
Noir In One Piece

I'm dropping this fic and will write a new one

noir_kubes017 · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs



At the beach, two children could be seen playing in the sand, building sandcastles and running back and forth along the shore. One of the children was a boy with long, flowing white hair that cascaded down his back like a waterfall. His eyes were a striking shade of red, almost like rubies, which seemed to glow in the sunlight.

Despite his delicate features and slender build, he exuded a quiet confidence that commanded attention. At first glance, some might mistake him for a girl, but upon closer inspection, his masculine features were unmistakable. He wore a loose-fitting shirt and shorts, which fluttered in the breeze, further emphasizing his ethereal beauty. This boy is our Mc his name is

Noir Kube

"The other child was a girl with jet-black hair that framed her face in loose waves. Her eyes were dark with black pupils that seemed to absorb all the light around them, giving her an intense gaze that could be both captivating and unsettling. Despite her dark features, she had a striking beauty that radiated from within. Her skin was smooth and flawless, and her lips were full and pink, forming a natural pout that seemed to beckon to those around her. Although she was quiet and reserved, there was an air of mystery about her that made her all the more alluring."



My name is Noir Kube, and one year ago, I was transmigrated into a new world. But this was no ordinary world; it was an anime world that was popular in my past life. Specifically, it was the world of One Piece, a show I had watched and loved. Despite my familiarity with this world, my memories were still hazy, and I struggled to recall my own identity and family. However, I retained some knowledge of the plot and characters from One Piece, at least up until the events in Loguetown.

The day I was transmigrated, I found myself on a merchant ship that was transporting slaves, and I was one of them. The experience left me feeling devastated and hopeless, but fate intervened when the ship was attacked by pirates. In the chaos that ensued, I managed to escape by jumping off the ship, but I soon realized that I had forgotten how to swim. I struggled to stay afloat, but the waves were relentless, and I was quickly losing consciousness. Miraculously, the currents carried me to the shore of an unknown island, where I washed up, battered and unconscious. When I came to, I was lying on the beach, surrounded by unfamiliar faces. One of the island's residents, a kind man named Dr. Clover, had found me and nursed me back to health. He later adopted me and gave me a new home on the island.

A week after being rescued and adopted by Dr. Clover, I learned that he was an archaeologist studying the ancient texts known as Poneglyphs. These texts contained records of a mysterious period in history known as the Void Century, and I became fascinated by these discoveries. Dr. Clover saw my interest and accepted me as his assistant, teaching me how to translate the ancient texts and sharing his knowledge of other archaeological subjects. During my time there, I met many other researchers, including Nico Olvia and her daughter Nico Robin, who I was currently playing with.

While lost in thought about past events, my reverie was suddenly interrupted by a voice calling out, "~Noir-kun~, why are you dozing off again?" I snapped out of my daze to see my friend Robin standing in front of me, her expression a mixture of concern and amusement.

"Oh, it's nothing," I replied, "I was just thinking about what happened this year. It's already been a year since I came to live here in Ohara, but my memories are still hazy."

Robin and I had been friends for a month after I was accepted to be Dr. Clover's assistant. I had first met her when she was being bullied in the street by other kids for having a Devil Fruit, since many still didn't know of their existence. After saving her from being bullied, we quickly became friends, and ever since then, we would often hang out in the afternoons at the beach. It was a peaceful place where we could play and just enjoy each other's company.

"Okay, but don't doze off. We need to head back since it's getting late," Robin said.

"Hai," I replied.

As we were running back towards our home, I suddenly tripped on a rock and hit my head.

"NOIR!" I could hear Robin scream in worry as blood gushed from my head. I felt like my head was splitting apart, and new memories flooded my mind as I lost consciousness.

When I came to, I was lying on a bed in a strange room. Robin was sitting next to me, her eyes red and puffy from crying. She explained that she had carried me to a nearby clinic where I had received medical treatment for my head injury. As she spoke, some of the memories that had flooded my mind earlier began to surface, and I realized that I had regained some of my lost memories.

Despite the pain and confusion of my injury, I felt a sense of relief that I was slowly piecing together my identity in this strange new world

Although I still don't remember my name from my past life, some important memories have started to resurface. For instance, I recall being an orphan and having a large inheritance from my parents, but that seemed irrelevant now that I was in this new world. What was more important was understanding how I ended up in this place. I remember walking out of my house one day when suddenly, a truck fell from the sky and crashed into me, killing me instantly. The next thing I knew, I found myself standing in a stark white room, facing a strange being that identified itself as a "ROB." It explained that I had been chosen by it to be transmigrated into a new world and to entertain it in some way. I was taken aback by this revelation, feeling a mix of confusion and excitement at the idea of exploring a new world and possibly uncovering the mysteries of my situation. However, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this strange being than it was letting on.



"So will i get to choose what world i will go and have 3 wish or a cheat system like those fanfiction in my world"i said.

"No your will not able to choose world You will live nor wish and a system, but you will able to spin in the wheel of reincarnation, 1rst wheel of world, 2cnd wheel of character, and 3rd wheel of cheat"the ROB replied.

At first, I felt a sense of disappointment when I realized I didn't have a wish or world to choose from on the spinning wheel. But as I thought more about it, I came to the realization that I was still lucky to have the opportunity to gain incredible powers and cheats from the wheel. I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation, even though I only had one spin to make.

