler name for superpower.

I understood that Divine Energy was a variation of Cosmic Energy generated in the body of Certain Divine beings who at one point in their existence had a human ancestry.

The Asgardians aside, all other Pantheon here were born of Gaea's Essence, something Humans were also born with, but while The Gods maintained their Divine essence, humans were just left as they were.

They had the potential to reach that level, but without the right stimulation, they would forever remain as they were - Just Humans.

Divinity, was something similar to Mutations as a certain Marvel Universe would term it, or Meta Ability as another world would. But to me, there were just a bunch of superpowers connected to a God's Divine Energy.

Take Divinity of Wisdom for Example. This Divinity is mostly found in Godkings, and their purpose is to help said Kings rightfully rule their pantheon. But even at that, one would look at Zeus as still ask; How foolish can that God get?

That would beg the question: Is that truly a Divinity of Wisdom?

Yes, it is. Wisdom helps in decision making, quick thinking and thought processing. However, not everyone sees the world through one lens.

Where one may see resourcefulness, another may see it as scheming.

That also applies to Time, Space, Life and Death Divinities. This doesn't make them Supremely Powerful, it just gives them a certain perk around that concept.

Take Time for example; Aspect had already analyzed that he is able to accelerate his body and mind to achieve a nigh instantaneous speed. He could also slow down an opponent's perception of time.

This was all possible if said opponent was weak though. If used against someone with a Wisdom Divinity, there was a 0 percent chance of him succeeding.

Space Divinity followed the same principle. The uses of Space related Divinity was varied and it all depends on the wielder to discover.

Life and Death too followed the same principle.

Life could heal a wound, aid in agriculture, cure all illness, but it can't give new life out of nothing. Death too brings an end to all things, but it can't bring True Death.

In terms of Elemental Divinity, it was simply a case of who had the quickest wits in a battle.

Should all the Wind Gods have a free for all, it'll be akin to a group of AirBenders fighting, but on a continental scale, nothing too grand considering that they're minor Gods.

However should someone like Zeus use his Divinity over the Sky wisely, he could bring an end to a Planet. Odin too.

That was how I was able to bring down a great flood on Earth so casually. I didn't have a Divinity over the Sky, but I had a good understanding of it. My Intelligence gives me perks that not even their Wisdom have been able to.

Anyways…where am I going with these?

The Race.

The obstacles aside, the winner of this race would be Gabriel, followed by Hermes, then probably Ikenga or Eshu then the Wind Gods. After them, then we'd have those Gods who are just fast, an example being Hermod from Asgard.

All Divinity of Asgard is connected to the Odin-force, and there was no way Odin would allow a minor god to use the Odin-force carelessly just to win a race.

Hermes was a Major God with Speed Divinity. Comparing him to the Minor Gods with the same divinity was akin to comparing an S-Rank hunter/Adventurer to an A-Rank one.

The Gap was just too much.

Gabriel on the other hand had a Cheat that makes me confident in her winning. She is a Holy Energy based life form in a physical body, and as Angels, they all had an affinity to light.

In summary, she was as fast as the speed of Light, and the only one capable of reaching or let's say matching that speed was Hermes. Makkari was only faster than sound and Ikenga, despite his Speed based divinity, was only an A-Ranker.

"Aspect, categorize these Gods according to the Adventurer ranks. I think it'll be more interesting that way." Leucadius, having a bright idea, mentally commanded.


"Just do it."

"... Understood. And where will you and the Godkings rank?"

"Probably EX-Rankers, far above SSS." Leucadius replied smugly.

"Not all Godkings are as strong as you, Zeus, Odin, Yu Huang, The Triumvirate and other notable Godkings." Aspect pointed out to which Leucadius nodded and replied.

"Then from our Energy reading and muscular structures, create a Rank for each of us. You should have already gathered enough data right?"

"That I have…Generating The God Ranking System."

