
Omni-Dimensional Restaurant

Dragon nest. A local restaurant you'll find anywhere but once entering you'll be greeted by a surprised. Hayato Furinji: Hahahaha this udon is something else! Oogway: Try having this my friend. Uncle Iroh: Hahaha thank you. Naruto: Miu-nee-san, I want ramen. Miu: No, you've eaten too much ramen lately. It's bad for you. Izuku: Yeah, try having Katsudon. Asta: Or have some Chili Fries. Bang: Owner-san can I get a refill for my Hotpot? My name is Katsuro Kaiser and I am the owner of an Omni-dimensional Restaurant. Katsuro: Coming right up! Tohru! Bring this to Anakin and Padme. Tohru: Hai ========== I'm sorry, I just can't help it since the idea kept on nagging me. Feel free to read this casually.

ChesterCure · Tranh châm biếm
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5 Chs

Chapter 3 - Learning Nen

[ Katsuro Pov ]

The day keeps on becoming interesting. Netero arrived at Oogway talking to Hayato and Kensei Ma along with people of Ryozanpaku.

He was surprised to see the talking tortoise but immediately got along with sharing philosophy with them.

It's interesting to see them chat. Tohru took his order and gave it to me as I went to work.

Once I finished cooking, I went over and decided to ask Netero about something.

"Here is your order, Netero-san." I said and he stroked his beard.

"Hohoho~ thank you, young man. I've eaten a number of dishes in my life and yours have to be the best." He complimented my skills.

Even though my skill is at God level, I could feel I am not utilizing or its fullest potential.

"I am happy to hear that. Ah, right, I hope it isn't rude but I want to ask something."

Hopefully I could try to learn and utilize Nen.

"Ask away." Netero curious about what happened to ask.

"Is it possible to learn Nen for someone like me?" I asked since if I could also ask Tohru to teach magic then it would be nice.

"I am uncertain since you're not from my world." Netero said but he seemed to glint.

"But it wouldn't hurt to try since I can sense your aura which means it is possible to forcibly awaken it." He seemed inclined to my request and this made me happy.

"Great! Uhmmm….would it be alright if we begin on sunday that's typically the time I'm close." I said and seemed more than happy which is nice.

Still, why would I need to learn Nen? I don't have any grand goals or anything besides having a fulfilling life.

'An otaku will always be an otaku.'

Yeah, can't blame me when the opportunity before my eyes. Also, it's not bad to have something to help me defend myself.

Just as we were talking, someone entered through the door.

Taking a look at him, he was an elderly man and walked with a slight hunch in his back.

He had light blue eyes and tan skin, spiked white hair, thick white eyebrows, and a thick white mustache.

He wore a long-sleeved black martial arts jumpsuit, light-coloured pants, and Tai Chi slippers.

Hayato and the rest of the Martial Arts masters however paused and looked in his direction. The man too stopped and looked in their direction.

There was an unspeakable tension in the air.

I waited for a few seconds and decided to break the silence.

"Welcome to the Dragon nest Restaurant, Sir. What would you like to eat?" I greeted him.

It's freaking Bang! The creator and master of Water Rock smashing fist!

My words seemed to have done the trick as he looked in my direction giving me a nod.

"Please join us. The more the merrier." Hayato welcomed him.

"Yes! Come join us!" Netero added seeing that this person was like them.

"It seems more and more people are gathering." Oogway said.

The man was surprised to see master oogway as he walked to the table and joined them and took a look at the menu, ordering a hot pot for himself.

"Pardon me but…what are you?" He said, greeting Hayato-san who explained the power of the Restaurant.

When I got his order there, he questioned me too.

"Is it really true that the Restaurant can connect to different worlds?" He asked, amazed.

"Yes. Both me and Hayato-san are from different worlds. In fact, so are Master Oogway, Mikami and Suzuki." I answered since I stayed to talk with the martial master.

"So, what kind of world do you live in Mr. Bang?" Miu questioned, looking interested.

The man explained some things about his world.

A world of Heroes and Monsters.

It was a dangerous world and I was kinda glad that my world was normal at least.

I mean what's a few Yakuza when compared to real monsters who could destroy an entire city.

Thinking about it, unless I had some absurd luck or golden finger then Reincarnating into an dangerous anime world would be instant death.

"Wow, are you really a hero? Can I have an autograph?" Miu asked excitedly with a spark in her eyes. Even Shigure had a glint in her eyes.

"Hahahaha why not."

Although the start was a bit tense, he was a very kind old man.

