

It's been almost a month between what got down with me and Drake. I'm at the job search center now. Cara is never around or she's always with her gang in the house and Drake is part of that gang, I completely want to avoid him. So I'm going to try any job opening.

"You are in luck", the old woman at the desk said. "There's an opening as a cleaner in a game company. Are you down?"

"Yes please"

"Ok, hold on… I just sent your resume to them. So be checking your email from time to time. The name of the gaming company is Frutta Tech". The name sounds familiar. "So just hold on and pray you get the job". I thanked her and left.

*Crash*. I looked to my left and saw a broken plate by my side.

"Where were you?", Cara asked


"You know what? I don't care. You have a blind date to attend. The dress is already in your room. I'm giving you thirty minutes". I walked into my room and saw a silver monkey tail dress on my bed. It was sleeveless.


"What?" She was fuming

"The dress is armless"


"I can't wear it"


"Cause", I opened up my sleeves and show are my scars. "All these would show"

"Does it look like care?"


"Tatata I don't want to hear anything. Fifteen minutes ticking". I went back into my room and stared at the dress. I then remembered a black coat Cara gave me when we first moved here. I opened my wardrobe and there it was. It went well with the dress, I hoped. Got into the shower to bath. I applied the cream and got dressed, did a little makeup and packed my hair up into a neat bun and let some piece fall at the left side of my face, took my silver heels and walked out to meet Cara who's already outside. "You're late", she slapped me. I had to walk to the end of the street to enter my ride.


The whole date was annoying. Wasn't like any of the other guys I've been on a date with. He kept reading from papers to make a conversation. The dude eat his food plus mine and still ordered for more. I went to use the restroom once, on coming back, I caught him watching porn. I excused myself. He rushed out after me telling me things like how he's addicted to porn and nudes and how he can't go a day without sex. He then gave me his card that anytime I'm interested he's ready.

I'm home now. I told them everything that went down and they began to laugh

"He wants to have sex with you? You? Who would want to get down with you?"

"Cara don't be mean", Abigail said then laughed. "Only the blind or those that are mentally insane"

"Even those wouldn't want her". I was so unborthered with what they were saying. I almost got dis-virgined some weeks ago by Drake. I left their midst and entered my room. I started day dreaming about Drake and then thought back to the intimacy we had until his words came back to me. 'Girlfriend? Sorry for leading you on'. I feel like a fool. Why would I think he wants to be my girlfriend. Me? Ofcourse not, he's way above my level. I cried myself to sleep.

I woke up the next morning, made Cara's breakfast and then went ahead to clean her room. 'shit! The mail'. I ran to my room and checked my phone. Nothing, nada. I felt discouraged but still kept my hopes I. After Cara had left the house. I decided to keep myself busy by cleaning all the toilets in the house. I finished by 1p.m, checked and still no mail. Slept off and woke up by 4p.m, made myself pasta as I watched real housewives. I decided to schedule the movie date with Ryan; he's the Uber guy who took me on the blind date that I met Andrew. He collected my number from Cara, I still have no idea why she gave him my number. But I'm glad, he keeps me occupied, atleast mostly at night cause he works during the day. He asked begged me countless time to go on a movie date with him. I think I'll go now.

Hey Ryan🙃

(Me 16:18)

I texted. It has delivered but he hasn't read it. Guess he is still as work. I placed my phone on my chest and watched my real housewives with blank face.


I picked up my phone immediately and saw his text.


(Ryan Uber 16:32)

Are you still at work?

(Me 16:32)

Nope. Just got home😣

(Ryan Uber 16:35)

Sorry. You must be exhausted 🤕?

(Me 16:35)

You can't even begin to imagine😭

(Ryan Uber 16:35)

What are you doing now?

(Me 16:35)

Pulling my 👖

(Ryan Uber 16:36)

Oh ok

(Me 16:36)

You want to say something?

(Ryan Uber 16:42)


(Me 16:45)

C'mon Al, I know you😒

(Ryan Uber 16:46)

For real 🙂

(Me 16:46)

Ok spill😶

(Ryan Uber 16:46)

Alright… you know how you've been asking me out on a movie date?

(Me 16:55)

Yes🤨, that you've turned me down countless times😔

(Ryan Uber 17:01)

Yeah true. But now I'm proposing it to you?

