
Modern Age

As I continue my journey through time and reincarnation, I learn more about myself and my abilities. I have gotten better with choosing where I'm reborn, once I wanted to be reborn as close as to the jungle village as i could get and i ended up being born in the jungle village.

I live many different lives as the millenniums go by. Through the ages I have mastered the control of the flow of wind, water and fire. I've learned to control the temperature inside my body granting me heat and cold resistance.

My body's are now more durable and live longer. 

The oldest I've lived to is 300 years old. I've explored most of the world and have met people that can be reborn similar to me, all of the ones that I've met except for Bathurst can only remember their previous lives as they grow up. 

I met a Bathurst in Egypt along with other people who can reincarnate. They seem to be banding together to form their own secret organisation, they tried to get me to join them, there was around 30 of them gathered but they told me there was at least 300 more somewhere in the world that they know about. I declined their offer but told them i would come and visit them. 

They asked me why i didn't want to join their band and i told them their too young and should try to just learn from the lives they get given before they try to start a group together. I left them with that, I visited some of them a couple time here and there. Nora and Abel interested me as they where a couple that kept of finding there way back to each other. And Bathurst made an interesting conversation, tho he mostly talked about death and pain.

My jungle village has become a small jungle kingdom. As I've been coming back to the village as a new person and sometimes having children, I've been adding new blood to this secret civilisation and knowledge from all over the world over the millenniums.

I've created an organisation in this kingdom dedicated to protecting this this kingdom from outside threats. I tought them the best of fighting skills and knowledge from different times and places. The people that can reincarnate have have split into two different groups, the Believers, including Nora, who wants to make the world better, and the Nihilists, including Bathurst the leader, who wants to end the world so that he can stop being reborn. I had a feeling something like this was gonna happen. 

I talk to Bathurst over the years here and again and eventually we become friends, he tells me about his problems with when he's reborn and in the womb how his brain just eats itself and that it's driving him crazy. 

I tell him that his brain has nothing to do but eat itself and he gives it something to do. I start teaching Bathurst how to lucid dream as I mastered the skill ages ago when I was bored in womb. After each time Bathurst dies and gets reincarnated he visits me at my jungle village, I only told him about my village in the promise that he won't ever attack it.

I train Bathurst in the art of lucid dreaming and after a couple lives he masters it and now dreams when he's in the womb after being reincarnated and that has solved his brain problem.

It's now in the modern age and I am reborn once more, this time in a quiet town on the outskirts of a bustling city. At 17, I leave home and make my way to the Amazon Jungle. Stepping out of the Bolivia airport, I approach a car parked outside.

"Sorry, kid, this car is privately owned. You'll have to find another ride," the driver tells me.

I share a secret message with the driver, and he nods, starting the car and driving us down a road through the dense jungle. Eventually, we reach a dead end where the ground suddenly opens up, revealing a hidden tunnel. Following the path underground, I am led to a secret city nested beneath the jungle. 

Leaving the car behind, I approach a sleek, high-tech building. Upon entering, I catch the receptionist's hopeful gaze. I confidently make my way to her, introducing myself and informing her of my intention to convene a meeting in the conference room for a debriefing. With a nod of approval, she swipes me through the security gate and directs me on my way.

Stepping into the debriefing room, I observe a flurry of activity as people hurriedly make their way in. Taking my place at the podium, I initiate the meeting, eager to hear their updates from the past 17 years. They share news of Bathurst's thriving organization, known as the Dreamers, still dedicated to exploring the depths of the mind and learning more about infinites. The Believers continue their mission to improve the world, with reports of success. They assure me that our city is prospering. 

The meeting concludes and i make my way to my home, where i lay in my bed one last time before moving onto a different dream.