

"I can't believe it's you that'll have to go. You better make it work", Cara said while doing my makeup. So apparently Cara's fever hasn't gone down too well, she still has a runny nose though her temperature is fine. I am going to fill in for her for the date today. Abigail was supposed to come over to help but she had a last minute flight to Singapore. "Even with all this make-up you still look ugly. Arrrghhh! Why are you so ugly?", she threw the eye liner on the floor and sank into the chair. "Face me". I turned around the wheel chair to face her. She was looking at my face as if I was some missing puzzle that she wanted to map out. "Wipe it off"


"The damn make-up. Wipe it off." I did as I was told. She stood up, cracked her fingers and back, stretched out her hands and observed my face some more. "I know what to do." What almost seems like forever finally came to an end. "Vióla", she said turning me around to face the mirror

"Wow", I couldn't control the smile that was threatening to tear off my face. My smiles reached my eyes.

"It's not as if you are prettier than me but this could work". She walked away. I keep staring at my face unbelievably, it's like I'm not me at all. "You don't believe me? See for yourself", Cara said coming back into the space

"Woaw C, that's some amazing make-up skill you did there", the voice came out from the phone. "She doesn't even look a bit like Alexa. You turned an orga into a princess. You did yourself this time. Wish I was there to see it", that voice is definitely Alexa. "Give the phone to her, let me speak with her", Cara handed me the phone as she took her seat. "Cara did a really great job on your face. So if you ruin this night for her then you have a serious issue. The only reason I could give out for you ruining it before was the terrible thing you called a face. But since that is now fixed, I don't see what can ruin it"

" It can still go wrong",Cara said rubbing her eyes

"What do you mean?"

"She reeks of poverty, stupidity, ill-mannered"

"Well she better don't cause it would be more than glasses I'll throw at her"

"So that aside. What should she wear?"

"You Haven't chosen that yet?", Cara shook her head no. "I thought you went shopping last week or so. Give her one of those"

"I would have but she's smaller than me. She's flat"

"Well don't you have any old wear to give her"

"All most all are revealing the arms"

"Oh yeah right. Get the long arm dress out and I'll choose". After three long hours they finally decided on one dress. It was a green dress. Full sleeve, showing my upper breast, slim and tight; how would it even fit Cara if it's tight for me, stops mid-thigh, it has a net that can be removed at any time and that one covers all my legs, it's long and flowy. I like the dress. "Wow"

"I got to admit she would kill it"

"What designers"

"My mom"

"Woaw… thinking of it, I've never seen you in any if your mom's design"

"Yeah, we kinda have different taste in clothes"

"But you are taking over the company right"

"I guess so"

"This one's pretty amazing"

"Yeah she got it for my eighteen years old birthday. I never really wore it"


"Nothing really", she checked her phone. "The Uber's here". She checked me again before I stepped into the uber.

Honestly, I am not feeling too well, there's this knot in my stomach and it's hurting me, like real bad.

"Are you ok ma'am?", the Uber driver asked

"Yes". He parked the car despite my positive response. He got down, opened the door for me and helped me out. Immediately I got down, I puked. It all came gushing out and directly into his Tee, it's funny cause I haven't had anything to eat since one and it's fifteen minutes to eight. "Oh my God, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean–", It came gushing out again. He got water from his car. I washed my mouth off and drank a little.

"Stay here a bit, receive some air"

"I can't. I have somewhere to be"

"You are sick. Normally I would have advised you to go home, but just receive some air, we'll be back on the road in ten"

" I'll be late"

"I'm in the fast and furious sequel"


"Fast and Furious"

"What's that?"

"Don't tell me you don't know fast and furious?", I shook my head. "Mehn how come you don't know it? It's the most Legendary car race movie in the world, featuring A-list actors like Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, Michelle Rodriguez, Dwayne Johnson, Jason Statham, Idris Elba and others". I wore a confused look. "You don't know them?" I shook my head. "You must be kidding me. How wouldn't you know them? The most epic sequence ever produced by America", he sighed then look at me. "Do you watch movies?" I shook my head. "You mean like at all? No movie. Like what!!!??? How's that even possible??? I'm flabbergasted. What do you spend your time doing?"

"Housewives, sister wives, Kardashian"

"What! You are kidding me?. You are leaving the main gee for those tortoise"

"They are not tortoise"

"I need to take you to watch movies", he then looked at me. "That's if you want to?", I nodded my head. "Well let's be heading, before they'll call in missing to you". We both chuckled, got into the car and drove off. The ride was a quick one. I got to the restaurant at exactly thirty minutes past eight.

"Your reservation please?", the man in black suit asked

"Ummm". I stared at the man blankly

"Are you here alone?"

"No. Someone's waiting for me inside"

"Your reservation?"