He got along well with Hayato-san. They also shared a similar philosophy when it came to martial Arts and became friends fast.

I felt the wisdom coming from the old man with only lacking being Uncle Iroh. They seem best to ask for advice with their experience about life.

Once the day was over, Tohru and I went home where I glanced at her latching into my arms.

"Say, what did you ask that old man to teach you that Nen stuff? It sounds to me like magic and I can teach that, you know?"

Tohru seems envious that I went to ask someone in ways to get stronger than to ask her.

"Well, to be honest I'm not sure if you can teach me magic and might not be able to use dragon magic, you know? Cause I'm human."

Yes, her magic is mostly dragon related even without asking her. It's unlikely she learned any magic from humans and didn't know the first thing in teaching me.

"I…I guess you're right. I don't know anything about human magic and how to use it. Maybe it would be impossible to teach my dragon magic."

Tohru seems sad and disappointed that she can't help me. Honestly seeing her expression somehow makes me sad.

"Ah jeez, come on, Tohru, you don't have to be sad. From now on we are both going to share our burden and you're doing more than I could ask for."

I gave her some encouraging words and this made her return back to normal as we got back home.

Why did I say those words? It's only been a day since we met. Am I really considering accepting her as my lover?

It's not that I hate the idea but how it started and going felt bizarre to me. Maybe, given more time, I'll understand how I feel about Tohru more.


A week went by and things were looking great!

My costumer's were getting along with Suzuki, Satoru and another addition being Saitama.

It was shocking to see him with hair and clearly started his training. I wonder if I could help with his hair loss.

I have to say that having Tohru around felt like a blessing. She was quite clingy and enjoyed cuddling with me.

Though, the only thing I dislike is that she kept trying to make me eat her tail!

Aside from that, I enjoy her antics and seem quite protective at times.

Even though she didn't mind me having more girls doesn't mean he'll let me flirt with everyone. She has to approve of them first.

"What's in your mind darling?"

I am currently in the shop waiting for Netero to arrive. Tohru was sitting in my lap while I was simply reading a book and enjoying my coffee.

"Well, it's been quite lively ever since you came here even though it's only been a week."

I was honestly surprised how well she adapted and how my feeling for her is growing.

It's not yet Love but I'm certain that it is leaning in that path. Hopefully given more time we both understand each other.

I wonder if I could ask Hayato and the others about it. They might be able to clear my feelings about Tohru.

The only time I fell in love was with my ex in this life but we broke up. I don't know exactly why we did that but I still hold her dear in my heart.

Still it's difficult to know more about Tohru when she refuses to tell me what she likes beside me, I guess. Though, I can see she likes Miu and Shigure.

Along with the other customers except Kensei ma for his perversion. I did scold him that I'll ban him if he keeps doing that nonsense.

"Really!? Then I'll continue to brighten your day! Hey, hey, I always wondered if you ever had other girls before me and if you are interested in Shigure."

How observant. I do like Shigure. I find her antic similar to a cat who is both unpredictable yet simple minded. Not to mention she is an amazing fighter.

"Well, you shouldn't dwell too much about my feelings for other girls since I am focusing on you."

I honestly ain't planning on having more besides, I don't even know if Shigure understands romance.

Tohru seemed to enjoy what I said and blush while my lips curled up and wrapped my arms around her.

"I also won't look at any other man than you, Darling."

She kisses my cheek blowing into my ears making me feel rather excited. I could feel her ass on my lap. Dammit, this is going to be hard.

"Oh someone's excited~" Tohru gave a cheeky grin while I frowned.

"Hohoho~ you think you're the only one who can tease? Take this!" I began nibbling into her ears teasing Tohru who giggled and blush at my action.

"Mhmh~ Darling that tickles~!" Tohru said.

"That's what you get for teasing me~" I said, grinning only stopping when the bell at the entrance rang and we turned to see Netero.

"Oh I hope I wasn't interrupting anything."

Netero gave a teasing smile seeing the two of us acting intimate. I shook my head as Tohru pouted when she needed to get out of my lap.

"Don't pout, Tohru. We can do this again later." I said kissing her cheek and she seemed satisfied. Afterwards I walked over to Netero.

"Young love~ reminds me of my youth." He laughed and I chuckled.

"Good morning, Netero-san. Hope I didn't disturb your strict schedule." I said since he mentioned being the leader of the hunter association.

"Hahaha I should be thankful! I got the chance to escape that nasty paperwork." Netero jokingly said.

I guess even the strongest struggle against paperwork.