(Me 17:01)


(Ryan Uber 17:02)


(Me 17:02)

Don't believe😒

(Ryan 17:02)


(Me 17:03)

Cause you're Alexa. You've turned me down 28 times

(Ryan Uber 17:03)

Me??? Seriously😬 that much???

(Me 17:03)


(Ryan Uber 17:03)

Mehn😔 I am such a terrible person

(Me 17:04)

No kidding

(Ryan Uber 17:04)

Yahh! You are meant to say 'No you are not. People just have different tastes in life's

(Me 17:05)

And here I am saying 'Dey play!'

(Ryan Uber 17:05)


(Me 17:05)

It's a saying in Nigeria

(Ryan Uber 17:06)

And?? What does it mean??

(Me 17:06)

Exactly what it interpretes

(Ryan Uber 17:06)

Anyhow? Are you coming?

(Me 17:07)

What movie do you plan on watching?😶

(Ryan Uber 17:10)

I don't know💁🏽‍♀️. You are the movie expert. You pick

(Me 17:11)

Ok! So what day do you plan on?🙈

(Ryan Uber 17:11)

I'm free anytime. So it would be when you are less occupied.

(Me 17:13)

Okay, let's say weekends. This Sunday?

(Ryan Uber 17:15)

Fine by me😇

(Me 17:15)

Ok, take care. I'm going to bed😴

(Ryan Uber 17:15)

Sleep tight 😘

(Me 17:15)

*Ryan Uber liked your message*

I continued watching real housewives, I eventually drifted to sleep. I woke up by the ringing of my phone. It was Cara calling. I stood up to open the door. Eventually she lost her house remote. I opened the door for her and she was accompanied in by Gabriel and Anna; one of her newly made friends.

"What's for dinner? I'm starving", Cara asked as she sat on the counter top

"I'm sorry. I didn't know you were coming back this night so I didn't prepare anything"

"You what!? What am I supposed to eat?"

"There's cup noodles?"

"What else"

"There's left over mac"

"I'll take the cup noodles". I put on the boiler before taking the cup noodles out of the fridge. I poured the spices into the cup and then added the boiled water. Cara had already gone into her room.

*Knock knock*

I entered her room but came out quickly. She was having sex with Gab and Anna. The three of them where all naked

"Don't you know how to knock?", She came out in towel

"I'm sorry but I knocked"

"Where's it?" I lifted my hands and she snatched it from my hand and a bit of the hot liquid poured on her hands. "Fuck! Are you trying to kill me"

"What happened?", Gab rushed out and he was completely naked, his manhood was swinging in my front and he didn't seem to care a bit. Ana was behind him, also completely naked.

"She spilled the noodles on me".

"Sorry babe", Gabriel guided her inside and shut the door at my face. I couldn't move. I still saw the image of his manhood. If is own is that big, I wonder how big Drake's own would be. I suddenly remembered the feeling of grinding on him; through the clothes, his manhood felt big. "Stop it". I said to myself. I went into my room and I was feeling horny.

"Alexa Angelo this is so unlike you. Get yourself together". I opened my phone and started playing a game, then I noticed an inbox, I clicked on it and it was from Frutta Tech. I got the job. I was happy, finally I can be out of the house. I am to resume the next coming Monday.



I'm getting ready for my movie date with Ryan and I have no idea what to wear. I went through Pinterest and most of the ideas wear jeans and top. So I picked a blue jeans, it goes all the way to my belly and I folded the legs of the jeans which makes it jump my ankles a bit. I took a forest green botton-up, I buttoned up the first few bottoms then tied the two edge of the shirt together. I took a white Adidas converse, a black sunglasses and a black mini swing bag.

"Where the fuck are you going to?", Cara asked me as she barged into my room

"To watch a movie"

"You, watch a movie? You must be joking"

"I'm serious"

"With whom?"

"A friend"

"And who's the friend?"

"Just someone I recently met"

"Who is this 'someone I recently met? Doesn't the person have a name?"


"Who the fuck is that?"

"The Uber driver"

"Uber driver?"

"You are going around dating your Uber drivers?"

"No. Just one and I'm not dating him. You gave him my number"

"Me? When?"

"I'm not exactly sure. But he's the person who drove me to the date when you had fever"

"??? You got to explain more than that"

"You gave him my number, he said I left something in the car"

"Oh that dude. You are going out with him, why?"

"Just to watch movies together"

"I'm coming along"

"You don't need to"

"Too late, already decided. Meet you in five" she slammed my door

"Oh shit". I took out my phone to ring Ryan, but it's saying his number is switched off. I decided to send him a text informing him about Cara's accompaniment.