"Alex– sorry Cara Dasilva Aguero, I am here with Diego Ramos", I took one stern look at me. Before telling me in with his white gloved hands. 'Table 224' he said. "Wow there's a lot of tables here". I was guided to my table by a waitress. I was taken by an elevator and found myself on a terrace. The night view was beautiful yet chilly. She pointed her hands to a dude in blonde yellow hair. I walked up to the table and took a seat. He got up a bit until I sat down. "Diego Ramos?"

"Yeah. That's my friend. An emergency came up and you were running late, he didn't want to stand you up, so I was asked to come fill in", the blonde hair man said

"Oh. Is he alright? I'm sorry for running in late"

"Yes he is fine", he looked at his phone. "He'll be back in a few minutes. By the way I'm Andrew Vincenzo"

" I'm Alexa Angelo– sorry I meant Cara Aguero". He cocked an eyebrow. "I am Alexa. I came to fill in for Cara cause she got a fever"

"I guess we are both substitutes then", he laughed and his dimples showed. It showed, I'm feeling heated. I haven't seen a man this handsome before. "Your real dates here", he nudged his head towards the elevator, I saw a long man walking towards us. "Don't tell him you are Alexa. You came as Cara, stay like Cara", he smiled a bit. He and the long man exchanged some words in Italian as he got up and the long man sat down. "See you Cara", he nodded his head a bit and walked away, he too was long. I wonder where I would reach them, I'm five foot two.

"Sorry for wasting time", the long man said. He was handsome but not as handsome as Andrew

"No. I'm sorry for coming in late"

"Diego Ramos, it's a pleasure to meet you"

"Cara Aguero". The waiter brought our food, and we ate in complete silence.

"I'll have my driver take you home. I wish to ride along with you but I have a flight to meet", he said as we walked to the vault. "Hope you had a wonderful day miss Cara", he said as I entered into the car and he shut the door for me and zoom, I was off.


"How was it? Hope you didn't ruin it", was the sentence that greeted me

"It was ok. And I'm sorry but my ugly face didn't ruin it"

"So did he ask you out on a second date?"


"Arrrghhh. You ruined it. You ruin everything. I knew it even a 360° make-over would never cover your ugly face", she threw her laptop at me, luckily for me it just landed an each away from my feet. She ran upstairs while cursing in Spanish. I entered my room and was drifted into sleep way too quickly as my head touched the pillow

*Ring ring*

*Ring ring*


"Are you asleep?"

"Yes. Who is this?"


"Why are you calling this late?"

"It's just twelve midnight"


"You sound cute when asleep. I wonder how to look?"

"Why are you calling?"

"Yeah. I want to apologise?"


"The party… what went down. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you"

"I'm over it"

"But I'm not. I'm sorry Lexi. It broke me to see you cry"

"Ok. Apology accepted"

"Gracias mi amor"

"I'm not your love and your Spanish is terrible"

"I got an A+ back in high school"

"Then they didn't know how to teach or their marking standard were low or they gave you extra points for being handsome"

"Handsome you say?"

"Goodnight Drake". I cut the call. Then I received a message. I'm at your door. "What!? This dude's got to be kidding me". I walked over to the door, opened it and walam… There he is. "What are you–". Ge covers my mouth, drags me in until we are in our room. "What are you doing here?"

"I missed you"

"You say what? I can get in big trouble with Cara"

"You wouldn't. She wouldn't know I'm here"

"She enters my room at times in the night", he walks to my door and locks it

"Problem solved"

"Are you insane?"

"For you? Yes"

"Just stop! What are you thinking? I can't be with you. If we were animal–"

"We are. Higher class", he interrupted me

"If we were animals, you are on top of the food chain and I'm below, way way way below. We can't be seen together. I'm a slave–". 'He is kissing me. What!!!! His lips are soft, very soft and it feels so good, my knees are becoming weak and I'm melting in his hands. My very first kiss. Oh no! My very first kiss, I'm a terrible kisser. What I'm I doing?' I found my senses again and pushed him away. "What are you thinking?"

"About you. About how beautiful you are"

"That's a lie. I'm ugly"

"Who told you that? Cara? If there's one thing about beauty, it is you? You are beautiful on the inside and out. You have a small face that fits perfectly into my palms", he cupped my cheeks. "Soft cheeks", he strokes my cheeks. "Beautiful brown eyes and amazing lips I mean amazing", I stared down at my lips. 'Men, u want to kiss him', but I stop myself and look away. "You are not a servant–", I tried interrupting him but he kept his fingers on my lips. "Shhh. Don't talk. You are not a servant. You were just unlucky to be born in this situation. Everybody was born free. Do you think if the Aguero's went bankrupt, they wouldn't work under someone? And you can level up, strife to be your own person. Love the person you want to, wear what you want. And stand up for yourself". I looked him straight in the eyes and he cleaned a year I didn't know fell. He went in again and kissed me, deeper this time and more affectionate. I'm falling, no I've fallen.