"That aside, are you ready to learn Nen? I am curious to see if a person from another world is able to acquire Nen."

Netero said and I gestured for him to follow as we headed into the rooftop where it had a large open space.

Tohru sat to the side while Netero began explaining the basic principle of Men with his teaching of Shingen-ryu school regarding the usage of Ten, Zetsu, Ren, and Hatsu.

I won't go into details since any weeb could simply google it.

"Normally, you would train to achieve control over your Aura and utilize Nen but I can forcibly awaken it. Fortunately, I am an expert or else you could die with this method. Are you willing to try?"

Netero testing my resolve. Frankly I don't know what I'll use this kind of power for but hey wouldn't hurt and my otaku blood wants me to.

Also getting stronger wouldn't hurt.

"I am. There's no point worrying without trying."

I was always told by my dad that I should do things without worrying since it just wastes energy and focuses more on the outcome.

"Hahahah alright then."

Netero said as he walked over and placed his hand into my back and waited for a few seconds only felt a sudden jolt as my body felt energized and Tohru seemed surprised watching us.

"Interesting! You seem a natural. Now let's try and see if you can learn the four principles of Shingen-ryu school."

Netero said and began my training where he showed me how to use those four and this is different from learning martial arts since I simply follow someone's movement.

Though, I was able to learn rather quickly and Netero seemed to praise that I was natural and adept at learning.

Gon and Killua took less than a whole day to be adept at it while I only took a few hours.

"You're quite the monster. Even a genius would take an entire day to learn and utilize Nen like you do." Netero praised my abilities and rubbed my head.

"I'm flattered coming from you."

I felt flattered and we decided to take a break to have lunch where I began to cook for Netero for free.

Hey, his teaching for free might as well.

"It's like magic but rather than directly affecting the world you focus on yourself."

Tohru said, sensing the aura around me.

The others already know about her being a dragon and they didn't react much since we have Master Oogway who enjoyed the tea that I gave to him.

I was still training to control my Aura and improve my master over Nen.

"Among the people I've taught, you're the first to advance enough to be called a practitioner of the four principles. It is still far from being a master and from Hayato-san's Martial artist ranking then you're at least a High class disciple in my teaching."

Netero said mostly trying not to get full of myself. Yeah, being arrogant is the first downfall of a person.

"Umu, my Darling is the best."

Tohru nodded in approval while I simply smiled. Netero seems to give another teasing smile. Reminds me of my grandfather, god rest his soul.

"Still, I am curious why you want to learn Nen." Netero asked since frankly I don't have any reason to have it besides my otaku impulses.

"Well, it wouldn't hurt to have it and getting strong is also a plus in case I have to defend myself." I said while Tohru immediately chimed in.

"What!? You can always rely on me! If anyone dares to hurt you then they're going to face me!"

Tohru released a deadly aura that Netero became tense. She was a dragon and massively more stronger than Netero.

"W-Well, it may sound ridiculous and I don't mean to offend you but it's about my pride as a man and my duties as a man toward you."

I said and I could already hear Twitter calling my Misogynist. Good lord, I just want my dignity as a man to be reliable and strong.

Hearing my words, Tohru seems to understand and blush as she smiles then kisses me on the cheek.

"Hehehe~ is that so? Well, that's really sweet, Darling."

I can see that she has been strong and independent for her whole life. It's a nice change to rely on someone and trust your heart to them.

"Hahaha that is good to hear! It is indeed the duty of a man to be strong and dependable!" Netero was pleased with my reasoning.

Once we finished eating and rested a bit continued our training but this time I was going to see what category my nen is.

Netero explained what I have to do and demonstrated the Water Divination to see if I had Enhancement, Transmutation, Conjuration, Manipulation, Emission and Specialist.

The volume of the water changes, then the user is an Enhancer.

While the taste of the water changes, then the user is a Transmuter and If the color of the water changes, then the user is an Emitter.

But If impurities appear in the water, then the user is a Conjurer and If the leaf moves on the water's surface, then the user is a Manipulator.

And finally If a completely different change appears, then the user is a Specialist.

"Now try pouring your Aura into it." Netero instructed me as I did what he told me and watched closely.

Shockingly, the water overflowed indicating that I was a Enhancer.

Oh damn I wanted to be a Specialist but that's fine I guess and it's not like I can't use other types, even if not as strong as those who utilize it.

"You're like me then! An enhancer but don't worry even if that is the case it's still possible to learn how to use other types besides Specialist."

Netero said, stroking his beard and I'm confident he saw through me even though we only know each other for a week.

