

It was not a coincidence that you got enrolled in RAD as an exchange student. It was all a conspiracy. You're a mole sent by a group of villains to RAD in order to gather info on Diavolo and the Seven Rulers of Hell. They are not just a normal villain group. They were behind monsters, machines, alien, demons, etc. attacking human realm in those Power Rangers, Super Sentai, and Kamen Rider shows (yeah those shows were real too). But the mission proved to be difficult when you were/are entangled in the drama in Devildom, mainly the family drama of the Seven Lords of Hell. Credits: Obey Me! Shall we date and all of its characters belong to NTT Solmare Corp. Super Sentai & Kamen Rider belong to Toei Company. Power Rangers belong to Hasbro Inc. Notes: The cover was made by me using Canva, the image on the cover is the Pre-Release Wallpaper of Obey Me!, available under CC-BY-SA. MC is gender-neutral. You may see that the story has male lead, it was because webnovel's leading gender only includes male and female. Yes, it's mandatory to check in lead's gender to create a story.

Joyful_Abyss_Mage · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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6 Chs

The boring teacher

"Don't just stand there, help me down!" Mammon shouted.

"I can't."

"What do you mean you can't...oh, that's right..."

The ceiling was very very high for a human, even if you got a staircase, there was no way you could get Mammon down.

"Just ignore him, MC!

You turned around to see fourth eldest, Satan.

"It was because of his reckless gambling last night that Lucifer punished him by hanging him up there."

"That's a bit..."

That was when you realized Satan was judging the kind of person you were.

(F*ck, I can't trick this guy with my Bambi acting.)

"Why are you still standing here? Do you want Beel to eat all the food or what?" Asmodeus appeared and pointed at Beelzebub who was walking towards the dining room, menacingly.

"Hey, someone get me down!"

= = = = = = =

Fortunately, you were able to save a dish or two for yourself. They say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, you couldn't let those demons gobble all of your food.

= = = = = = =

"Hey, is that the new human exchange student?"

"Yeah, that's them. The human smell is unmistakable."

"They look so delicious. Maybe we could get to them before Beelzebub."

You could hear every word they spoke. You were already used to it. Back in the Phantom City, those demon villains talked about eating you all the time. But your Master was capable of protecting you.. When you grew up a bit, she taught you how to defense yourself. In your RAD uniform's sleeve, you actually hid a dagger imbued with holy magic. You came here prepared.

"Hello. Your name is MC, isn't it?"

"Oh, hello. How do you know my name?" you greeted the silver-haired man before you.

"You don't know me, but I actually know you."


"I'm an exchange student from human realm, just like you. My name is Solomon. Nice to meet you, MC."

"Nice to meet you too." you replied and shook his hand.

(This guy is suspicious!) you said to yourself. (Wait a minute, Solomon...silver hair...suspicious look and the way of talking and everything...I have heard of this guy.)

"You look like you have heard of me."

"No, I just thought that you have the same name with King Solomon from the Bible. I read that he was very wise and was very rich too."

"Ahahaha!" Solomon laughed


That was when you noticed Lucifer standing behind Solomon.

"Uh-oh...it was nice talking with you. Take care." Solomon left right away.

"Good morning, MC!"

"Good morning, Lucifer! Have you eaten? I didn't see you at breakfast."

"I had my breakfast at the cafeteria. Thanks for asking. By the way, you should not trust Solomon."

"May I ask why?"

"Because he's a man with his own ambitious agenda. He's really cunning and would do anything to achieve his goal, including using others, whether they are human, demons, or angels."

"Alright, I'll be careful with him." you said truthfully. Master Llana once also told you to be careful with Solomon, should you meet him. It seemed like your Master had some story to be told with the man.

(Well, I did meet him, Master.) you said to yourself.

"Alright, go to class, don't be late!" Lucifer said as he prepared to leave.

