
Omniscience in Marvel

As GOD, the three Omnis, Omnipresence, Omnipotence and Omniscience were inherent Abilities ingrained into their Divine Existences. What would happen if one such being is reduced to a mere mortal while given access to only one of the Three Omnis. Follow Shun as he walks through the Earth and uncovers the secrets hidden by the One Above All. Read extra 10+ Chapters on my Patre@n patreon.com/JoshRichie2. buymeacoffee.com/JoshRichie

Josh_Richie · Anime & Comics
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Omniscience in Marvel 59

Title - The Race 1

Leucadius stood before a projection of the current Earth and pointed to an area within the Asian continent and said. "I'll be taking this place."

The area he chose was so tiny and inconsequential that most of the God-kings looked at him suspiciously but he merely smiled and shifted the projection to Zeus.

Each god-king, representing their respective pantheons, eagerly awaited their turn to claim their chosen realm. 

Zeus smiled as the projection reached him, he didn't understand why someone who looked wise would choose that little portion of land but he wasn't complaining.

Scanning the projection swiftly, he immediately asserted their dominion over the soon to be Greece since Mount Olympus was already standing there. It was their tether to Earth so the area around the mountain should belong to him.

The Egyptian pantheon, with Horus at its helm, chose the fertile banks of the Nile as their domain, where the vegetation seemed to be blooming.

Odin carelessly looked over the projection when it reached him and carelessly laid claim to the icy domain of Scandinavia, with its rugged landscapes.

To Odin, other than Leucadius, no Godking seated alongside him was worthy of his attention in strength or Wisdom. As the Ruler of Asgard, the Ninth Realm of the World Tree, he was already, by extension, a ruler of Midgard which was Earth.

He felt that Leucadius was also thinking along the same line when he chose his own territory carelessly.

He and Leucadius had an unmitigated access to Earth whenever they wished, so what was the point in limiting themselves?

Narrator: (That was his thoughts on the matter. Leucadius didn't even think too much when he chose the area that will soon become Canaan or Israel in the far future.)

Moving on, he Celtic gods, led by Dagda, carved out their territory in the misty forests and rolling hills of the soon to be Ireland and Scotland..

In the East, the Triumvirate, with Brahma as their spokesman, presided over the vast subcontinent of India. When he saw the looks he was getting for choosing such a large area, he spoke solemnly. "We are three here, do you expect us three to rule one tiny area?"

The other Gods could only keep silent at that sound reasoning as the selection continued.

Meanwhile, the Aztec gods, under the watchful gaze of Quetzalcoatl, choose the soon to be Mesoamerica. Mesoamerica is the region that begins in the southern part of North America and extends to the Pacific coast of Central America. 

(A/N: Basically New Mexico, El Salvador and countries around it.)

Across the Pacific, the Polynesian gods, guided by Kãne, claimed dominion over the shimmering islands of the South Seas. Basically the little island areas that will become the Hawaiian area in the future.

In Africa, Anansi chose the entirety of West Africa, from the dense jungles of the soon to be Nigeria to the golden savannas of Ghana and beyond, but similar to Brahma he just shrugged and said.

"I have two siblings who are always at each other's throats? I can't possibly keep them confined in a tiny place can I?"

Leucadius observed all these with a smile. Not that he didn't like Anansi, but even his Domain would be under the influence of Ennead in due time.

After them, as each pantheon laid claim to their territory, the map came alive with the vibrant colors of divine influence, weaving a tapestry of cultures and beliefs that spanned the globe.

Leucadius nodded in approval as the division of territories was finalized, knowing that each pantheon had a sacred duty to guide and protect their chosen realm.

Of course this was all temporary. In due time, with Humans advancing, wars would be waged and the gods would be forced to help in any way they could.

That is when the power of True Divine influence would be witnessed.

"With that out of the way, How about a bit of entertainment?" Leucadius clapped his hands, bringing everyone's attention back to him. Seeing the atmosphere being too serious, he thought to lighten it up with something interesting.

"Oh? What do you have in mind?" Zeus followed up. Leucadius wasn't surprised by this though. When it came to entertainment, no pantheon was a match for the Olympians.

"Something interesting…" Leucadius said and looked at the Gods all seated below the podium. "A Race."

