
Not My Bride

She is the brother or sister of the younger sister of the lady to whom he is engaged. He is the one and only person who has ever managed to win her affection. When Olivia’s sister fails to show up on the day of her wedding, Olivia is put in the awkward position of having to stand in for her. However, Olivia rapidly learns that her marriage to Nolan Johnson is nothing short of a living hell for her and her children. She has never stopped adoring the mysterious media mogul who is worth millions, but he has never shown any interest in her despite the fact that she has never stopped loving him. Instead, all of his attention has been directed on her sister. Olivia is doing all in her power to win over her husband now that they are finally married. In both love and battle, nothing can be held against you. Therefore, nothing can be held against you. What do you think about this? This is a fight to the death.

mercy_mary · Thành thị
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I offer a little shrug and then inching closer toward the retail area, I take another step. It shouldn't be an issue at all. This is not anything that surprises me at all. I can't let the possibility that I could be photographed at any given time to prohibit me from going out and having fun in my life. You are aware of the fact that it used to give me anxiety, right? The general consensus of the people. Because of the nature of my line of work, I have learned to see it as nothing more than a little inconvenience that is unavoidable.

As we make our way into the shopping center together, Nolan stays out of sight to avoid drawing attention to himself. "Perhaps it's time for me to investigate the possibility of procuring some bodyguards for you." I am caught aback by his irascibility, and I discover that I am gazing at him head on as a result.

"Absolutely not, and not even remotely. I'm never in any danger, Nolan. Already, I don't have anywhere to the amount of personal space that I would want to have. The very last thing I want is for someone to persistently enter the space that I have set up for myself.

As we enter one of Bella's favorite jewelry shops, he gives me the look as if he wants to dispute with me, but happily, he maintains his silence during the interaction.

When the shop manager sees Nolan, he immediately becomes uncomfortable and runs up to him while maintaining an anxious grin on his face. He is an elderly gentleman, and the silver in his hair adds a dapper touch to his appearance. He would emanate the type of elegance that is befitting of this business if it weren't for the fact that his anxieties are so visible. After addressing me as "Mr. Johnson," he turned his wide eyes on me and continued speaking. "Olivia." When he glanced at me, his eyes darted all over my body, as they often do when guys do so. It used to be offensive to me when I realized that they were probably thinking about one of my lingerie advertisements, but at this point I've become used to it, and it no longer bothers me at all. "Olivia, wow. It is both a delight and an honor to finally have the chance to speak with you. "Hello, my name is Andy, and I'll be here to assist you with whatever you may need today."

Before continuing, Nolan tenses up and puts his hand on my shoulder before speaking. I whirl around to look at him in disbelief, only to realize that he is giving the manager of the store a glare that is barely concealing his annoyance. As he continues, his voice takes on an aggressive tone as he says, "We will ask for your help when we need it."

The tension in his body causes him to shove me in the direction of the glass display counters as he continues to stiffen up. "What exactly is the problem?" I will ask the question as soon as we are out of their hearing range.

Nolan pulls his hand back and shakes his head as he does so while also pulling his hand back. "He does not have the bearing of a professional. When he took a quick glimpse at you just now, what did he notice about you? What precisely did you say in the first place? The minute we got out of the van, we were subjected to photographic surveillance, and now this?

I can't help but let out a chuckle as I lay back against the counter and gaze up at him. "Nolan," I mutter. "I am no longer the naive young girl that you have come to know and love. I am the most highly paid model for this year, and I am also a brand ambassador for many of the products that are sold in this shopping center. Both of these things have led to my receiving the title. That he would identify me is not something that should come as a big surprise. His response, if anything, might be characterized as being on the moderate half of the spectrum. I have a sneaking hunch that one of the enormous billboards advertising this retail mall has a picture of myself.

"Mild?" Nolan snaps. "Mild? He seemed to have an almost sexual interest in you based on the way he looked at you.

I kindly smile at him as I lay my hand on his upper arm and maintain that position for a while. "How do you deal with being forced to spend all of your time with Bella?" Despite the fact that I have a respectable reputation, Bella is nearly definitely more well-known than I am. The amount of celebrity that is often enjoyed by models is typically not on par with that of A-list actors. How do you deal with the fact that she is always the center of attention? If you find it bothersome, what do you do?

Nolan exhales a breath and then runs his hand through his hair before continuing. "In my opinion, you have an erroneous understanding of how well-liked you are. In addition, a member of the security staff is there with your sister at all times, so there is no cause for me to worry about her safety. On the other hand, how do you feel about it? You truly are a stubborn person, aren't you?

I huff and then turn my back to gaze at the jewelry that is being shown, and as I do so, my eyes go slowly over the engagement rings. At this stage in my life, I find it quite difficult to fathom the notion that I will ever get married. It's inconceivable to me that I could ever have any other partner in my life that I would want to marry than Nolan. There is one ring in particular that catches my eye, and I occasionally give in to the temptation to imagine about how it might look on one of my fingers when I was really wearing it.

I heave a sigh and gently pull Nolan in the direction of the section of the shop that is exhibiting the necklaces. My gaze wanders across the room until it rests on a diamond choker necklace. "Can you think of anything that's even somewhat close to that?"

Nolan motions for Andy to come over, and once he does, Andy hands me the necklace and then directs my attention to the mirror that is situated behind me. Nolan delicately lifts my hair for me and drapes it over my shoulder so that it is out of the way and out of sight as I put the necklace up to my neck to see what it would look like. This allows me to have a better idea of how the necklace would appear on me.

I am to "try it on" as he asks me to, so I do.

I can only nod my head. "Oh no, I can't. I'd appreciate it if you'd give this to Bella. I don't even need to try it on to know that it is going to be an excellent fit for her.