Of course, there was the possibility of getting a bad spin, but I chose to remain optimistic and hold onto the hope that Goddess of Luck would be kind to me.

"Here are the wheels of reincarnation choose what will you spin first"

I saw three wheels hovering in front of me, each with a name on top of them. As I examined the wheels, I recognized many fictional worlds and characters that I knew. After a moment of consideration, I decided to spin the world wheel first.

"I will spin the world wheel," I announced to the ROB, who nodded in agreement.

He began to spin the wheel, and I prayed to the Goddess of Luck that it would not stop at a world like Attack on Titan, Resident Evil, or any other apocalyptic world that the wheel contained. The wheel kept spinning for what felt like an eternity, but after ten minutes, it finally came to a stop. To my relief, it had landed on the world of One Piece.

I thought for a moment before deciding to spin the character wheel. However, before I did so, I couldn't help but ask, "Hey, will my appearance automatically change to match the character that the wheel lands on?' I was worried that it might choose an unattractive character like Ichiya or Mineta."

The ROB responded, "You have some control over how your appearance assimilates with the character. You can choose to fully assimilate with the character, fuse some of their features with your current appearance, or simply pick and choose certain features from the character to add to your own appearance. Ultimately, the choice is yours."

"*Sigh* Alright, let's spin the wheel of characters then," I said to the ROB. With a hum, it began to spin, and I closed my eyes, praying for a character with powerful abilities or a striking appearance. The wheel spun for what felt like an eternity, nearly ten minutes, before finally coming to a stop. When I opened my eyes, I saw that the character I had landed on was Sho Kusakabe from Fire Force, a powerful pyrokinetic with a fierce reputation.

"I won't keep you waiting any longer. Let's spin the wheel of cheats," I said to the ROB, eager to see what kind of advantage I could gain in this world. With a whir, the wheel began to spin, and I prayed for a powerful system or cheat that would aid me in my journey. The wheel spun for a seemingly endless ten minutes before finally coming to a stop. I looked on with anticipation as the result was revealed: a Omniverse Gacha System. At first, I was uncertain how this would help me, but as I thought about it, I realized the potential for endless possibilities. With the gacha system, I could potentially obtain powerful weapons, items, and even companions to aid me in my journey. It was a gamble, but one that I was willing to take.

"So, will I get to pick where and when I will spawn?" I asked, hoping for some control over my new life.

"No, the location and timeline are random," the ROB replied. "I will also need to seal some of your memories so that your mind can integrate with Sho Kusakabe's memories. If you have no more questions, I will now send you there. Good luck."

"Wait, seal my memories?" I exclaimed in surprise.

Before I could finish my sentence, a bright flash of light enveloped me, and I felt my consciousness slipping away. When I opened my eyes again, I was standing in a strange world, surrounded by unfamiliar sights and sounds.



"So that's why I can't remember anything," I muttered to myself, trying to make sense of my situation. "At least it let me meet some people like Robin."

As soon as I said her name, a cold wave of realization washed over me. Robin - as in Nico Robin, the archaeologist from Ohara. The same Ohara that was devastated by the Buster Call from the Marines when Robin was still a child.

"Fuckkkkkkk," I cursed under my breath, feeling a sense of dread creeping up on me. "Isn't this the same Ohara that got hit by the Buster Call? And now I'm here?"

My mind raced as I tried to come up with a plan. I knew that I couldn't change the past, but I had to do something to prevent the same tragedy from happening again. I had to find a way to save Robin and the other scholars from Ohara.

Calm down noir remember your not a mob character anymore you now have sho kusakabe abilities and a gacha system

"Calm down, Noir," I reminded myself, taking a deep breath to steady my nerves. "Remember, you're not just a mob character anymore. You now have Sho Kusakabe's abilities and a gacha system at your disposal."

I took a moment to assess my surroundings, taking note of the people and buildings around me. I knew that I had to act fast if I wanted to make a difference. With my newfound powers, I had a chance to change the course of history and save those who had been lost before.

"Okay, let's try out my pyrokinetic abilities first," I said to myself, determined to put my new powers to the test. With a deep breath, I extended my palm and focused all my energy on summoning a ball of fire.

At first, nothing happened, and I began to doubt my abilities. But then, I felt a spark of heat in my palm, and a small flame flickered to life. I grinned in satisfaction, feeling the warmth of the fire against my skin.

Encouraged by my success, I began to experiment with my powers, testing the limits of what I could do. I summoned sword of flame, created walls of fire, and even launched fireballs at imaginary foes. With each new feat, I grew more confident in my abilities, knowing that I had the power to make a difference in this world.

"Hopefully nothing burns in the room when I test my powers," I muttered to myself, feeling a twinge of apprehension as I recalled some of my more reckless experiments.

After a few more minutes of testing, I felt confident in my abilities and my power level. I estimated that I was at the level of a Vice Rear Admiral, but I knew that my lack of combat experience could be a disadvantage.

Sighing to myself, I resolved to make the most of my situation and gain as much experience as possible. I knew that I had to be careful and avoid drawing too much attention to myself, but I also knew that I couldn't sit idly by and watch history repeat itself. With Sho Kusakabe's abilities and the gacha system at my disposal, I was ready to take on any challenge that came my way.