


sunansakti7 · Fantasy
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10 Chs

Chapter 18 : Waste a lot of time

The big man was still holding Fernand's body even though the one in his arms was squirming.While Fernand was in this unfortunate situation, suddenly from the elevator...

Ting...Sekh... .... (The bell rang and the elevator doors opened)

Fernand and the big bald man looked at the elevator because of the sound.

In Fernand's heart

Thank God!

"Damn!!!"Reaction of the man who slammed Fernand.

Apparently there was one person who came out of the elevator, the man had blue hair and wore the same nametag as Fernand. The man was shocked to see what was in front of him....

"Woy!!! Why are you fighting!!!" snapped the man.

"To-Help!!!"Fernand called for help.

The man who just got out of the elevator immediately rushed to pull the body of the man who was acting violently in the ribs and left hand, but because he was also small like Fernand, it made it very difficult even the man who was still flanking Fernand was not budging.

"Let him go, bear!" said the blue-haired man.

"Aaahh...!!! Go!!!"The employee replied while elbowing the man who was trying to break it up.

The man who was almost the same age as Fernand was knocked back and hit the closed elevator door because he was elbowed in the chest.

Buak....(Sound of Impact)

"Eugh...!!!" moaned the man who was hit.

Because he was busy for a while fending off the blue-haired woman's interference, the big man who slammed Fernand was distracted looking back and removing one right hand from the embrace.

"You're dead!" said the bald, thick-lipped man as he looked back.

This also made Fernand get an opening and spontaneously took the opportunity to do....

In Fernand's Heart


Fernand did the unexpected, he lifted his head close to the man's ear and unceremoniously bit him hard.

"Aw!" The burly man screamed in pain.

The employee spontaneously removed his other hand and then switched to grabbing Fernand's purple hair while his other hand twisted Fernand's right hand.Because the employee jerked in surprise he also shook his head but tore his ear even more

"Aaaaawwww!!!"The man screamed even louder.

"Akh!!!"Fernand screamed in pain.

In Fernand's heart

His other ear!! If I hit him hard he should have fainted!!!

Fernand retaliated with his other hand, slapping the man's ear very hard with all the energy he had left.

Plaaaakkkk... (Fernand's hard slap)

However, this did not produce the expected results, fortunately....

Bugh....Bugh....Bugh....!!! (Three elbows to the bald man's upper back)

The blue-haired man ran up to them and elbowed the arrogant man hard in the back.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!"The blue-haired man shouted as he elbowed the bald man in the back.

In Fernand's Heart

Steady bro!!!

Because indeed the bald man's upper back was already bruised by Fernand's elbow earlier plus the blue hair man did the same thing and in the same place.Finally the man was knocked down.

"Huak...!!!"Groaned the bald man.

The bald man who was arbitrarily fell on Fernand, his eyes began to close, his grip on Fernand also fell off, indicating that he had passed out.

Duk.....(The sound of the man falling onto Fernand's body)

"Eugh!" Fernand's soft cry was crushed by the big man's body.

"Huh!!! Huh huh.... T-please get this guy off my body" Fernand said.

"Huh huh Okay bro!!!"Replied the man who helped him.

For a few moments they simultaneously dispelled the big man who was on Fernand's body. After that, the two of them suddenly sat against the wall next to each other and started chatting.

"Huh huh huh we take a breath first!"Said the man who came out of the elevator panting while nurturing Fernand's shoulder.

"Yeah!" replied Fernand.

"Huh!" "Why are you fighting? You're pretty reckless!" asked the man next to Fernand.

"Huh huh He suddenly attacked me....huh huh he thought I was also causing trouble in the cafeteria" Fernand said.

"Huh!!! Trouble???Wh-what happened?! in the cafeteria why?" asked the man next to Fernand curiously.

"Huh!!! Anomaly problem!! You just came, huh?" said Fernand.

"Well....you could say that! I overslept!!"Said the man with the slender body

"Thanks for that bro! What's your name?" asked Fernand

"I'm Bara! Bara ascensio! I'm the 6th Ranker in AGD! My avatar nickname is Edmundgar!!! What about you? ....?" the blue-haired man replied quickly.

