
Village Secured

I find myself reborn once again, after growing up as a teenager I leave my home and make my way back to my jungle village.

I arrive at the village, feeling a sense of familiarity wash over me. As I approach, I see that it has grown significantly since my last visit. The once small cluster of huts is now a bustling community with larger, more elaborate dwellings. Children run around, laughing and playing, while adults go about their daily tasks.

I make my way to the village leader who is a lot older now but I still remember my child's face even after 15 years.

As I approach him, I bow my head in respect. 

"Greetings, my old friend, It's been a long time since we last saw each other." 

The leader looks at me, recognition dawning on his face. "your finally back!" he exclaims, rising from his seat. He embraces me, his rough hands gripping my shoulders tightly. 

"We've been waiting for you," he says, stepping back to look at me. "The village has grown since you left, thanks to your teachings. How have you been?"

"I've been well, my son," I reply. 

My son takes me to meet my other children. As I walk through the village, I look around, taking in the sights and sounds of the thriving community. I feel a sense of pride washing over me. My teachings have borne fruit, and the people here are living better lives because of it. 

My children greet me warmly, their faces filled with joy at my return. They lead me to a small clearing where I can sit and catch up.

As I sit down, I start sharing fascinating tales from my new life. I tell them about the family and siblings I was reincarnated into. In return, my children tell me about their current families and the events that have unfolded since my absence.

As I mature, I form bonds with my grandchildren and impart to them the same wisdom and knowledge I shared with my own children. I teach them various languages and skills acquired from my previous lives. Eventually, I gather with their parents, my own children, and reveal my secret. This time, it's easier as their parents assist me in convincing them.

As I continue to reside in the village, I assume the role of its leader following the passing of my son. I carefully select one of my exceptional grandchildren to be the successor after me. 

I tell the next to be leader of a secret message that if a person comes and tells the leader of this village then they will become the next leader after the current leader die and will be next in charge until the current leader die.

I grow up and become a elder of the village. I give the mantle of leadership to the next, one of my children's children. As I become the oldest living elder in the village again I walk around the village admiring the peace and harmony I've created. When I died and got reborn I periodically return to the village to assess the state of affairs and, if necessary, resume the role of leader to guide the community according to my vision.