
Of the Streets

Sam spends his days among juvenile delinquents, trying to reach their hearts and teach them a better way of life. At night, however, he takes a more hands-on approach to change people's views.

Habsazin · Võ hiệp
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14 Chs

Episode 2 - A Brand New Face (1)

-Heeeey, there he is. How you doing pal?-

I entered the lobby once again and was greeted by Martin's voice.

-You feeling alright?-

Martin greeted me at the door while Theresa was at the counter, preparing some coffee.

-Yeah, I'm doing good. I hope the kids didn't miss me too much.-

Martin instantly smiled at my words.

-You should have stayed home for a few more days, the kids will survive a few days without you.-

Theresa's words were genuinely shocking. My class? Surviving without me?

-I remember both of you giving me your condolences last year when I got them.-

Theresa blushed and Martin began rubbing the back of his head. They both still clearly remembered the scene from back then. After all, the start of a new year is always the most intense time since it's when we get our classes assigned.

Last year it just so happened that my class was the "worst" of them all. From kids who were sent here because of violence to drug abuse and more. I specifically remember Steve warning me about Benjamin probably being the most dangerous kid we currently have.

-You know, you've done some great work over the past one and a half year. Benjamin especially is barely recognisable from how he used to be when he first came here.-

As per usual, not even Theresa could believe the boy could change so much.

-He was just in need of some guidance and someone who will listen to him. With his background, it isn't a surprise things ended up for him like that.-

We would all sometimes forget that the kids we worked with weren't bad or anything like that, most of them just never got the things they needed in their lives. It's a good thing that we had the kids here to remind us of that truth every single day.

-But still, who would believe that the kid who got sent here for beating up three police officers would effectively replace you while you're gone.-


Martin looked confused as if he had expected me to know what he was talking about.

-While you were gone, Ben essentially took over your job cause Theresa was having a hard time keeping the kids in check.-

I looked at Theresa, expecting her to confirm what Martin was saying.

-Well, It's not exactly that I couldn't keep them in check, but Ben did help a lot.-

Ha, that boy, went from street thug to leader of the people it seems. Did that make me proud.

-Well, he is my student after all, what else were you guys expecting.-

I tried not to sound overly egotistical, but I would be lying if I didn't say that it felt great to hear such great things about one of my students. Benjamin and I spent hours upon hours working on his anger issues, making sure he understood how to properly direct his emotions.

-Anyways, I do have some news for you that might be a bit shocking.-

My brain instantly became fully awake at Martin's words.

-We really tried to avoid it, but there was no other way since you know how adamant Steve is about kids not changing classes.-

And my brain went back into a normal state. For a moment I really thought they were somehow onto me and what I did three days ago. Theresa then continued.

-Since you have the least students in your class, a new one is going to be joining you today. He got arrested recently. You can get the details in his file.-

She handed me a cup of coffee and the file of the student. I took a sip of my coffee without thinking and ended up burning my tongue and spilling a good bit of it on the student file.


Theresa immediately came to me with a bunch of wipes to try and save the file.

-Oh God, oh God. I'm so sorry, I should have told you it was hot.-

Martin was laughing his ass off as Theresa was drying off the file as quickly as she could.

-Don't bother, it's soaked in coffee, I'll just have them print me another copy later. Plus, I'll get to know him in person anyway so I won't be needing the file that much.-

She apologized once more and put the file on the counter. Steve was very adamant about using as much recycled paper as possible which usually meant that it wasn't a pure white. In this particular instance, we were trying our hardest to use up all the paper as fast as possible since the batch we got this time was a dark brown colour that you could barely read off and spilled coffee did not help the readability at all.

-Don't you at least want to know why he's here?-

I shrugged.

-I can just ask him in person when he gets here.-

Martin took a seat on the sofa and turned on the TV.

-You know, from what I've heard, this kid did some pretty despicable stuff, you sure you wouldn't rather know beforehand?-

Before I could answer, Theresa stepped in to give Martin a stern look.

-You know you're not supposed to talk like that about our students!-

Martin was visibly frightened by her intense reaction. I quickly put my arm on her shoulder and tried to calm her down.

-Come on Theresa, we both know he's just pretending, but deep down he's a big ol' softie.-

Martin put his hands up in defeat.

-You have caught me, I concede.-

It took a few minutes but Theresa calmed down shortly and the two of us sat down next to Martin to relax a little before classes start.

-Your leg's shaking quite a bit there, you okay Sam?-

I hadn't really noticed that was going on.

-I'm excited to be back, it might have been three days, but it felt like forever you know.-

Martin and Theresa both laughed at my remark.

-By the way, did you hear about this vigilante that popped up recently?-

And there it was, my brain going into full focus mode again.

-Oh yeah, I've heard some news reports. What about him.-

-Don't you feel unsafe with someone like that roaming the streets freely at night?-

Theresa was visibly concerned about the situation.

-Eh, he can't be worse than the other folks that spend their nights out on the streets. And you know I'm not talking about the homeless folk. No offence Sam.-

-None taken.-

It was surprising to hear Martin of all people being supportive of vigilantism.

-But if he does it, more people might too and you can't guarantee that out of ten people at least one won't be dangerous.-

Theresa was making a good point and, knowing what I did, her point stood even firmer.

-What do you think Sam, are you pro vigilante or not?-

It was a difficult question to answer. On one hand, I was the vigilante they were talking about, or at least I was the one who started it, but on the other hand, because of that, I knew how stupid and dangerous it was.

-Well, I think...-


-Whoops, time for class guys.-

I jumped out of my seat and rushed towards the door.


I tried to make my turning around as normal as possible, but they could probably feel how uneasy I was.

-You forgot your bag.-

Martin began laughing and threw the bag my way.

-Thanks, I'll see you during break.-

With that, I began the walk down the hall and towards my classroom.


Uploads will be slowing down a little from now on since lectures started and those will be taking up large portions of my day. I will still try to continue uploading as often as possible.

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