We kissed ourselves till we fell asleep. I woke up in his arms, he was shirtless. 'Fuck! He was shirtless and handsome. Damn handsome! His fair skin gave me goosebumps.

"Morning sweetheart", was a deep voice, I looked up and caught him smiling down at me and before I could say bingo, I hurried my head into the blanket. He laughed, deep and sexy. "Shy? Oh come on", he raised my head up to look at him. "Fuck!"

"What?", I'm becoming scared

"You are so beautiful. I wish to look at this face every morning and your morning voice can make me come undone", I punched him a little and buried my hair back. "I'm serious love", he brings my face up again and goes in for a kiss, I climb on his manhood and men I can feel the budge. He pushes me higher so I'm properly on it as he tilts his head to get further entrance into my mouth and his tongue slides in, I got goosebumps. I had no idea what I was doing, my body just lost control and started doing whatever the fuck. I felt myself grinding on him and he moaned, he fuckin moaned. "Don't do that again", he said it in a raspy voice and I just nodded my head and went back to kiss him, but my body wouldn't listen, u started to grind him again. He held my waist down with his hands. "You don't listen", he turns me around, now he's on top me. "Do you want me to fuck you? I believe you're a virgin. Do you want to lose that?" I shook my head. "That's what I thought". He went back to kiss me and now I'm the one moaning. "Drake", I moaned his name and it felt strange yet good.

"Alexa are you ok there"

"Oh shit", I pushed him off. "It's Cara"

"Yes I know"

"Shit shit shit"

"Calm down would you"

"I can't–", he kisses me and that calms me down

"Alexa", Cara tries opening the door. "Why's your door locked"

"I'm coming!", I shout. I told him to go under my bed; I have a high bed. I adjusted my clothes and opened the door.

"What were you doing sleeping?" She peeked into the room. "Come and make me breakfast, I want waffles. I'm leaving in thirty minutes. I followed her out. The faster I make her breakfast, the faster she leaves. I did her waffles and saw her out. Immediately she drove off I ran back into the house.

"Missing me already", I turned around to see Drake still shirtless.

"What are you doing outside? What of if she comes back?" I push him back by his chest and he spins me around and my back hits the wall, it hurts a little.

"She's going out with Gabriel and as far as I know them, they'll be gone through out the day. Might not even be home this night"

"How do you know?" He shows me his phone.

"I texted her. Now where we were", he goes down to kiss my neck. I shift him away. "What's the problem?"

"I need to pee"

"I walk away from him", he hits my ass.

I came out from the bathroom and saw him sitting on my bed, holding something in his hands and his face showing worries.

"You alright?"

"Come here", I walked towards him and he sat me on the bed and takes my hand. He pulled up my sleeves and I drew back quickly. "It's ok". He took my hands again and pulled up my sleeves to my elbows. "How come? This is purely wickedness. Who does this?". I looked down ashamed. "How often does this happen?" I didn't answer him. "How often does this happen!?" He raised his voice this time and it startled me. "I'm sorry. I don't mean to shout. How often does it happen and how long ago did it start?"

"Almost every time she's angry", I took a deep breath. "It began two months after my parents' death. It was Mrs Aguero that first laid her hands on me"

"Mrs Aguero? Cara's mom?"


"How? Why?"

"My parents were just involved in an accident. I was six. I wasn't allowed to see them being buried. The last time I placed eyes on my parents was the evening just right before their accident. I was allowed to mourn a month after their death. The next month I was to resume in the Aguero's mansion as an official staff. It was tough at first, very tough. I didn't know how to do many things but I was kept under the immediate orders of Cara. She's a year older than me. So always bullied me, most nights she locked me up in her grandmother's chest box. And always scream 'Die! Die! Just like your parents, you filthy thing'. So one day I pushed her cause I got so angry. She pushed me back and I tripped down the stairs, luckily for me, her eldest brother was there to catch me. When her mother came back that evening. She cried so loud that you could hear from the estate entrance. She pointed fingers at me and lied. I pushed her down the stairs. If not for her eldest brother, she would have died. She lied that I said she should die like my parents. Mrs Aguero dragged me into a room and ordered the male servants to beat me up, I was asked to starve without food for a week, I was only given a cup of water a day. And many more incident has occurred like that." I looked into his eyes and he was silent.