Normal POV

While Leucadius was partitioning one section of his mind to converse with Aspect, he was also keeping a rapt attention on the race, and true to his prediction, as soon as the 'GO' signal was given, eleven of the forty-plus minor Gods left everyone behind.

They were Gabriel, Hermes, Thoth, Makkari, Ikenga, Eshu, Fujin, Vayu, Huracan, Illapa, Striborg.

And even amongst the eleven, the first three were still creating more gaps from the other nine.

Gabriel flapped her wings at intervals, and with each flap, her speed increased creating an illusion that she was never there to begin with.

Hermes, Major God of Speed, wasn't a slouch either. His body was already crafted so divinely to suit his divinity so with just a flex of his energy he was able to catch up with the angel.

Thoth wasn't actually a God of speed, but his divinity over the moon gave him a special ability to Traverse dimensions as though he was taking a walk in a park.

So with each step he took, he covered massive distances, one not even Eshu with his Teleportation could cover without breaking the rules.

And to top it off, while Eshu's Teleportation seemed to have a cool down period over half a second, his doesn't.

Following them, was Makkari who was channeling all her Cosmic energy through her body to keep her state at its maximum, however, despite her best efforts, she found she could catch up to the three ahead of her, and to make things worse, Ikenga seemed to be hot on her heels while looking as though he wasn't even trying.

As for the group of wind and lightning gods in the back, they collectively seemed to realize that trying to get first place was a fool's endeavor and just settled to besting their fellow Elemental gods.

As for the rest at the back… Well, they were still running. It was all for entertainment after all, so no one was judging.

The race continued as they ran through the many obstacles set up for them. Hermes was driven to win against this woman who was maneuvering through the obstacles so easily but time proved that it would be a futile endeavor.

So capitalizing on the rules of the game, he began trying to slow down the Angel by using the terrain to his advantage. He was an Olympian, so energy manipulation came easily to him.

With each step he took, he sent a wave of energy into the ground to alter the surroundings around them both. Wooden spikes, rock spikes, metal spikes, walls, water, even poison.

Whenever they passed an obstacle that had any of these elements, he made sure to manipulate them ahead of time to slow down the angel, and to his chagrin, they didn't.

At first, they did, but with time, it seemed as though Gabriel became able to predict where he'd conjure up and attack and dodge with minimum movement that did not impede on her speed.

As for Thoth who was just a step behind them, he seemingly just ran through the traps already set as though they weren't there in the first place.

'The Kamui…Huh.' Leucadius thought. 'So that's what Aspect meant by being able to Traverse dimensions as though walking in a park. Impressive.'

As Leucadius thought this, he cast a glance towards the approaching Gods with pity. The obstacle course was already dangerous enough for them, but Hermes just had to make it even more dangerous.

He could only hope that no one died as that would be both a shame to their pantheon and a stain to his reputation…Not.

Should they die they'd just be resuscitated before they could take their last breath. Leucadius wasn't leaving anything to chance here.

And so, the race continued with Gabriel leading and Hermes following just a step behind. It was categorized as a step even though Gabriel was flying and Hermes was running simply because should Gabriel decide to run, that's how it would look.

However, even Gabriel, being the ever friendly angel that she was, had a limit to how much nonsense she could take and with one vengeful look ay Hermes, she emitted a bright light from her Wings.

The light was so bright that it could serve as a sun if placed on Earth. That was how lethal the burst of light was, but considering that it wasn't a direct attack, she wasn't penalized.

That bit of light however was enough to slow down both Hermes and Thoth who were close to her by a few breaths giving her the allowance to disperse her wings and take to her feet.

Now, there was a common misconception that Wings made Angels as fast as they were, and in Gabriel's case, the fastest angel. However, that was far from the truth.

The Wings were akin to an extra pair of hands to the Angel. It could be used to attack, either by generating wind slices or just gusts of wind while also being used to defend by covering their bodies with it.

