
OH! I'm in marvel

∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆ ∆ENGLISH IS NOT MY FIRST LANGUAGE. ∆I DON'T OWN MARVEL OR ANY OF ITS CHARACTERS. The story of an transmigrated person who have some faint memories about MCU movies and a system as he explore this new world

Adith_Gopan · Phim ảnh
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9 Chs

Chapter 8

Tony noticed it and he replied immediately "You don't have to worry know one else knows about you"

"No, you are wrong the other guys would soon follow "

"What other guys"

"You will know soon"

"So tell me what do you want, don't tell me you came for the food"

"Yes and no

As you can see boy your restaurant have some good reviews and for other part I'm curious about your powers "

"some accidentally experiment like captain or some.."

"It's pure physical power and cap wasn't an accident and call me Adam"

Adam interrupted tony said seriously as he wasn't liking how Tony kept calling him boy.

Hearing this answer tony had an expression that said(Do you think I a fool)

"No offense I did some investigation even though you're Origins are suspicious until recently you have been a complete different person

I mean literally even your appearance changed "

"puberty "

Adams word caused Tony to stop talking and glance at Adam with a raised eyebrows.

"Seriously that's the best excuse you can come up with"

Just then The dishes came one by one Tony was about to continue but smelling the food he Started with hamburger but after a single bite he stopped as in a daze.

Then he started to consume everything in the table with an expression of enjoyment by the end he wanted to order more but he just doesn't have any space to eat.

"You know Adam I agree with the reviews it phenomenal here I wonder why I didn't visit you earlier "

Tony spoke while glancing at Adam.

"How about this let me talk to the chef" Tony said with a cunning smile and Adam immediately knew what tony was thinking.

"Don't bother" Adam immediately rejected this proposal seriously as Adam didn't want tony to know the truth about these dishes.

As curious as tony is he would surely look into the source of the ingredients.

"Okay fine"

"So let's get into business I don't like owing anything to anyone so,"

Tony asked as Adam seriously.

"I want you to be my friend" Adam word were neither fast or slow.

Hearing Adams words Tony was surprised and he immediately asked.

" Are you serious now, you know you could pratical ask me anything right That doesn't go against my principles that is"

" Yes I do know that"

"Ha.ha..ha man I like you, i don't know why even though this request seems simple I feel like i fallen into a deep trap"Tony had smile as he spoke.

Adam also smiled cunningly even though he doesn't need anything from Tony who knows may someday he would need Tony's help.

"You can call me tony from now on"


After that Tony and Adam spoke for some time familiarise themselves,before he left after giving Adam his personal number and address.

He got into his suit and flew away following his departure the restaurant became more famous and busy as Stark himself posted a review of excellent.

Which attracted the attention of many rich and powerful people who later came to try and became loyal customers of the restaurant.

Tony also sent happy daily to buy burgers for himself and also bought pepper sometimes.

Time passed faster as Adams days became busy, Adam bought a new apartment in queens and what suprised him was his neighbour.

It was Peter Parker and his aunt.

Just as his day passed by he soon found that during his training his senses picked up people follow and monitoring him.

He knew immediately that the one eye guy had found him and Adam soon expected a visit by Coulson.

That day he came back to his new apartment like usual the light were off and his senses picked up the presence of someone else.

Adam didn't over react or act he walked calmly to the light switch as he spoke.

"You know Fury you don't have to be so mysterious "

The lights were switched own and Adam saw a gun pointed at point blank distance away from his head.

"How do you know about me and who are you ?"

Adam didn't feel threatened as bullets could at most cause some scratches on his body.

But he felt something was wrong as he was feeling like the person who infront of him wasn't a human.

Adam walked to some of the corners taking out miniature sized devices as he put them all on th table and sat down.

"Have a seat"

"So who are you ?"

Adam asked plainly.

The person didn't reply but was on alert.


Adam had holded the person neck as he lifted him up and frightening killing intended that took visible form condensed.

The person who had Fury's physical form shivered as the person changed into a green figure.

Adam glanced at this creature and for some reason he felt like he seen them somewhere.

"I won't ask again who..are..you ?"

"I'm skrull I was send by Nick fury on his behalf"

The alien spoke with pain and fear.

The name immediately brought back memories and some information he saw in some YouTube videos.

Adam remember some more details but he just couldn't remember but one thing he knew that these skrull do work for Fury.

"Go back and tell fury to meet me in person and I don't want any of you around me and if I find you i will hunt you down till the last one" Adam spoke coldly as he always felt that the skrull had some problems but he just couldn't remember the details.

The skrull turn back to fury and rush out holding all the bugs with the single hesitation.

It didn't take much time Fury came in person this time and he came directly to him.

After fury came in he disconnected the devices and glanced at the not suprised calm Adam.

"I was expecting you earlier" Adam spoke calmly.

" Adam lock"

"Oh a name I forgotten myself, it seem you work hard as even tony stark couldn't find it"

"Yes it did take sometime but what puzzles me is that you could have contacted others after the accident
