
Not your typical end-of-the-world story

DaoistvvxNfC · Khoa huyễn
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6 Chs

Chapter 4

It was Baker's ideology that people needed to be held in an extremely firm grip, or they would revolt and ruin things again. Callaway had disagreed time and time again. Baker hadn't been too bothered about it, because he didn't see Callaway as a threat. "It's inhumane!" Callaway would tell Baker after he'd administer harsh punishments for even the smallest of crimes. Little by little, it would wear down on Baker.

One night, when Baker was drinking, Callaway approached him yet again. He figured that Baker would be in better spirits since he was intoxicated. He couldn't have been more incorrect.

"Could you at least be more lenient with the people?" Callaway would ask. Baker turned to him, and roaring laughter erupted from him. Baker gestured to one of his people and whispered in their ear. "Take his tongue out since he wants to talk too much. Silence him."

Callaway was no longer his right hand man after that night, he still remembers the unbearable pain of when they took his tongue. He was shunned, but not exiled, so he still lived there. Maybe there was a small kindness in Baker's heart.

His thoughts were interrupted by Jesse mumbling nonsense in his sleep. Pilot smiled to himself and finally went to sleep.