"A…Race?" Amaterasu asked hesitantly, confusion marring her face as she tried to understand how a race could be interesting, but Zeus had a totally different reaction.

"Oh! A Race! Splendid. Truly splendid. So? How are we going to go about it?" He asked, looking pumped but Leucadius quickly doused his fighting spirit by saying.

"We God-Kings won't be participating in the race." 

"What?!" Zeus' face immediately fell. "Why?"

"Simply because it won't be interesting that way." Odin said gruffly before turning to Leucadius. "How do you propose we go about this?"

Leucadius chuckled and replied. "We just have to appoint a God under us to represent us in the race. Of course there isn't a price for the winner, but receiving the acknowledgement of the council as the fastest God below the God-Kings is something to be proud of, No?"

"That sounds entertaining enough. Alright, I'm down. Hermes! Get out here!" Zeus quickly agreed before he called out to his son and messenger. 

"Father." Hermes elegantly walked out of the assembly and stood In Front of the Godkings. 

"Alright, you all do the same." Zeus said and crossed his hands across his chest smugly. To him, other than Himself, no one was faster than Hermes amongst the entirety of divine beings.

Hermes was someone who had a Divinity focused on speed alone. How could he possibly be slow?

"Hmm…then Hermod. You've been chosen." Odin said after giving it much thought. The Asgardians weren't a race that focused on speed per se, but even at that, Hermod was and remains the most agile Asgardian he knew.

Hermod, a slender, yet muscular tall man walked out and stood beside Hermes right In Front of Odin and gave a salute. "All-Father."

"Hmm, do your best."  

With these two taking precedence, the other Godkings also called out their own speed based Gods to represent them. 

Zuras turned his gaze to Makkari who was also coincidentally looking at him expectantly. With a small smile, he nodded at her causing her to smile brightly and rush out to stand beside the two.

Hermes nodded at her in acknowledgement. He had, on numerous occasions, had a few run-ins with the Speedster Eternal and knew that she was fast. 

Not as fast as him, but fast nonetheless.

From the Ennead, Thoth volunteered due to Sekhmet and Bast refusing to back down from participating. Although he was a major God, the rule only stayed that Godkings couldn't participate.

From the Celtic Gods, Lugh volunteered. From his appearance, he didn't appear to be able at all, but when it came to divine beings, looks could be very deceiving. 

The Daevas called out Vayu, God of wind to represent them. He was capable of manipulating the winds to move at speeds that surpass what the naked eyes could perceive.

And seeing Vayu being called out, Fujin, the Shinto God of Winds volunteered without even being called up by Amaterasu. 

From the Xian, Nezha was chosen much to his chagrin. He was agile, yes, but he also knew his own limits. He could only sigh and try his best, 'cause despite The Jade Emperor's benevolent smile, he was thinking all but benevolence.

The Slavic Godking called out Striborg, also God of the Winds, skies and air due to this. The mesopotamian gods didn't have any God associated with winds so Ninurta could only volunteer himself.

He was a god of war and hunting and was both swift and powerful. He knew he could only try his best without holding too much hope for winning. 

The Aztec god Xolotl also volunteered himself for the race. He was an innate God associated with the star. No one understood what that meant but he was swift.

From the Mayan Gods, Huracan, God of wind, storm and fire was chosen. He was capable of moving with the speed of the storm so conversely, he was of a higher divinity level than the normal gods of wind.

Illapa, the Incan weather God, capable of controlling lightning and thunder, charged out before his King could even call him out. His eyes were blazing with fighting intensity as he looked over his fellow speed related Gods.

From the Vodū, Anansi didn't know who to call out. There was Ikenga, God of time and speed and Eshu, God of space.

One could use his Divinity of Time to accelerate himself to unimaginable velocity, while the other could use his Divinity of Space to teleport. 

"Huh…quick question Leuca." Anansi said. "Is Teleportation a form of speed?"

"Of course. Teleportation is speed itself." Leucadius nodded immediately and looked at the other Godkings who shrugged showing their lack of apprehension at the skill.

"Good. Then Ikenga, sorry about this, Eshu, you're up." Anansi ordered and amidst the assembly of Gods, Ikenga snorted and turned to the God smiling smugly beside him.

"Teleportation isn't speed, brother."

"Heh. But the Godking says otherwise." He said and then disappeared only to appear with the other Gods called out to race. 


