

??? POV

I wake up to the feeling of cold water and a rubbing sensation and I manage to stop myself from transforming or making noise.

The person rubbing me, Primus that sounds wrong, Is in a clown suit and just from that I can tell this is Manny.

I don't know what to do about this. I don't like him washing me, I'm feeling like I'm getting assaulted.

I cry silently in my head waiting for the torture to end.

As Manny finishes his... cleaning, he heads back inside just as I see a VERY familiar Camaro pull up beside me.

I'm freaking out in my mind because this is THE Bumblebee! Luckily for me, I have no Decepticon or Autobot logo on me.

As I am freaking out about Bumblebee, Sam and his father, totally forgot his name, pulled in and started talking to Bobby.

Bobby being the owner and sly 'businessman' is laying out his... charm, trying to keep Sam interested and get him to buy one of the cars.

They come over our way and are checking out Bee, and the same thing happens that happens in the movie except I'm to the right, not a Beatle.

So when Bobby gets in me and starts talking me up. Bee fucking knocks me the fuck out and I actually end up on my side.

Bobby reassures Sam that I'm still good to buy and flips me back over. And once I'm back up, I try hitting Bee as hard as I can with my door which just knocks him a little.

I hear his radio go off. ::" ASS ~HOLE"::

I chuckle quietly which shakes me a little. I try copying Bee with the radio but put it on full blast not caring. ::" ALL THE SINGLE LADIES~ ALL THE SING-"::

I turn it off fast, not expecting to fuck it up that much.

After that Bee blew out all the windows of the other cars in the lot, allowing Sam to buy Bee and Sam's dad to buy me? Wasn't expecting that, apparently his wife would like me.

Sam drives off with Bee and his dad in his car, his dad comes back with his wife.

"Oh my god, Ron. It's hideous and filthy." His Wife says but Ron reassures her. "Don't worry. I'll get it done up, get a custom frame on it and round it out. You'll love it. Trust me."

She huffs but doesn't bother arguing." You are so cheap, I'm taking your car back." Just after she says that she hops in Ron's and drives off.

Leaving Ron to hop in me and take me to his.

When we get to the house I see Bumblebee in the driveway and I get parked right next to him.

Ron leaves us and gets to work on his garden with his wife, after a while, Sam comes down and drives off with Bee.

So I just spent my time watching Ron and his wife doing their garden up, it did look pretty nice.

After a while, I decided to take a nap, there was nothing for me to do and they'd hear me drive off if I did.

So sleep I did and surprisingly, Bee didn't try to wake me.

I slept all the way through to the next day. Ron woke me up to get Sam from the police station.

The ride back was just them bickering so I tuned out, we got back and Ron parked me up.

A little while later Bee showed up and scared Sam into running away on his mother's bike, I followed them to see if I could help, plus I wanted to introduce myself.

We followed Sam all the way to a multi-story car park where he ran into the deception police car.

He gets knocked on his ass by the cop's door before he gets back up and onto the hood. "Officer, Officer, thank god you are here. I've had the worst day ever, I've been followed here on my mother's bike right? And my car is right there and it's been following me here. So-so get out of the car."

The car drives forward scaring Sam and making him jump back, and keeps up with this scare tactic while Sam continues to to yell at him to stop.

He finally transforms and chases Sam as he runs away before swatting him like a fly onto a car.

He gets hun his face shouting while slamming the ground." Are you username Ladiesman217!?"

"W-what? I don't know what you're talking about?" Sam stuttered out.

"are you LADIESMAN217!?" He shouts again. I decided to intervene early.

I drive up to him and transform trying to act high and mighty. "Ah, a fellow Decepticon. I thought I was alone, on the mud ball alone." Hopefully, I can actually pull this off. I doubt it though.

The actual Decepticon turned around to face me, before looking down at me. And I see Sam run off. "What is your designation?"

I can't use a Human name and I didn't think about that before, so I came up with one on the spot." Rusty, my designation is Rusty."

He walks a little closer before drawing his blaster. "You do not carry our insignia nor are you tuned into our frequencies."