In terms of mobility, it helped in aerial maneuvers but that was all it was. It was a crutch. But as Angels created by Leucadius himself, each had aUnique Skill imbued in them.

Some would call it Divinity, but to Leucadius, it was a Super Ability given to them to facilitate their duties as his angels. And in Gabriel's case hers was Light.

Yes. Just Light.

It was a sub power of Apollo's and Amaterasu's Sun based Divinity, but unlike theirs, Gabriel's was centralized on Light alone. As long as an Iota of light existed under her perception, she was Omnipresent.

Don't get the wrong idea though. It wasn't an all Powerful skill considering that it consumes Energy, and when in that state, she lacked tangible attacking power.

So while her wings helped her increase her speed while tapping into her Light based ability, it impeded her movements since it was akin to controlling three things at the same time.

That was why, as soon as her feet touched the ground, she disappeared.

"WHAT!?" Zeus cried in shock as he stood from his Throne. "What the hell was that?!"

It wasn't only him, so many Gods were left in awe at Gabriel's ability to move at that speed. Apollo, Amaterasu and other Sun and Light Divine Gods too.

But before they could even begin to ask questions…

"AND WE HAVE A WINNER! OUR VERY OWN! ONE OF THE GREAT SEVEN! THE MESSENGER OF THE MOST HIGH! MOST BEAUTIFUL ANGEL IN HEAVEN! ARCHANGEL GABRIEL!" The Chibi Leucadius, as though already memorizing the script, screamed for the occupants of the entirety of Heaven Realm to hear.

And in reply to the declaration, a resounding ovation threatened peace of heaven as even the hall they were in trembled slightly.

That was a major fear considering that so many Gods, both major and minor were within it.

Even within the hall, the angels and chief Angels in attendance all joined in the jubilation as they clapped happily for Gabriel.

Less than two seconds later, Hermes made it to the finish line just 0.2 second earlier than Thoth who smiled and shook his head.

In Total, it took a total of 47 seconds for Gabriel to go round the Earth-like race track, 67 seconds for Makkari, 67.9 for Ikenga, 67.91 for Eshu, between 127-132 seconds for the wind gods and then…minutes for the rest.

"I guess we have a record then." Leucadius said as the leaderboard showed the time it took for the competitors to finish the race.

"That…you do. But not for long." Zeus said sullenly.

"Hahaha! That was interesting! How about we Godkings go at it?!" Shiva laughed wildly as his aura was let loose.

It was expected since the race was kind of interesting and blood raising. "I don't mind, but do you really want to go at it?" Leucadius agreed but asked.

"Of course! Why wouldn't I? I brought it up y'know."

"It's just…most of us here are very…and I mean very fast. Would your body allow you move at speeds faster than light?" Leucadius asked.

"What are you talking about? If I didn't know you personally, I would've thought you were insulting me." Shiva said with a frown.

"Now now. While Lord Shiva's offer is interesting, I doubt this realm would be able to withstand our bursts of speed." Yu Huang the Jade Emperor said while pointing at the crumbling dimension.

"That is true." Was all Odin said.

"Tsk. We'd just create another one. Come on. Let's go. I have an honor to retain." Zeus said and tore off his clothes leaving him with only his pants as he shot a beam of light at the dimension. "I don't think my energy alone would do."

"That is true." Yu Huang said and also shot a beam of energy. The other Major Gods followed suit too, and in time, the Dimension was both strengthened and enlarged to the size of Jupiter and even surpassing it.

While Jupiter boasted a diameter of 139,820 kilometers, this dimension neared 150,000 kilometers, 92,000+ miles.

"This should do it." Zeus said with a broad smile.

"It should." Yu Huang nodded.

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's get a move on!" Shiva said and jumped out of his throne and turned into a beam of light as he entered the dimension.

"I guess…as the host, I can't chicken out of this one, eh?" Leucadius said as he too turned up a beam of light.









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