


sunansakti7 · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Chapter 17 : Riots

"Explain now officer!!! Why when in La Priarki the portions we get are different!!"Asked a beta tester loudly while pulling the clothes of

one of the officers

The beta testers simultaneously made a boisterous voice while holding their hands up in a fist.

"Yes!!! Unfair" replied dozens of beta testers

"favoritism!!!"Said dozens of other people

"It's a bug!!!"said others

In Fernand's heart

There's a commotion in the cafeteria?! I'd better hide first

Suddenly Fernand leaned against the wall of the hallway before reaching the cafeteria.He wanted to see the situation first.Fernand peeked and listened from a distance

"J-don't ask me!!! It's none of our business!!" the officer replied.

Several other officers ran over and held the hand of one of the insolent beta testers.

The other beta testers did the same to the other officers as the young man did because they were furious.

"Let go! We're just asking for your explanation!" said the man who pulled the officer's shirt.

"Quickly call the Instructor, Chief Officer or whoever it is!!! We demand repetition!!!"Said the other beta tester who followed in the footsteps of the young man who started first.

"This is the Dark System, you idiot!!!! We demand justice!!!" replied another beta tester who did the same to the officer.

"Don't be insolent!!!" replied the officer who was pulled over.

"We're just here to do our duty!!!" said another young officer who was pulled over.

*Fernand Inside

What a riot! This can't continue!!!

Among the other beta testers, there were also those who pounded on the cafeteria tables of dozens of people so that their boisterous voices could be heard by the employees there to quickly come to the cafeteria to explain.

There were also those who pushed the staff's shoulders and scattered leftovers and broke their plates.

The officers who were not physically touched by the beta testers could not help their colleagues and only focused on the beta testers who were pounding on the tables and destroying property. The remaining two officers ran to the hallway where Fernand was hiding to report to the instructors and managers upstairs, and the remaining one went downstairs to call for reinforcements.

"I'll take you guys!!! Call the boss upstairs!" said the most elderly officer.

"Hey you!!! Go downstairs and call for reinforcements! Hurry up!" he continued

"Yes sir!" answered the three in unison.

"Brak....Brak.....BRuakkkk..... (The sound of dozens of tables being kicked)

*Prang....Prang....Prang...(The sound of broken cutlery)

"You guys handle that over there quickly!!!"Said one of the officers who had escaped from the tug of the beta tester's shirt that pulled the first time.

"Don't mind us, calm down over there!!!"Said the other one who was pulled by the beta tester.

The beta tester who provoked the first was released and targeted other officers

"We ask for a replay!!! This is a gap!!!"The provocateur beta tester said to the other officer.

"Hey provocateur!! Don't take the law into your own hands" said Joko to the instigator of the riot then ran towards him

"Don't interfere!" replied the provocateur.

"Stupid event!!!" said another beta tester who kicked the table.

"Repeat! Repeat! Repeat!!!"Said another beta tester who didn't vandalize the property.

"Incompetent!!! incompetent!!! incompetent!!!"Exclaimed the beta tester who did neither but shouted loudly

"Hurry up, find the boss!" replied the officer who ran into the hallway.

"Yes, senior!" said the other officer who followed.

*Fernand's heart

There's an officer! I have to duck!

Fernand, who saw the officers coming towards him, immediately turned around and crouched down to avoid being recognized by them.

The dozens of officers there were overwhelmed by the demonstration there. 3 people were pulled by their shirts, 10 other officers calmed those behind and could not help their colleagues who were pulled.

Meanwhile, 9 people who were in line with Fernand helped the other officers.

"Hey, all of you! We've sent our line representative to the instructor" Budian said while holding back one of the beta testers who pulled the officer's shirt.

"You're making it up!!!" replied the beta tester who was intercepted by Budian.

"Calm down!!! Don't be anarchist!!!"Sentanu replied while separating one of the beta testers who pulled the other officer's shirt

"Don't be a tough guy, huh!!!" replied the beta tester who was separated by Sentanu.

While Rifanno was just cowering in the corner of the canteen while muttering

"You guys!!! Stop it...!"

While the women in Fernand's row called out to those who were destroying property and pounding on the tables

"Stop!!!" Astrid and Juni answered loudly.

"Stop...!!Don't be anarchistic...!!!!"Angry Lopez yelled out

"Enough!!! enough!!!.....!!" Anisa shouted.

"Shut up! Shut up!!!"Nippona exclaimed

"Don't be a smart ass!!!" said one of the 10 officers.

"Don't think we can't do the same to you!!!" said one of the other three officers.

While the rest were silent, the beta testers who were rioting with the table and damaging the property did not do anything.

"Let go!!!"Said one of the women who kicked the table

"Don't hold my hand! Let go!" replied the man who broke the pring and tray.

While the employees who took care of the catering only saw from behind the kitchen door crowded. while those on the 2nd floor came out of their rooms and some immediately took part in defusing the demonstration there. Approximately 15 employees jumped in while the rest, the majority of whom were women, ran downstairs. But instead of improving, the situation got worse because of the intervention of the male-dominated employees because they fought among men in the canteen.

"Beat them...!!!"Said one of the employees who saw the beta testers who took arbitrary action.

"Don't randomize our office" said one of the other employees.