"I have this", a lifts up a tube paste. "It's meant for scars and burns. Apply it twice a day and it would be become better after two months", he looked at me. "Come closer". I did but then he carried me like i weighed nothing on his laps. "It's gonna burn", he said as he started to apply the cream on my burns. I could feel my skin burning and it's not because of the cream. He kissed my shoulder. "You're burning up. Is it that hot?", he looked at me with a worried expression. "Are you ok?", he kissed my shoulders again and then placed a peck on my neck. Is he doing this purposely? As he was about to speak, I faced him and then our lips met. I was hesitant at first while he just paused, as if waiting for me to make the first move. I closed my eyes then went for it. Opened my mouth slightly taking in his upper lips, he titled is head to the left making more entrance for me. This dude is driving me crazy, I can't kiss. How should I do this? Body this is when I need you to loose control. I changed my position, I sat facing him and positioned myself on his erect. I started to whine and move my hips. I've never done this before, I'm sure I'm doing nonsense. I stopped about to get off his lap, he held me firm with his arms. "Relax", he simply said. "Now sit! Properly", I sat down properly. He used his hands to guide me and shifted me properly on top of him, I felt his thing and it's huge. "Now move slowly", I did as he said. "Remember relax", I took a deep breath and moved my hips more, then I started to circulate it. I think I'm doing it well cause I heard him breathe heavily. I moved a little faster and then began increasing my speed. "Fuck!", he said. "You'll loose your virginity at this point", he said and I made an abrupt stop. "Why did you stop?"

"I don't want to be dis-virgined"

"Don't worry. I wouldn't touch you without your permission", he assured me. I went back to grinding him. I had more confident this time around. I placed my right hand on his chest and moved it up and down slowly. And landed it on his neck. He moved his neck and then I went in to kiss it. I placed little kisses everywhere. I explored his neck then moved to his jaw line. I kissed it and then his cheeks, the both corners of his lips. I looked into his eyes, his into mine. And then he took my lips and lay down, I'm still on top him. We kiss passionately. He moves to my neck and changes position, placing me besides him, he puts his hands under my top and places it on my stomach and uses his fingers to draw traces around. I began to have goosebumps, I breathed out an heavy breathe. He moves his upper and it rest on below my boobs. "Relax". He places his hands on my boobs and massages it for a bit before touching my nipples, he pinched it and moved his hands to my second breast. And did the same thing. I know my boobs are small but he massages it as if I have big boobs though his hands are longs.

"Mhmm! Drake!", I moaned out and arched my back. This dude is performing magic with my boobs.

"Come here", I shifted closer to him as he removed his hands from under my top and places it on my cheeks. "They are soft", he chuckled. I felt self conscious and placed my hands on my chest to cover myself. "No no dear. Don't cover yourself atleast to me", he removes my hands. "I mean that I like it. No need to get all self conscious. You are beautiful and I mean that. Ok love?" He pecks my forehead, then my cheeks then lips. He looked into my eyes tensely. "I want to do something. If it's painful or you are feeling uncomfortable tell me to stop alright". I had no idea what he wanted to do, but I nodded my head despite.

He puts his hands on the top of my night short. And gently took his time to lead his hands inside. I took a deep breath. "Relax", I did as I was told. He pushed his hands further down and stopped when he touched my clit but with my pants on. "Look how soaked you are". He tapped on it before keeping his hands at the entrance of my pant. "Remember, if it's painful or you are feeling uncomfortable tell me to stop alright". He slid is hands gently into me. "Fuck! Your damped". He rubs my clit with his thumb. He removes his thumb and keeps it on my lips. "Open", he commanded, I opened. He kept is thumb in my mouth and signaled for me to suck it and I did. It tasted weird. He came on top on me and moved down to legs. He slid down my short and pants. He kept my pant on his face and then smelled it. It's meant to be disgusting, even just thinking about it, but the way he did it turned me on even more. He threw it to the ground. "Spread", he commanded and I did. "Damn!". He looked at it intensely also full of lost, it was as if he was studying it. I closed my legs but he spread it back open with his hands. "Didn't I tell you not to cover yourself in my present". He puts his finger on my clit and started stroking it. He went faster by the second and I was already voicing out loud moans. He licked his middle finger then kept it on my pussy to collect my damp and then he licked it. Like his life depended on it. He raised my legs up to his shoulders and looked at my opening. He breathed on it and then his mouth went in. He took my pussy whole like breakfast. Licking every part of it.

"Come here", he said after he was done with me down there, he was already laying beside me. I scooted closer to him. He tapped the blanket over my naked under and pecked my forehead. I lay on his chest while he strokes my hair. "I'll be home tonight alone. Wanna come over?"

"I don't think I can"


"It's just too early. I don't think it's time"

"I don't understand"

"I mean we just started dating. Isn't it too early that your girlfriend should go to your place and stay over night?"

"Girlfriend? Sorry for leading you on", he simply said. Checked his phone, got up from the bed, wore his Tee and went without another word. I was left confused and heartbroken.