As I recall Aura can also indicate a person's emotion and Netero is an adept Nen user.

"Thank you, Netero-san." I was grateful for what he had done and Netero nodded.

"Think nothing of it. How about we spar a bit? I can give you pointers on how to use your Nen ability and maybe give you adea on what to make."

Netero said and I was a bit reluctant knowing what kind of monster.

However, my pride and time as a carefree guy during my middle and highschool years still hasn't been lost.

I often fought a lot and I'm someone who enjoys a bit of fighting.

"Sure, we still have an hour or so to go." I said and he grinned at me as we began our short training.

I took a stance and flexed my aura like how you would tense a muscle was the same feeling when you enhance yourself.

My perception slowed down to a crawl and my other senses increased several folds!

It wasn't overwhelming, instead I was able to process everything without a problem. I took a deep breath and vanished from my spot and appeared in front of Netero.

I did a Brazilian kick performing a faint then slamming it into Netero's Blindspot.

Of course against someone who is over a hundred years and battles countless similarly skilled fighters means I am nothing more than an infant.

Netero easily stepped back and evaded my attack but I already anticipated him this far.

I easily spun and did a wheel kick to not waste my momentum but it still didn't work. I was far too slow and predictable for Netero.

Though, I know it's impossible to even hope of winning against someone like Netero doesn't mean I'll back down. I have pride to show, I am no pushover!

"Hohoho~ your eyes are clearly burning with desire to win! I wonder how far you'll go."

Netero said and my movement was starting to become more sharp and faster.

I use every ounce of my senses to see any Blindspot. He underestimates me and he hasn't used any of his hands and is simply dodging.

Netero gave his pointers and guided me in properly utilizing my Aura and improving my Nen.

An hour went by and I was exhausted. I simply laid on the floor panting heavily covered in sweat having beaten me without lifting a finger.

"That's enough for today. You've exceeded my expectations. Calling you a monster is an underestimate." Netero said while I tried to sit and Tohru came over to help.

"Thanks Tohru."

"Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, just exhausted."

I said while Tohru seemed to think for a moment.

"Do you want to lay on my lap? I heard men in this world love that?" Tohru said while Netero whistled teasing us.

"You two are making me feel out of place hahahaha."

I was surprised by her suggestion but I wholeheartedly accepted.

"That would be great." I said and she didn't even hesitate to let my head rest.

Damn it isn't my first time but it is nice getting the chance to have a lap pillow. I mean my first is through my mother and second is my ex.

"So what now, Netero-san?" I asked while on Tohru's lap without shame and took pride in it now.

"You've already got the basics down and it's up to you how far you'll go but if you need any advice just say the word." Netero said while I nodded and he bid us farewell.

"Netero-san, thanks again and come by. I'll keep you at a discount for teaching me."

I said showing my gratitude and he nodded before he left while Tohru and I remained at the roof looking at the sky that had begun to dim.

Tohru stroked my hair and her eyes locked with mine. We were both silent and I enjoyed her lap pillow.

"Hey, you still haven't answered my question earlier." Tohru broke the silence.

"Ah well, I do find Shigure attractive but can't say I would pursue it at the moment. Maybe if we interact more then we'll know."

I answered honestly and even though I like her in the manga doesn't mean I should act as if I know her. Unlike Tohru who I started to grow fond of.

"Then do you love me, Katsuro-san?"

Tohru called me by my name. Her gaze seemed serious and waiting for my honest answer. Perhaps she's impatient and thinks that others might steal me from her.

Her approval of harem does not immediately mean she likes it. This only means that open to the idea as long as she approves of the people.

Women are such complicated creatures. As a man, it is a mystery no one can solve which is ironic knowing men in psychology study them as if it helps us with anything.

"Honestly, I don't know. You're kind, caring, cheerful, likable, and more traits that I can't list. But it's only a week and I'm not sure if it's called Love."

I said seeing her frowned and disappointed but I immediately held her cheek getting her attention as she held my hand.

"However, I am certain that with time it will blossom into what you consider as Love."

Am I being corny? Yeah, I can see people cringing but this is what I know and shared with my ex.

She was an interesting woman who seemed to mask herself and had difficulty understanding what Love is. I did help and we explored until we broke up.

It was mutual and I still love her and holding her dear to my mind even if she became a famous idol.

The dragon maid smiled and Tohru leaned down before capturing my lips. It was a quick yet meaningful kiss.

Tohru blush and clearly happy while I smile and also enjoy the taste of her lips.

Ah, what a bliss to be alive.