
Ohh Sh*t, I'm in Marvel

You can support me on patreon.com/Adam001 ~~~~~~~ Jason, a simple teenage boy who was living his uneventful life peacefully but then one day his life took a turn for better (or maybe worse?) and he was reincarnated in marvel. But can a fanfic ever be completed without some twists, no right? well you're right. so sit down and join Jason on his journey as he is in for some big surprises. You guys can support me on patreon.com/Adam001 where you can find 12 extra chapters of this fic and chapters of a DxD fic ahead of schedule(25 chapters on 29-dec and 1 chapter is being updated daily)and there will be going to be many more things which are going to come. this is a Chinese translation I do not own anything, every thing belongs to their original owners.

Adam001 · Phim ảnh
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110 Chs

Chapter 7: Dead agents.

When Jason heard Coulson, he almost burst out laughing.

'My people? Do you really think I'm stupid. Let's see how you deal with this situation right now.'

Thinking like this, Jason controlled his expressions and said "Our people?If it is really my own person, it would be better to clean up this disobedient subordinate as soon as possible."

Jason's ruthlessness made the S.H.I.E.L.D trio both frightened and frustrated at the same time.

If Jason really wants to have his own way, they will have no choice but to watch their comrades die in the nuclear explosion.

Is this very hot-tempered young man in front of them really the same guy as in their investigation?

Dr. a167 looked at the screen bitterly and said "President, it's too late, SCP-307 has already started to eat."

Jason and others saw that the purple vines that were originally harmless to humans and animals on the screen began to grow wildly after detecting a warm-blooded animal approaching, and then continued to spread towards the armed agents team in the video.


"Ah!! What the hell is this?"


"No! These vines are alive."

"Incendiary bombs! Throw the incendiary bombs"

"The report is always..."

"help me!"

The messy voice from the intercom didn't last long and it gradually quieted down.


Everyone in the command room watched the tragedy on the screen silently.

The members of the foundation are relatively okay, they have long seen the horror of SCPs and their psychological endurance is even stronger than that of a top agent like Colson, there is not much emotional fluctuation in their hearts at all at this moment.

But the S.H.I.E.L.D trio are different. They saw with their own eyes that the leaves of SCP-307 easily cut through the body armor of agents and then the robust hand like vines emerged from the ground underneath dragging the armed agents down, the pores on the vines released neurotoxins which made the agents fall asleep.

After the armed agents fell asleep, SCP-307 finally showed his fangs. The vines of SCP-307 wrapped around the sleeping armed agents, digging in their body armour, and digesting the flesh of agents in a quick motion.

This process did not even take more than 10 minutes.

The S.H.I.E.L.D trio could only watch helplessly as their comrades in arms were killed and eaten by the monstrosity in front of them.

The most disgusting thing wasn't how it killed them, but how it ate them. It drilled through their bodies and yellow pus was overflowing the agents. The three of them may not forget this scene their whole life.

"Did you see it! Just when you stopped me, SCP-307 absorbed enough nutrients again. Its rhizomes have spread out of the canyon, and SCP-307 is now completely out of control!"

Jason looked at the S.H.I.E.L.D trio with deep eyes.

Phil Coulson, who was the leader, opened his mouth and finally sighed helplessly.

Phil Coulson, who has dealt with many supernatural events, has never seen such terrifying plants.

"What the hell is this thing code-named SCP-307? It can actually eat people?"

Phil Coulson asked bitterly.

Things have developed to this point, and now he can only try his best to inquire about the information about SCP-307.

As for the plan to capture Jason?

Phil Coulson had long run out of ideas.

"SCP-307 - Spider Ivy!"

"And you're wrong, SCP-307 does not feed on humans, but all warm-blooded animals."

Dr. a167 explained with a sneer next to Coulson.

He had long disliked these three new members of the Foundation.

Not only they questioned the President but they also made them delay their plan because of which SCP-307 is now out of their hands.

'Such people should commit suicide in order to apologize.' Dr. a167 thought viciously in his heart.

"President, what should I do now?" Dr. a167 asked.

"Continue to release nuclear warheads, first inhibit the growth of SCP-307." Jason ordered.


2 minutes later. The nuclear warhead was successfully launched and a small mushroom cloud slowly rose not far away from the base.

Watching the nuclear explosion so close, the S.H.I.E.L.D trio were extremely shocked.

This is a nuclear bomb!

Humanity's highest weapon!

Dr. a167 asked proudly: "How is it? It's shocking, right? This is our foundation, we control anomalies, we contain anomalies, we protect anomalies, and finally... we explode anomalies!"

Phil Coulson nodded blankly.

Natasha Romanoff, who responded quickly, keenly caught the clues revealed in Dr. a167's words, so she took the opportunity to ask: "Has our foundation been always in charge of SCPs?"

"Of course" Dr. a167, who did not know their origin, nodded proudly and didn't care that the Foundation's intelligence was leaked.

"SCP-307, you should know by hearing the name. Before 307, we handled a lot of other SCPs."

Hearing the number 307, the S.H.I.E.L.D trio were shocked.

The number 307 means that the Foundation has secretly dealt with 307 anomalous events.

The most frightening thing is that the S.H.I.E.L.D doesn't even know that there is such an organization in the world, let alone that there are so many supernatural events in this world.

Phil Coulson, realizing that he had accidentally caught a big fish, silently pressed the button hidden on his belt.

That's the emergency signal button.

As an experienced agent, Phil Coulson knows that the best thing he should do now is to catch big fish with a long line, instead of rushing to catch it and losing it in a hurry.

He wants to find out everything about the Foundation, a powerful organization hidden in the dark!


I await your power stone, 

And guys, check out my other two fics.