Fernand was stunned to hear that, he immediately turned to him with a gawking look

In Fernand's heart

Ranker rank 6?! He means he's a player who was mentored through the chat room on the forum just like me.What should I answer??

"Aaa....I'm....Fernand! Fernand Jouglass.Ranker ranked 57th in AGD,My avatar nickname is Janembath!"Fernand replied with a lie.

In Fernand's heart

Hopefully he will never meet that ranker!!!

Bara then thrust his hand towards Fernand as he said ...

"Nice to meet you bro! You're welcome!" He replied and then returned Fernand's thanks just now.

Fernand spontaneously returned his warm welcome and they shook hands

"Yeah! Greetings too!!!"Fernand said welcomingly.

They shook hands slowly and Fernand continued by saying

"You can't go to the cafeteria yet! It's not conducive!!!"Fernand said

"Okay!!...I got it!!! Now where are you going after this?" Bara asked.

"I-I've got business!!! You better stay away from here too!!! We'll leave no trace of the fight!!!"Fernand said warningly

"Yeah!!! I don't want to get in trouble either!!!"The man replied in the affirmative

"Then we'll go our separate ways! Thank you again!!!"Fernand said as he stood up but was still having trouble because his tailbone was still hurting.

Duk (Fernand's voice fell back because he couldn't lift his body)

"Ouch" whimpered Fernand

Bara immediately held Fernand's back and shoulders as he said

"You're okay!!! You're still recovering!!!"He said

"Here! Put your arm on my shoulder! I'll help you walk!" she said worriedly as she put Fernand's right arm across his shoulders and started to stand up.

"Thank you!" said Fernand.

When they both stood up perfectly, Bara took the initiative to take him to the nearest clinic.

"Come on!! go to the clinic first!!!"Bara said

"J-don't!! please!!"Fernand said

"Why! Your tailbone is hurting right!!! I know from your hand that always holds it there!!!"Bara replied with a panicked look on his face

Fernand also pointed to the right corner of the hallway nearby, apparently there was a cctv that had been watching him all this time

"You see there, right?" Fernand said.

"Glek "Bara swallowed nervously

"A...that!!! Don't mind!!! He also attacked you first, didn't he!!!" Bara replied ignoring Fernand's warning.

Fernand's heart

Oh my!!! How stubborn is he!

"The CCTV footage can be edited Bara!! he's their employee after all!!"Fernand replied

"Think about it later!! You'll be paralyzed if you let him!" Bara said evasively.

Because they sat and debated when they should have immediately run away after defeating the burly man just now.It wasted so many minutes that without realizing it, someone else was about to get out of the elevator.

Ting Shekh.... (The elevator bell rang and the elevator doors slid open)

Fernand and Bara were shocked and stiffened.

"Glek "Fernand and bara swallowed their saliva in panic.

In Fernand's heart

It's too late!!!

Apparently the person who came to the 2nd floor was Mr. Samuel with someone next to him and 2 officers who were told to report.They also looked and were surprised to find their employees lying unconscious on the floor just after the elevator doors opened halfway.

"My employee!!! who did this?" said the man with long black hair tied up as he approached quickly and checked the condition of the person's body.

"Let's help!" said the officer on the far left corner.

"Yes" said the other officer briefly

The two officers also approached him, then turned the bald man over and one officer took the initiative to spur his heart with both hands on each other and then stomped on the man's chest. Meanwhile, Mr. Samuel just walked casually out of the elevator still trying to think calmly in the midst of this complicated situation.

"Huh!!!"Mr. Samuel sighed heavily while holding his hands behind his waist.

*Dep dep dep (Slow stomping sound)

Meanwhile, one officer and the long-haired man spontaneously turned their heads right and left to look for the perpetrators and found two men, Fernand and Bara, standing still in the left corner of the room.

"You guys!!!"Said the man with long hair and wearing a luxurious suit with an angry face reddened with a frown while his hands were clenched into fists and began to stand facing the two of them.

"Insolent!!!"The officer said loudly as he picked up the tonfa at his waist.

Mr. Samuel also looked at them as the long black haired proa yelled out

"You're the one from earlier!" said Mr. Samuel, surprised to see Fernand pointing at him.

~To Be Continued~