

Rusty POV

As I woke up I checked the time and saw that it was 4 am.

I went to stand up but my head hit something, I looked around and turned on my lights.

I was in a small garage with concrete walls and a roof, the door was metal so I went over and bent my way out.

The area I was in looked like an apoplectic mess with flaming overturned cars, destroyed buildings and no one in sight.

I walked around and tried to figure out where I was before I was getting shot by a Cybertronian fighter.

I ran and took cover behind a building before transforming my arm into a gravity-gun and grabbing hold of a car.

I lobbed the car into the path of the aerial fighter, taking it out of the sky and into the ground below where it promptly exploded.

I ran through the streets and weaved through buildings avoiding being detected again.

They most likely know I'm here so they'll be on the lookout.

I made my way through the City which I figured out was Chicago, I saw a few humans in hiding on my way around the city.

The sun was slowly beginning to rise in the distance and from what I skimmed off the government data banks, The Autobots were dead.

I don't really believe that but for now, I'm on my own.

I decided that might as well try to save as many humans as possible so I went and checked out every noise disturbance I heard.

Most were just Decepticon patrols but some were humans in Distress.

I helped them the best I could to safe buildings and cover or even sent them out of the city but I couldn't save them all and pushed down my emotions.

Right now I was chasing a Cybertronian fighter that was chasing a group of humans. I managed to get on top of it and tear my way to the pilot.

I grabbed the pilot by the head and fired a round into it, killing him and bringing us crashing into the ground.

Surprisingly the fighter was still intact, I looked towards the group of humans and noticed Epps and his team, along with Sam.

I hoped of the fighter and headed over to them." What the hell are you guys doing here? You're going to get yourselves killed!"

Sam ran up to me and shouted. "You're alive!? I thought you got killed! The Autobots are dead, I watched their ship get blown to pieces."

Just as he said Autobots and wreckers drive in. And transformed as Bee announced.::" WE ARE BACK BABY~"::

Sam looked at them in confusion before saying." I saw your ship blow up?"

One of the wreckers Roadbuster then said." ship? We were never on the ship. We designed the damn thing."

Leadfoot one of the other wreckers then explained that they were hidden in the first booster rocket, waiting to separate and said it all went to plan and they ain't going nowhere.

Optimus began talking after they were done." They're surrounding the city to make a fortress, so that no one can see what they're up to inside. Our only chance is the element of surprise."

I then decided to interrupt." Optimus, I've been making a lot of noise. They know I'm in the city and are searching for me, I can make a distraction to draw their attention to me and away from other parts of the city."

Optimus then shook his head before stating. " I need you with us. If I allowed you to go through with that plan it would be suicide."

Sam then said he knew where to look so we decided to follow the kid once more and headed to the Fighter that I had taken down.

Bumblebee said he might be able to fly it so we let him and Sam go together.

Both Autobots and wreckers drove in a convoy through the city, after 20 minutes we found Bee, Sam and Carly.

The humans tried to get in contact with the military and succeeded and told them that the pillar needed to be shot down.

Me and the other bots went to scout ahead but we ran into Shockwave, who managed to run into Optimus and disconnect his trailer.

We took cover in the church before Optimus said he needed the trailer so me and the wreckers went out to face Shockwave and distracted him.

The wreckers stayed in their alt-form while I was just walking towards him, they opened fire on him and that didn't affect him in the slightest.

When they got his attention they drove off but I stayed.

Shockwave continued to walk towards me but was not shooting and neither was I." Do you remember me?"

Shockwave stopped a little ahead of me before replying in Cybertronian."I do, Librarian."

I smiled and asked." How did your research go?"

Shockwave thought for a second before replying." it was a success, as improbable as your advice was it turned out remarkably well. It has made the beast you see before you, sadly I have neither the time nor the resources to replicate the project."

I walked up and stood beside Shockwave observing the giant worm-like beast." I would have loved to archive it if I could. It's a shame that won't be possible anytime soon."

While I wasn't looking at Shockwave I could feel the way he looked at me and then towards the beast. " I am satisfied with my work, it would be ideal to immortalise it in history... I wish to visit your archive again, there is still so much for me to learn and it was a great contributor to my work."

I sigh before saying. " I'm sorry we are on opposite sides, my friend."

Shockwave began walking away while saying." Friendship is a distraction and comes with unneeded emotions... goodbye...friend."

And with that, Shockwave left around the corner, leaving me to mourn the past and dread the future as my oldest living friend most likely will either die by my hand or me by his on this day.

One shall stand and one shall fall as Optimus says.

I could feel coolant fall from my optics before I tried to push down those emotions and continue forward in the opposite direction of Shockwave.

As I made my way through the city once more I found both Sam and Carly running from Starscream.

I drew my swords and ran towards them but he used his jets to fly backwards away from me."YOU! I'LL KILL YOU YOU PEST!"

Be I didn't bother replying and put away my swords confusing Starscream before I walked foward and socked him right in the mouth.

He stumbled back into a building disoriented before I continued to punch the shit out of him and tore away at his armour, now feels like the right time to release my emotions.

"A-ugh sto- argh!"

I continued to tear him to bits using my rotator saw to cut off his arms.


I also cut off his legs and continued tearing with my hands before standing back.

What lay before me was just a pile of mangled parts with a torso and a head, if you could call it that.

I tore out his eyes along with his voice box, I also tore away at most of his torso. Leaving his spark chamber and all his insides for all to see.

He was still kinda wriggling and his spark still glowed so he was still alive.

I stood and watched him for a bit before I kneeled down and tore out his spark.

I remember when I first fought Starscream, he almost killed me. Now look at him, couldn't even get a hit on me.

Was I out of line torturing him like this? I'm sure he's done worse but does that justify me?

I let my emotions control me and look what that did.