Budian, Sentanu, and Joko were battered a little bit to face 3 beta testers who made physical contact with the officers. While the other 15 employees did not help them but targeted the male beta tester who destroyed property and kicked the table. 3 officers who were assisted by Fernand's colleagues could not do much even though 2 against 1 because the bodies of the three beta testers included provocateurs extraordinarily burly plus they were even assisted by 4 other beta testers who previously kicked the table towards 3 officers and 3 Fernand colleagues. adding to the situation even worse and one-sided.

*Bugh bagh bugh..... (Suarra fisticuffs between beta testers vs Employees & Officers)

In the middle of the incident, Fernand received a chat notification from someone.

*Ting ting ting (Cell phone notification sound)

Fernand, who was cowering, jerked up and felt his pants pocket vibrate because of the notification. He then took his cellphone.

*Fernand's heart

Who the hell is messing around in the middle of the day!!!

When looking at the cellphone screen, Fernand found that the one who sent the message was Monolith.

*Message content

Monolith#QAI# : Fernand! To the toilet for a moment!! You're still resting right!!!

Monolith#QAI# : There is something important here

Fernand: Hold on! I'll go to the restroom first!

Fernand then rushed to the public toilet on the 4th floor.

But while he was running, he was intercepted by an employee who had just come out of the elevator. He was blocked by the employee's large body, which made them both collide and fall down.

"Stop!!!" the employee said loudly.

*Fernand's heart

Too close you can't brake!!!

*Bruak (Sound of collision)

"Ouch!!!" moaned the big and tall employee.

*In Fernand's Heart


"Ahk!!!" Fernand screamed as his head hit the employee's chest.

The employee who was still lying on the floor was also prejudiced against Fernand

"You want to run away!!! Want to call a friend?? Coward!!!" The employee said

"Aaa..... No, sir, I'm going to the toilet for a while!" Fernand said.

Suddenly the employee stood up to Fernand and then grabbed his shoulder and said....

"Don't lie to me!!! The cafeteria is a mess because of you beta testers "The employee snapped and showed an angry look and frowned.

Fernand, who was still lying down, dragged his body back slightly in reaction to his fear.

"I-this is for real, sir! I need to pee," Fernand said in panic.

Hearing that answer did not make the employee flinch and instead squeezed Fernand's shoulder with his big hand.

"You think I'm stupid ha!!!"The employee said

"Eugh!!! If you don't believe me, please follow me!!!"Fernand replied slowly.

"Heh!!! You want to convince me, don't you? A boy like you is too naive!!!"The employee replied intimidatingly while sticking his head to Fernand and advancing it, making the smaller Fernand's head retreat a few centimeters. Plus his eyes bulged adding to the intimidating impression.

*In Fernand's heart

It's bad!!! I can't fight back!

The employee then released his grip on Fernand's shoulder and wanted to lift Fernand's slender body onto his left shoulder.

"Huh!!! I'll carry you to the boss!!!" The employee sighed and moved his right hand to Fernand's waist while the other hand went between Fernand's legs intending to lift him up.

Fernand was writhing in panic and said....

"Let go! Let go!!!" Fernand said loudly.

The employee was still trying to lift Fernand, but because Fernand gave resistance by wriggling and hitting the person's hands and shoulders and kicking his thighs made it difficult for the person.

"Shut up!! Don't let me play a hand!!" snapped the big man.

"Yikes!" Fernand reacted as he raised his arms up and stretched his legs.

*Fernand thought to himself

Thinking Fernand!! I need a way to subvert this rhino!!!

"You unlucky boy!!!"The employee said

"I won't fight anymore! Just take me to your boss!" said Fernand assuring his helplessness.

Having difficulty with the position just now to carry Fernand.The man let go of his hand.Intending to change the position.

"The position is wrong!!!"muttered the man.

"Keep your hands up!!! Don't fight!!!" said the employee.

Fernand nodded his head.

The big man who was still squatting also changed his method by using his left shoulder alone closer to Fernand's stomach to make it easier for him to lift without thinking that there was a big gap there.

"Tell you what!" muttered the employee who was blocking Fernand.

*In Fernand's heart

His upper back is exposed!!! It's time

When the person's upper shoulder was almost in contact with Fernand's stomach and his head was almost completely in between Fernand's inner arm and left ribs.The purple-haired teenager also took the opportunity by tightly clasping the person's neck while lifting his body and then elbowing the person's upper back several times with his right hand.Because of that, the man stood down with a scream of pain.

"Hakh...!!! Kahk...!!!"The big man groaned

*In Fernand's heart

I must make him faint!!!

Thanks to the half-standing position of Fernand's opponent, the big man also fought back by hugging Fernand's thighs.Then lifted Fernand's light body slightly and then slammed Fernand.The slam made Fernand's body fall with the position of his tailbone landing first, making the pain spread throughout the body.

"Aaaaaakh!!!"Fernand screamed as he fell to the floor.

"You're dead!" said the big man.

Because of this, making Fernand limp, his hand released the crush on the employee's neck.

"Aw....! Hekh! Eugh!" Fernand moaned in pain while holding his tailbone and writhing in pain.

*Fernand's heart

It hurts like an electric shock from the ass to the crown of the head!!!

~To be Continued~