He goes to aim his weapon at me, but I transform and ram his legs, making him stumble as I drive in the direction Sam ran while I distracted the Decepticon. Doing so led me to Bee, Michaela and Sam, while also leading the Decepticon to them.

Bee transformed and turned in my direction he began to shoot the Decepticon chasing me. eventually, I was right next to Bee as he ran past me and tackled the Decepticon, brawling with him.

I transformed and began shooting the Decepticon from a distance, though I missed most of my shots and actually hit Bee twice.

Eventually, Bee got the upper hand and chased him off. ::" FIX~YOUR AIM~ BUCKO"::

We met back up with Sam and Michaela, while standing beside Bee I didn't realise how small I actually was. I'm about 10ft tall and Bee is 16ft.

Sam and Michaela were muttering about us but Sam did in time come to me and Bee." do you talk?"


"So you talk through the radio?" Sam questioned looking to confirm.

::"THANK YOU~ YOU TWO YOUR ~WONDERFUL":: Bee Said with an applause.

Sam then asked." what was that last night?"

"He was contacting his boss, we are aliens but we really should get going" I decided to answer for him so we could just go. Bee gave me a questioning look.

We transformed and Bee opened his doors for Sam and Michaela who promptly got in.

We began driving before Bee kicked them both out and drove off to scan a better model when he came they were amazed.

They looked at me to see if I would upgrade, so I scanned a passing car but nothing happened.

I decided to pretend that I actually wanted this." Fuck off, get in Bee. I like how I am."

They both ran to Bee and hopped in, just in case they piss off the big robot. so we drove off with Bee leading.

While driving I continued to scan cars to figure out what was going on and why I couldn't change my transformation.

I concluded that I just couldn't or that I needed a smaller vehicle.

We came to a stop to watch four meteors fall from the sky, Sam and Michaela got out and held hands watching them fall, before rushing back in and taking off.

We headed into a street where the Autobots showed up one by one and epically transformed around us.

Sam and Michaela got out of Bee and again it went exactly like the movie did, Optimus Prime explained why they were here and everything.

I chuckled when Optimus said eBay.

When they finished we drove to Sams's house and Sam ran inside distracting his parents while the Autobots and I transformed.

I stayed out of the garden but the rest went in destroying it.

Optimus turned to me and asked." who are you? And why are you assisting us?"

I decided to stick with the name I gave the deception. "My name is Rusty and I'm I guess Sams's Parents' guardian that's why I'm helping."

Optimus looked me up and down curiously before asking." Who's side are you on? Where were you during the war?"

I decided to make up some bullshit on the spot." I was a librarian, but I didn't choose a side I stayed neutral. I hid away in my Archive on Cybertron before I fled here to Earth."

Optimus put his hand on my shoulder before stating. " You may have stayed hidden during the war but that does not mean you were a coward. You stuck to your duties until Cybertron went dark and you showed courage while facing a Decepticon. My scout has informed me of your deeds."

Optimus stepped back before asking his final question. "May you continue to help us? We need all the firepower we can get."

I looked up at him for a bit before nodding. "I'll assist with what I can, I am only a librarian."

Optimus nodded and said. "That is all I ask my friend." Before turning to face the house.

Seconds later Sam told us to hide but all the Autobots did was transform, Sam started freaking out before I stepped in."Optimus, if I may be of assistance. I've been on Earth for a while and understand Earth customs. I can help keep you hidden while Sam and Michaela  look for the glasses."

Optimus transformed and looked at me for a second before nodding." we'll follow your lead."

I then began telling them to move onto the street and transform but that didn't go well because just like in the movie, Ratchet hit a power cable got shocked fell and knocked out the power.

I looked at him unimpressed before continuing to get them in place, after a minute they all were finally transformed and on the street parked up.

I walk to Optimus before saying." stay here, I'm smaller I can walk around easier and hide. I'll get you the glasses."

I lied about getting him the glasses, I need sector 7 to come. I went to the. Front of the house and parked up.

Good thing or more like a bad thing. Sector 7 showed up tearing apart the garden even more. the main guy walked up to the door and knocked before heading in.

One of the men came over to me with his Geiger counter...