Fortunately, right at that moment, you remembered Levi's plan. Yesterday, Levi told you about Goldie - Mammon "lover", and how she was confiscated by Lucifer.

"Wait, Lucifer, I want to ask you something. It's about Mammon."

"What's about him?"

"Well...I just want to know more about him."

"*sigh*...for starters, Mammon is a scumbag, the scummiest of scum. And I'm embarrassed to call him a fellow demon, much less my brother."

"C'mon, there must be something good about him. He's the second eldest, so he must be something like your right hand, just like how you are Diavolo's." you said.

The face expression on Lucifer changed, but only for a brief moment.

(Bingo!) you smirked inside your head.

"So what's Mammon's favorite thing?"

"He's the Avatar of Greed, so it would be money. And there's a certain form of money of his I have frozen in order to prevent his reckless spending."


"Alright, you're a few seconds late for your class. Get going or you'll be in trouble. I'm sure that you won't like detention here."

= = = = = = =

Your first class in Devildom was Devildom Laws, and you got to study with Satan and Asmodeus in this class.

The law itself was interesting. But the teacher, Yaluck, was boring. From his person, his clothes, to how he taught and the horns on his head, one word: boring. He kept repeating what was in the textbook, barely explaining anything. You just wanted to sleep, the teacher surely knew how to sing a lullaby. Even Satan had become bored and got a book out of his bag to read. While Asmo had long since focusing on his make-up.

You turned to look at the book on the Avatar of Wrath's hands.


For age 5-12

Wow, you didn't realize the fourth eldest would be into this kind of book. Or he likes cats. In the files you received on Satan, there was mention of his love for book and knowledge, but there was nothing on cats.

So you decided to try your luck.

"Cats are so cute, right? Neko reminds me so much of my cat at home."

"You have a cat back home?"

"Yeah, he's a black cat, with green eyes, and cute small ears." you began to describe your imaginary cat. However, Satan listened attentively.

"What's his name?" the blonde demon asked.


"What is it?"

(Oh no, he's getting suspicious.)

"Uh...it's hard to say...his name is...L...Lucifer."

"Huh...why him?"

"No, he was not named after THE Lucifer. He was named after...uh...Cinderella's stepmother's cat...yeah that's right."



"Ahahaha" Satan began to laugh.

(Phew, I'm saved.)

= = = = = = =

Unfortunately, Mr. Yaluck noticed you guys the moment Satan's laughed, which resulted in Satan being sent to detention after school and you had to stay behind class to have a conversation with the teacher.

"No wonder the Great Leader entrusted you with this mission."

"Huh!" you were flabbergasted.

This guy...this BORING teach...was your direct supervisor here. His cover of choice was BORING teacher, seriously. But you couldn't deny that it worked. Who would think their boring law teacher was a mole.

"I was actually struggling on how to meet you and raise suspicion from the two Avatars in our class. But you did the job for me. You got me the chance to send them away while I talk with you about 'punishment'."

You did not intend that. It was your scheme to talk to Satan and get on his good side, not sending him into detention. And he's the Avatar of Wrath, you're done for.

After a few minutes, you and Yaluck talked about your plans with each other. You told him you were trying to get on the brothers' good sides, while he told you he was using his teacher identity to get info from students, guards and other teachers. He also heard some rumors about secret passage inside RAD. However, you did not trust him completely and didn't tell him that Lord Pride also directly supervised you inside your private room.

"Continue what you're doing." Yaluck said.

"Alright. Can I leave now?"

"Yes. By the way, these are your homework. You don't need to do it, but just in case Lucifer asks."


As you prepared to open the door of the classroom to go out, you turned around and ask him.

"Can I get full A on Devildom law without studying?"

"Sure, no problem." Yaluck smiled at you.

= = = = = = =

Asmodeus led you to the cafeteria preserved only for student council officers. The food there was surely more delicious.

"May I join you?" Satan put his tray of food beside yours on the table.

"Oh shit!" you mumbled.