
Of the Streets

Sam spends his days among juvenile delinquents, trying to reach their hearts and teach them a better way of life. At night, however, he takes a more hands-on approach to change people's views.

Habsazin · Action
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14 Chs

Episode 2 - A Brand New Day (2)

Maria led me to the tent where Daniel and Shaun were going about their usual business. Daniel was fixing up their clothes while Shaun was trying to repurpose as much recyclable material as possible to sell it off. None of them wanted to beg for money so they would always find another way to get it.

-Sam, you're here!-

Daniel was the first to notice me. It was unusual, I'd have expected him to still be mourning Mr Sasaki, but I guess he was able to cope with it faster than expected.

-I took a few days off work so I decided to drop by and see how you guys were doing.-

Daniel got up to give me a hug, stopping himself just before touching me.

-Oh, sorry, old habits.-

It was always the same with these guys. Always afraid of transferring their smell onto me.

-We've been over this too many times, just give me a hug.-

Shaun stopped working and gave me a glance.

-So, care to explain where that dog comes from?-

I'd almost forgotten about that.

-Yeah, that's what I wanted to talk to you all about.-

We all sat down and everyone listened sharply to what I was about to say.

-Look, I did something stupid. I went out at night a few days ago to look for Mr Sasaki's killer and while doing so, I ran into some trouble and one thing led to another.-

Everyone was giving me confused looks.

-I managed to save the dog's owner, but I beat up a kid in the process.-


I hadn't seen it coming.

-What were you thinking! You devote your life to helping kids get back on the right path and then you go and beat up a kid.-

Shaun stepped in.

-The kid probably had it coming. I doubt he'd beat him up just for fun.-

Daniel stayed silent and just looked at the ground.

-No, it doesn't matter what the reason was, that is not the way to do things and you both know it.-

Maria was quick to remind me how despicable what I had done was.

-Akira wouldn't have wanted that.-

The previously silent Daniel now spoke his mind openly

-There's no reason for you to throw away who you are for him and you know that Sam.-

He was right, Mr Sasaki would have shed tears at what I did to win that fight.

-Oh lord, please tell me that was the first and last time you do that.-

I wanted to say yes, but for some reason, I stuttered.

-You are a grown man, you should know better than to do things like that.-

Maria kept a firm position as she always does.

-I know, I learned my lesson. That was it, the police will handle the rest.-

Maria and Daniel were satisfied with my response, but it was different for Shaun.

-He's going to do it again.-

It was an unexpected response, but Shaun rarely said things he didn't believe in.

-Shaun no, I'm done, that was enou..._

-No, it wasn't. I can see it, you still want revenge for Akira and if that guy shows up again you'll just be dragged back into this whole mess.-

We were all startled at his words. However, Shaun was the resident expert on revenge in our family and out of all of us, he knew best what it was like when you get eaten up by it.

-I don't need to tell you why I know that this will happen, but we both know this is not going to be the end of it.-

Was he right? Would I really do something like that again just to get revenge?

-I don't know what I would do. I won't know what I'll do until the moment comes so the best I can tell you is that I'll try not to do anything rash.-

Shaun nodded in approval.

-Look, if you have problems just come to us and we'll deal with them, that's what a family is for after all.-

Daniel managed to ease the atmosphere a little with his offer and I was glad to accept it. Coming clean with them was definitely a good idea.

-There's also the matter of Mr Sasaki's funeral. I'd really like for you all to be there.-

The mood once again shifted and the atmosphere became heavy.

-You know we can't do that...-

I intercepted Maria's words.

-It'll be just us, no one else. We owe it to him to at least give him a proper funeral.-

Daniel and Shaun were considering my idea when Maria spoke up.

-Listen vagabundo, it can't be only us, there's someone else who needs to be there.-

I didn't understand what she meant until she pulled out an old piece of paper from her bag. I looked at it and it was a letter.

"My boy, I am sorry for not being part of your life. Your mother and you deserved a better life than I could ever give you. Please don't think of me as a bad man for I have done everything I have out of love for you and your future. If I ever muster up the courage to hand you this letter I hope that you will be able to forgive me."

-Who was this letter for?-

I asked, already knowing the answer.

-He wrote it several years ago for his son, but he never got to give it to him.-

Mr Sasaki never really told me about his family or the life he led before coming to the overpass. On the other side of the letter was a photo of him and his family, most likely before he lost his dojo.

-Don't worry, I'll make sure his son gets the letter, but I still want you to be there for the funeral, you were as much his family as them.-

-Just focus on delivering the letter vagabundo, that's what matters the most right now. We'll think about the funeral later.-


I stayed a little longer to catch up a little with everyone before getting back into my car and leaving. I stored the letter safely inside my car and once again turned on the engine. As the car turned on, so did the radio.

"New sightings of the Sentiment park vigilante have been reported in the past two days with one eyewitness claiming to have seen the man fight off multiple attackers in an alleyway, presumably to protect a homeless man who was being assaulted by them.

The identity of the vigilante is still unknown, however, the police are urging citizens to come forward with any information they might have."


-No no no, this has nothing to do with me anymore, my kids are the priority. If some lunatic wants to do that then it's their thing, not mine.-

It wasn't a wonder I couldn't fall asleep that night, no matter what I told myself, it was my responsibility after all.