
Not The Summoned Hero Just Their Friend

After finally returning home from a trip to America Eric Kazumitsu and his friends Kazuma and Rizu meet after a long year apart. When a "Magic Circle" engulfs them Eric decides to stay with his friends so he can protect them. While being transported he sees strange markings flying towards him and he avoids them. Arriving in an unknown land Eric must make it back to his world and report to The Spirit Society's king as he has information that could help in the war between The Spirit Society, The Cult Of Dedros, and The Institute. Will Eric be able to make it back to his world and protect it from being destroyed?

JamesTheLostOne · Fantasy
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7 Chs

valuable weapon and terrorizing the gate guard

Eric, Lila, and Alicard exit from the main gate of castle Kynzen. The guards on duty salute Lila with a Knights salute that consists of stomping your left foot and putting your arm against your chest. 

Lila replies with a nod. Seeing them showing her respect Eric slowly realizes how important she is. 

"Huh I didn't think you were this respected." 

Lila's face freezes with a half smile hearing his words. "Well I am acting commander of dungeon eradication." She says proudly. 

"I do remember you mentioning that before but I didn't take you that seriously though." 

"Yeah you don't have the air of a commander." Alicard Interjects. 

"And you don't have the air of a vampire." She pouts as she says that. 

"Well I'll admit I'm not that great but once you meet my dad you'll understand."

Alicard's attention wonders over to a food stall selling meat skewers.

"Huh I just realized we need money…" Eric suddenly doesn't seem as reliable as before.

"I guess even a powerful spirit user isn't that great." Lila is taking a jab at Eric. 

"Well no worries, Lila can you take us to a weapon shop?"

"I can but why?"

"To sell a weapon for cash."

Lila leads them to a high class weapon shop. "My Lord I wouldn't recommend selling that." Tux's raspy deep voice can be faintly heard by the three. 

Alicard jumps hearing an unfamiliar voice. "who's that?"

"That's Tux you've already met." 

"Huh… you mean that scary skeleton wolf?" She asks confused. 

"Aww you're making me blush. But Eric you know Hitori will..." Tux is cut off by Eric. 

"It's fine." 

Tux sighs. "Well don't say I didn't warn you."

They enter the weapon shop. 

They are greeted by a gruff man behind the counter. 

"Whatchu doin here kid?"

"Well I've come to sell this." Eric says pulling a dagger out of his bag the scabbard is black and at the point it turns into a dragon head. 

The shop keeps eyes go wide. "Where did ya find this?"

"Hehe don't you recognize her? This is Lila Astor acting commander of eradicating dungeons."

"Woah it's a pleasure to meet you ma'am."

"And so we found this in a dungeon and wanted to sell it. So how much?"

"Six platinum!" The shopkeeper immediately responds. 

"Deal." Eric hands the dagger over to the man and he hands Eric six platinum coins.

As they're walking out the man asks for his name?


After they exit Lila and Ali stare at Eric. 

"What?" He asks seeing them eyeing him. 

"Why would you sell something so amazingly crafted?" Lila asks.

"Well my world's money won't work here now will it."

"But that dagger was so cool!" Ali seems down now that Eric sold it. 

"Well I've never really liked it to begin with."


"Anyways let's get some food." He changes the subject. 

After walking over to a stall he buys three kabobs. They cost eight silvers. Turning one platinum into ten gold he pays with one gold and receives two silvers. 

After they eat they're fill they continue to explore the city.

Meanwhile Kazuma and Rizu are with Rebecca in the royal courtyard.

"Alright that should be a good stopping point for today. So how does it feel to channel mana?"

"Tiring." Kazuma replies immediately.

"Hehe well it's exhausting but it feels amazing…" Rizu has the biggest grin on her face.

"Well maybe by tomorrow you'll be able to turn that mana into a spell." 

Suddenly Kazuma and Rizu seem down.

"Um is something wrong?"

"Oh it's just I thought Eric would be jumping to be taught magic but he didn't seem interested." 

"Yeah me and him used to pretend that we could use magic. But when we told him he kinda shook it off. I hope he didn't take last night the wrong way…" Rizu stares blankly at the floor.

"When I talked to him in the bath house he said he didn't receive the hero's invite… But I don't know how serious he was though." 

"If he thinks we're only teaching you two because you're the heroes he's wrong I'll personally go invite him." the princess says.

Kazuma and Rizu's eyes open wide.

"Would you really?"

"Leave it to me." Rebecca smiles.  "Oh but where did he go off too?" 

"Huh he didn't really say but he has that knight Lila with him." 

Rebecca has a confused look on her face. "I didn't think they would be able to get along with each other."

Kazuma and Rizu glance at one another. Knowing Eric he must have some wicked scheme to get her back.

"Ahchoo" Eric suddenly sneezes. "So Lila this is the city gate, not as grand as I thought it'd be."

"Well we are far from the castle so it's only natural that it wouldn't be as impressive." 

"This is the gate I entered through... Or would have if I wasn't detained!" Ali says glaring at Lila.

"How dangerous is it out there?" 

"The most dangerous monsters out there besides the demons are Orcs and Ogre, maybe a Dire Wolf but those are only B and A class respectively." Lila answers his question.

"Well that still doesn't tell me anything." he says walking to the gate.

"Wait Eric…" it's too late he already took off towards the gate Lila and Ali chased after him.

"Halt!" Eric is stopped by the guard. "Hmm."

"You cannot leave without paying a toll." 

"Huh that's kinda greedy don't you think." Eric responds.

"Get lost kid with that scrawny body you wouldn't last a day outside of this city." 

"Even with your armor you wouldn't survive three hours I bet." Eric tries to antagonize the guard."

"Huh! Listen four eyes without those you wouldn't last a minute out there." the guard points at his glasses.

Finally Lila and Ali catch up to hear them arguing. "Eric!" Lila yells.

Eric delivers an icy gaze towards Lila which makes her freeze. When the guard realizes that she's Lila Astor and that she just tensed up by Eric's stare he realizes he's messed up.

"Well If you're so confident that I wouldn't last without these let me show you what I can do without them." Eric removes his glasses and they disappear from his hand. Suddenly his eyes glow crimson and they transform into reptile-like eyes. 

Then he whispers "Dragon Field" then the guard and him are surrounded by a black aura. 

Eric slowly walks up to the guard and places his hand on his shoulder. The guard sees dragon like claws on his shoulder then Eric crushes the man's armor.  

Here's what the others saw. Eric took off his glasses and instantly moved in front of the guard.

"Now you'll let us pass without paying, correct?"

The guard manages to nod while shaking furiously. "Good." Eric's glasses appear in his hands and he puts them back on and walks past the guard out of the city.