
Not The Summoned Hero Just Their Friend

After finally returning home from a trip to America Eric Kazumitsu and his friends Kazuma and Rizu meet after a long year apart. When a "Magic Circle" engulfs them Eric decides to stay with his friends so he can protect them. While being transported he sees strange markings flying towards him and he avoids them. Arriving in an unknown land Eric must make it back to his world and report to The Spirit Society's king as he has information that could help in the war between The Spirit Society, The Cult Of Dedros, and The Institute. Will Eric be able to make it back to his world and protect it from being destroyed?

JamesTheLostOne · Kỳ huyễn
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7 Chs

A Bath and A Vampire

The sun has risen and Eric is already awake he's about to go find a bathing area but a knock echo's through his room. "It's Lila." 

"Huh you're early aren't you?" Eric says opening the door. Just like yesterday Lila is clad in crimson armor. "I'd rather do this before I take a bath." She says.

"Do what?" He asks but in response she grabs his arm and pulls him behind as she walks down the hall.

"Uh Lila? Where are we going?"

"Just follow me." She lets go of his arm.

She leads him to a narrow passage below the castle to a reinforced door made of Manasteel its the same color as her armor. This is clearly a prison cell. There's something banging on the door from the other side.

"Care to explain now?" He asks. "Yes you see we have a strong prisoner in there we believe she's a spy from another country and well… she's kinda a handful." She explains. 

"And you need me to do what exactly?"

"Try to find out why she's here. I feel like you could intimidate her."

"Alright." Eric agrees. "Oh she's also a vampire." Lila says unlocking the door.

Hearing that takes Eric by surprise. "So you finally have the balls to face me? The great Alicard." A small girl who looks barely ten says. She's in a black and crimson dress and has her long crimson hair in a ponytail. Finally her eyes glow red staring at Eric and Lila. 

"Lila why do you have a small girl locked away?" Eric is confused seeing her.

"Thank you I would like to know as well?" Alicard says puffing out her cheeks.

"She has the suspicion of being a spy and she assaulted a dozen knights."

"Huh well they accused me of being a spy then they mocked me when I said I was a vampire." Alicard says in annoyance.

"Are you a spy?" Eric asks. "you too? Well like I said before, no I'm not." 

"You wouldn't lie right?" Eric asks with a friendly smile on his face. "Of course not."

"Let me ask again. Are you a spy?" 

"Huh Like I said…." Before she could finish talking Tux appears and growls at her menacingly and Eric's smile has vanished as well." 

"I..I..I'm really not…." She starts to cry. "Seems like she's telling the truth." Eric says. Tux fades away.

Alicard is balling her eyes out. "Wait till dad gets here then… then you'll be in trouble." 

"Speaking of which, where are your parents?" Eric says patting her head. 

"Huh…" She looks up at Eric. "My dad said I'd be safe if I went to a capital city. He should be here any day."

"Where did you come from?" Lila asks. 

"From Evershade Forest. Our home was attacked by those damn demons. My dad wanted me to come here so he wouldn't have to worry about me. But that was at least six days ago."

"You're worried about him right?" Lila asks. 

"Of course not the Great Alucard would never lose to demons…" she says downcast.

"Well If he's a powerful vampire I doubt the demons could touch him. Well if vampires are similar to the ancient ancestors from my world." He says. 

"You know about the ancestors?" Alicard tilts her head quizzically.

"Well if they're the same. Truthfully the first ancestor was gifted the power of eternal life by the heavenly dragon Aros. But the dragon of chaos Dedros cursed them making the only way to use their gift by draining the blood of people. Eventually the first ancestor evolved and grew fangs making it easier to drink blood. Then after seeing a certain species of bat sucking the juice from fruit with their fangs the first ancestor seeker Dedros and asked for the ability to transform into a bat and the rest is history."

"Wow you know a lot about our history." Alicard says.

"But that's from my world. But I guess it wouldn't be strange to have a descendant of the ancestors here since I'm here now." Eric says. 

"How do you know so much about their history?" Lila asks. 

"An old acquaintance of my dad used to tell me stories about the ancestors when I was younger. Anyways I don't think she's a spy."

"Sorry for confining you." Lila says. 

"Hmph I could've broken out if I wanted to." Alicard says crossing her arms and laughing. 

"Lila are you busy today?" He asks. 

"Don't you remember I'm to be by your side until you forgive me that was his majesty's orders." 

"But I already did."

"Well I haven't made my report yet." She says with a smile.

"Ah I see. Well I wanted to view the city today and I need a guide." 

"I will accompany you after I take a bath." 

"That's right I need one too." He says. 

"Me three." Alicard Interjects. 

"That's fine." Lila says. 

"And I want to see the city too."

"So after we get clean we'll head into the city." Eric says. 

Lila leads Eric to the men's bathing area then she and Alicard enter the women's bathing area. After changing into a towel Eric sees Kazuma standing in one of the many partitioned stalls. It only covers the lower half of the body. This bathing room uses steam and a wet washcloth instead of running water. 

"Hey Eric." 

"Hey." He says and enters the stall next to Kazuma. 

"So about last night…"

"Don't worry about it after all I'm not a hero." 

Kazuma seems a little upset hearing that. 

"Eric today we're going to learn magic isn't that awesome!?" Kazuma tries to shake that feeling by bringing up magic. 

"Oh yeah that's cool." Eric says not sounding too excited by that. 

"We're going after we report to the king then Princess Rebecca is going to teach us magic. 

"Well have fun." Eric says with a faint smile. 

"Wait you're not going?"

"No I'm having Lila show me around the town. I mean there has to be something a non hero can do to assist you and Rizu."

"Eric you know we didn't want to exclude you from that talk but…" 

"No worries I'll do what I always do." Eric says with his devilish grin. 

"Listen I know you can fight and you know a little kendo but the people here have magic so it'd be best if you train with us today ok?" 

"Hehe I'm good." Eric finishes wiping down his body. He wraps the towel around him and leaves the bathing area. 

Kazuma has a downcast look thinking about his friend. 

After changing into his clothes he exits the changing room. 

Not even a minute later Lila and Alicard exit from the women's bathing room.

"That was fast." He says. 

"It got kinda awkward in there. Your friend Rizu was glaring at me." Lila says. 

"I want to see the city so I was fast." Alicard says. 

"Okay let's head out." 

Before they can leave Rizu charges out after Lila.

She sees Eric so she doesn't say what she was thinking. "Huh Eric…"

"That's me." He says smiling. 

"Um today Rebecca is teaching us about magic aren't you excited?"

"I didn't get a Heroes Invite so I'm passing." He says waving his hand. 

"But…" Rizu is cut off by Eric. "I'm having Lila show us around town but have fun learning magic." 

"R..right…" Rizu is clearly upset about last night.

"Besure to show me what magic you've learned." 

Eric says walking away. 

Hearing his words she can tell he isn't bothered by last night's events and lets out a sigh. 

Then Kazuma exits the men's bathing area. 

"Did you see Eric?" He asks. 


"Is it me or does he not seem interested in magic?" 

"It's not just you I felt the same."

"Very strange since you two were always going on about magic and the occult."

"..." She stays quiet.

"We should go find Rebecca." He adds after hearing Rizu's silence.