[In Sav's Point of view ]

"How could you? After all this while? Five years. No call. No message. No nothing. How can you be so cold?" He said as his chest rose and fell with rapid breaths. He kept his eyes steady, looking through me to my very soul.
"I'm really sorry, Jeff." I walked over to where he stood and held his hand." I had to. It was for the both of us, even if it hurt me, I had to it." I added.
"Bullshit!" He exploded, snatching his hand from mine. "For what selfish reasons would you just vanish into thin air? You never thought of how any of us will feel. Your father? Adobi? Me? None of us mattered to you. Your father? Only God knows how much pain the man felt for losing you and you tell me you had to do it!?
I was honest, truthful and full of more love for you than you can ever understand. I have been soft, kind and gentle - yet all that apparently meant nothing to you! None of it did!" He fumed.
Words flew from his mouth that I never thought he'd even think, let alone say out loud, even to me.
"Why did you do it?" He hissed as he looked at me with that same disappointed face he'd given me a million times since our conversation started.
I felt a stinging in my heart and my throat started to tighten. Tears welled in my eyes. I fought with everything I had to keep them from falling, but when he walked over to me and held my arm very tight that it hurt, I couldn't control it anymore.
"Tell me! Why!?" He shouted.
Tears rapidly streamed down my face and i started to tremble.
"Why did you__"
"I was raped Jeff!" I snapped, wiping the tears from my chin. He let go of my arm and looked at me with a what-the-heck-look.
"There! There you have it! I got raped and I couldn't talk about it. I was traumatized and scared. I tried suicide and when it failed, I knew I would definitely be forced to talk about it and I couldn't handle it. I couldn't bare with the pain you will feel when you hear about it. I couldn't bare watching any of you suffer because of a mistake I made. I was also scared that you will reject me. I had no choi___"
"Hell yeah you had a choice! And you made one when you decided to leave." He cut in banging his hand on the table in front of him.
"Please Jeff. Don't do this to me Jeff. You can't judge me now."
"Well... I'm sorry you got raped. I'm sorry you went through all that alone. But it was selfish of you to leave just like that. You___"
"Don't you get it? I was trying to protect you!"
"No! You were protecting yourself. You only cared about what you were going to feel and never thought about any of us. Some decisions are not for you to make. You shouldn't have decided for me or any of is for that matter. All you had to do was to tell me about it and I'd have decided myself. Instead, you just ran off. Without saying anything while being pregnant with my child! And you tell me you had no choice?"
I stayed rooted to the spot as he talked. The room suddenly became too hot for me. I couldn't breathe well and I felt as if I was trapped in a box where no air could go through.
"Don't say that Jeff. I really cared about how you felt. That is why I left. Do you know what I had to go through all these years? I have had sleepless nights but I endured it all for both of us and what we had."
"You say that like it means anything. What is love to you? Don't you think love is about trusting your partner to stay with you no matter what? There was a time I gladly took torture for you, to protect you, remember? Yet you gave me up, forgetting that I've always been there for you.
That isn't love, or care. So don't tell me that. You broke my heart into pieces when you tried to kill yourself, then you attacked the pieces when you suddenly disappeared. I was so lost for a whole year that I couldn't do anything. I was trapped in sadness all because you suddenly decided you had the right to decide for me. There isn't a man alive that wants a woman who would do that to him.
To me, you are dead!" He said and turned away from me. He didn't say anything for some minutes. The room was silent for I didn't know what to say or do anymore.
I only drowned in misery.
Then he turned back to me, his eyes still cold. Then he spoke in a deep low voice.
"Is that boy who got hurt our son?" He asked.
His question sent shivers down my spine. I knew where that question would lead to and I wasn't prepared for that.
"No... no... you can't do that Jeff. It hasn't gotten to that." I said rapidly shaking my head.
"You made a choice five years ago and now you have to live with it because the choices we make creates our life and makes us who we are. They are our present and our future. You can go ahead and be in hiding for all I care but I'm not letting you drag my son into this. I'm going to ask for custody."
"No you can't do that! He's my son. I'm not going to let you take him away from me."
"Well then try to stop me because that's exactly what I'm going to do. We can do this peacefully or settle it in court. You decide." He said, placed a file inside his bag and headed for the door then he stopped abruptly and looked over to where I stood.
"And if any of this makes you feel better, since you had no choice, your father lost his life last year when he suffered a heart attack." He added and walked out, slamming the door behind him.
I felt my knees weaken and my heart ache. I dropped into the chair beside me as reality finally dawned on me.

Episode 29 next ➡
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