
Of the Streets

Sam spends his days among juvenile delinquents, trying to reach their hearts and teach them a better way of life. At night, however, he takes a more hands-on approach to change people's views.

Habsazin · Võ hiệp
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14 Chs

Episode 2 - A Brand New Day (1)

I woke up late in the morning, my bones still aching from the previous night. If it weren't for the stinging pain I was feeling I would have probably assumed that everything that happened last night was just a dream, but it wasn't.

A quick shower did wonders to refresh both my body and my mind and get me to think clearer.

-Okay Sam, that was really stupid.-

I started going over the events again in my head. The fight that had ensued and everything that followed. It was a complete failure in every way. But it strangely felt good. Protecting someone with my own hands, helping someone who was in immediate need.

-God, what am I even thinking.-

Looking the way I did, I would have to take at least one or two days off work, one or two days in which the kids I was responsible for would be pushed into the background because of my selfishness.

I didn't want to think about it anymore so I grabbed the remote and turned on the TV to provide some much-needed background noise while I was preparing my lunch.

*The previously unknown man has been identified to be Akira Sasaki, a former kendo teacher. As of now, there are still no suspects, however, the police have been unwilling to provide any further information as they believe it might compromise the case.

Some members of the public have expressed their dissatisfaction regarding the case as they believe it to be a waste of taxpayer money that could otherwise be used for more useful endeavours. Not all citizens share this view as our field reports show."

The face of a man the city knew all too well showed up on the screen.

"During our field report we ran into Bruno D'Argerrio, son of well know philanthropist Antonio D'Argerrio who had this to say:

-I believe that, if my father was still with us, he would be ashamed of how desensitized we have become towards such matters and I share his sentiment. What happened was a tragedy and a life was lost, one as valuable as any other in this city. As a society, we should all do our best to ensure that such a tragedy doesn't repeat itself.-

D'Argerrio was unwilling to give any further comments, but his message is sure to reach many of Edsham's citizens."

Truly spoken like his father. It's nice to know that he's keeping his old man's legacy alive. And yes, the report was right, his words would reach the citizens and I was one of them. Going out in the streets in a silly costume is not the way I should be doing things, my place is in my classroom with my kids.


My two days of rest were over faster than I had liked, but I was able to take care of most things I needed. Getting back to work was also the best move I could make considering I had to arrange and pay for the funereal of Mr Sasaki, so the money would definitely come in handy.

There was something I still had to do before I could return to work and that was to visit my family and show them the respect they deserved.

I got into my car and started driving, this time with the radio turned on.

"In the st news, rumours about a vigilante in our city have begun spreading. Not much is known about the supposed vigilante, however, testimonies from several sources are leading the police to suspect that someone might be taking matters into their own hands.

The police urge citizens to refrain from such action as they will be held accountable and prosecuted for such conduct. Commissioner Newell had this to say:

-All potential vigilantes who want to keep the city safe should either join the police force or do so through any other legal means.-

We will continue to report on the situation as it develops."


I couldn't help but laugh. I went out for one night and already ended up on the news. Kinda makes me feel bad for the reporters since they won't be getting anything more out of that story, unfortunately. At least I had some entertainment on my drive to the overpass.


As always, Maria was already waiting for me at the entrance and right next to her was Haki.

*wooof wooof*

-He really likes me for some reason.-

I gave a few pets to Haki who seemed oddly happy to see me.

-Thanks for taking care of him. I brought some dog food.-

Maria laughed as she looked at the bag of dog food.

-That dog will eat better than us for the next few days.-

She took the dog food off my hands and began walking towards the familiar old tents.

-You could eat better food to if you let me get you some or if you went by the shelter more often.-

-Oh vagabundo, you know that we're doing fine here. And besides, you've done enough for us, we wouldn't want you to spend your hard-earned money on us when we're doing just fine.-

I hurried in front of her and grabbed her shoulder.

-Maria come on, I remember Shaun saying Mr Sasaki hadn't had a proper meal in weeks. If you're not doing well just let me help you guys out this once. Please.-

She wasn't responding and just kept staring at the ground.

-Look, I don't mind helping you guys out so please take it and don't count it.-

I took an envelope with money that I had prepared and put it in her pocket.

-Vagabundo no, I can feel how heavy it is!-

-I put a little to the side every time you refused my help and it came together over the years, trust me, I won't be missing it.-

I really hated doing this, especially since they hated it even more than I did. It was the hardest for Maria since she hated getting help from anyone unless it was absolutely unavoidable, but she was also the one who carried the most responsibility in our family.

-We will pay you back, I prom...-

I hugged her as tightly as possible.

-Who would I be to ask my own family to pay me back for money that's theirs in the first place. Just make sure you take care of Daniel and Shaun, you know those two can't live without you.-

Maria was crying into my shoulder as Haki was staring at the two of us with a confused expression.

-I am very proud of the man you have become vagabundo, so very proud.-