"I'm ready!", Cara shouted. I went out to meet her. We are using her white BMW; I love this car. If I should ever get rich, I'm going to buy myself a BMW and Rolls Royce, yes don't forget Tesla. She drove away with full speed. My spirit and soul left my body. "So where are we watching it?", she asked by the time we got to the middle of the road

"Luminaries film house"

"And where's that?"

"I exactly don't know". She put the address into her gps, it showed us the way and she sped off. We got lost twice cause her gps lost signal.

"Al!", I heard my name. I looked further into the crowd and found Ryan waving at me. To be honest, I kind of forgotten how he looks like. His hands dropped and a frown formed on his face, I followed his eyes and they landed on Cara. I rushed to him

"Hey! No cutting line", someone said

"So sorry", I said but didn't bother moving my position. "Hey. I tried calling you but your number was switched off"

"Yes. My phone was dead it's 100% charged now. Samsung phones are the best", he said proud of himself. As someone who operates an iPhone; I agree to disagree. But I'll love to use a Samsung though. "So who's that?"

"That's why I called. She's Cara, the one who gave you my number"

"Okay?", he asked dragging his word

"She decided to follow and I don't know how to keep away"

"I wanted to watch with you alone, you know. Let us spend the day together. But if she's a pimple we can't just seem to pop off, I guess we leave it there"

"I'm so sorry again"

"Nah. It's ok"

"So what are we watching?"

"It's a secret", he gestured by putting his index finger on his lips. I got out of the line and waited by the corner where Cara is.

"What's taking so long?", she asked grumbling

"The queu is long. I guess the movies showing today are worth it"

"I'm tired. I could be home on my bed, or doing TikTok or with my gang"

"You could still always turn back". She didn't answer me. After what seems like thirty minutes, Ryan was out of the line. He held the tickets didn't want me to see the movie. We got into the movie room and it was dark. So apparently the movie started about ten minutes ago.

"It's the only English movie showing today", he handed me my popcorn. "Or would you have preferred to watch Italian?"

"Nope. English is good for me"

"So, what's the title?"

"Not telling you", he chuckled a bit then kept a popcorn in his mouth. Meanwhile, Cara was just on her phone, not minding what was playing in her front.

"I'm gonna leave"

"Really, why? The movie just started, give it a chance" my mouth was speaking the opposite of what's in my head. She made up her mind to leave. I was startled when Ryan breathed out. "Where you holding that?"


"Why? For how long?"

"I don't even know. You want?", I passes the popcorn to me and I take a hand full. Ryan bought two popcorn but Cara left with one. I was glancing looks to Ryan from time to time, he wore different facial expression at different point. Honestly speaking, I'm not concentrated on the movie. I doubt I'll ever be a movie type. I reached my hands into the popcorn box and realized it has finished, glanced at Ryan and saw him staring at me.



"Then why are you staring. There's a movie playing in frint of you. Isn't this what you came for". He shook his head no. "Then what?"


"Me? I don't understand"

"Shhh" he simply said and then locked gis fingers with mine and kept them on his legs. His hands are warm, not as warm as Drake's own. 'Alexa, shut the fuck up about Drake'.



"How was the movie?" How should I tell him that I didn't watch the movie at all. I stole glances of him and towards the end, I was thinking of Drake?

"The movie. Umm.. well.."

"You didn't enjoy it?", he wore a worrisome look. "I'm sorry. I thought you would like it. I should have asked for your opinion first"

"No no no, not that. I was just wasn't watching"


"I don't know". I can't tell him why.

"I'm sorry"

"Please don't apologize". I took his hands into mine and led him to an empty seat. He sat down and I carried one over to meet him. "Honestly I haven't really been on a date before. This was nice. I didn't pay attention to the movie to say I enjoyed it. But I loved the company. I love your company."

"Really?", I nodded my head. We were silent for a bit before he broke it. "So what do you want to do?"

"I don't know"

"What about the park. Oh wait, there's this new amusement park that just opened. Would you live to go?"

"Yes!" I said faster than my brain could boot. I've never been to the amusement park before. I only always hear how fun it is from my elementary school class mates and the Aguero children.

"But it's a little out of town"

"I like the drive"

"Alright. It's decided. May we?", he stood and stretched out his arm. I nodded and placed mine in his.