
Episode 17

The episode below contains vivid description of images that may be disturbing to some readers.

Readers' discretion advised.


[In Sav's Point of view ]

"Hey pretty, need anything?"

A husky voice echoed through the dark hitting me right on the nerve.

"No...I don't need anything. Sorry if I'm trespassing I apologized and tried walking pass him but he blocked the only way out.

For a second, I thought it was some kind of joke or perhaps he was too drunk to move.

"Excuse me." I said and tried to force my way out but he pushed me back so hard that I nearly fell.

I flinched and looked at him in confusion.

He walked closer to me in slow pace adding a dramatic effect to the whole situation. I walked backwards as he approached.

The room was too dark to see anything. I kept hitting into things as I walked back until I was stopped with a force.

I had bumped into something or should I say someone.

Oh mine! They are two!

I thought then my breath quickened.

The one behind me held my arm then pushed me forward making me to hit the one in front.

The hairs on my body stood on its edge at the realisation of what all that was about.

I could feel sweat drench my skin as my heart raced faster. I literally heard the thumping of my heart against my chest.

It was as if it was forcing to get out from its cage.

I closed my eyes and curled my fingures into a fist as my nails dug into my palm.

I was overwhelmed with fear that tortured my guts, churning my stomach in tense cramps.

I couldn't breathe; it felt as if someone was choking me.

I stood there shaking and wished that what I was thinking wasn't true and that all that was happening was a prank of some sort.

"You are going be alright...you are going to be alright..."

I closed my eyes and started reciting these self encouragement words to myself when a hand fell on my breast knocking me out of the self encouragement ritual.

"leave me alone!" I shouted forcing myself from his firm grip.

"Not so fast pretty." The one in front of me said then he pushed me into the wall. It stung, and sent swells of pain through my body.

I winced out of pain.

The one behind me went to stand at a very darker part of the room when I hit the wall.

He watched with interest as the other played around my breasts.

I presumed he was the leader.

He walked closer to me after the other was done with the foreplay. He rested his chin on my shoulder then wrapped his arms around me.

He breathed heavily I could smell alcohol through his breath.

I tried to shove him off me but he was too strong. The more I struggled, the more he held on tight to me. He didn't say a word but I knew he was trying to communicate to me.

Keep still and I will stop hurting you.

The message was clear.

I let myself go then he let go of my arm. His fingers had dug into my skin leaving bruises on my arms.

He stepped back and pulled down his pants. He looked at me and grinned. It was so wide I could see it from the dark.

"Step back!"I said as coldly as possible using all the courage I had in me.

"I'd love to, but you see, you're too pretty to let go that fast." He replied as he tried to pull up my sweater.

"...and oh by pretty, I mean your face not your horrible looking body or your one leg." he added and they burst into flames of laughter.

His remark suggested to me that whoever these guys were, they knew me.

I tried to push him but the other one held my arm again.

"So, you'd like to fight us, huh?" The boss said then he held my hair.

He clamped his lips down on my lips as violently as possible.

I squirmed against the wall as two hands slid down my jeans.

I closed my eyes again with the hopes of waking up from whatever dream that was then a sudden sharp pain from down below me assured me everything was real.

I watched as the boss entered into me as his lips moved down to my neck and nipped at the tender skin.

I tried screaming but it seemed no one could hear me through the loud music in the club.

I gave up any hopes of ever escaping what was happening. I just leaned against the wall, closed my eyes and waited till both of them were done with me.

All through it all, I thought of only Jeff. Where was he when I needed him most. He had promised me he would be my hero. And what I knew was that heroes would always come running whenever someone was in need.

If you are really my hero then this is the time to fly in with in cape and save the day.

I thought.

After minutes of satisfying themselves, they ran out of the dark room leaving me half naked and with broken soul.


Episode 18 next ➡


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