"I have a better idea. Why not allow the two to participate?" Brahma suddenly said. "They're both speed based Gods so there should be no harm in that right?"

"That would be cheating right? Two Gods from the same pantheon participating…" Ahura Mazda pointed out but neither of the other Gods minded.

"It's all for fun and glory. Let them both participate." Odin said and slammed his hand on his throne as though making an imperial decree. 

"I'm not in opposition." Leucadius said and turned to Zeus who also nodded. 

"Then Ikenga, you may participate as well. Take this as an opposite to show your brother who's faster." Anansi said to the sullen looking god.

And so, the gods continued to pour out in their droves just to participate in the race that would decide which pantheon had the fastest God. And soon, they were ready to begin. Only then did they notice something strange.

"God of Heaven, I don't see any of your people amongst the participants." Dagda pointed out with a strange look in his eyes. "Could it be that you're looking down on us?"

Leucadius turned to him and gave him a long look before shaking his head at the God's stupidity. Was he trying to make him look bad? How childish. 

"Far from that. As the host, it is customary to have my candidate appear last. Gabriel…if you would." 

As his words fell, a bright light immediately shone in the midst of the gathered candidates, and no later did the light appear, it disappeared. And with its disappearance, a pristinely beautiful woman stood with wings so bright that it threatened to blind those who looked at her with ill intentions.

"H-how.. can someone… be so beautiful?"

"Is that what you're focused on? Can't you see how busty she is?"

"Damn bro, your eyes are bleeding!"

"Tis but a small price to pay, brother. A small price."

Conversations like these were being held as everyone beheld Gabriel's immaculate figure.

"Father." She greeted, and as the words left her mouth, it created an indescribable illusion to those who heard it causing another wave of murmur to rise.

"I hate to trouble you but you'll have to give this race your best alright?" Leucadius said with a fatherly smile.

Gabriel smiled back and nodded. "Of course. We can't have them looking down on us too much. I'll be sure to bring back the first place."

"As expected of my daughter. You understand me all too well." 

"Far from that father. The magnanimity of your Wisdom and divine knowledge remains hidden from us." She said humbly.

"Don't say that little Gabi, you'll make me blush."

"But it's the Truth, father is the epitome of…"

Like that, Gabriel and Leucadius went on praising and receiving praises from each other leaving the Gods to look at them with varying expressions. 

How could someone be so…shameless as to receive this level of praise without even blushing one bit?

But still, they couldn't help but envy their relationship. A few Gods looked at the Fathers sitted on the Thrones alongside Leucadius and wondered if their fathers could be this nice to them.

Conversely, a few Godkings glanced at their children and wondered if their children could shower them with such sincere praises every once in a while. 

"For fucks sake! Haven't you two had enough?! I almost want to puke at that disco of affection!" Anansi cried out while standing and pointing at the two simultaneously. "Can we just get this race started? Please?"

"You got it." Leucadius nodded apologetically. 'Aspect, if you would.' 

As his Mental command was given, The Space around them suddenly fractured, separating them from a pitch black void that suddenly erupted in what most of the Gods understood to be a big bang.

With the minor explosion, a brand new world was immediately created. It was roughly the size of earth with oceans, lands, volcanoes, Savannahs and many more properties of the Earth.

The only difference was what looked like a track field that went round the planet and through the various landscapes that would scare any human out of their wits. 

While everyone was observing in awe, Leucadius snapped his finger, sending the candidates to the starting line of the huge track field. 

"Welcome to the First Ever God Racing Festival!" A transparent figure that looked like a chibi Leucadius appeared and began talking like the MC of the event.

He introduced the rules of the competition as well as things to take note of while running. 

Apparently, while flying was allowed, flying over a height of 20 feet waa against the rules and those found faulty would be sent back to their last checkpoint.

Running outside of the given track would also elicit the same punishment. 

Attacking your fellow competitor would also elicit the same punishment. 

Using the terrain to your advantage however, was strongly advised. Infact, using your terrain wisely to attack was also advocated.

A competition it may be, but as Gods, beings wise and resourceful was a trait that wasn't unwelcomed. 

"Alrighty! You may use your divinity as you please, but know that your Energy won't be recovered till the very end of the race! Now!" The Chibi Leucadius raised his right hand up and Materialized a gun which he shot while shouting. "GO!


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