
Noblesse Reawakening: MCU

ln the heart of New York City, an ancient being stirs from a centuries-long slumber. Cadis Etrama Di Raizel, the oldest and most revered guardian in the universe, awakens to a world that has forgotten his name. Once the protector of the Nine Realms, Raizel’s legend is still spoken of in hushed tones among gods and otherworldly beings, though humanity has let his memory fade into obscurity. As Raizel emerges into a modern world on the brink of chaos, he finds himself in the shadows of an impending battle that threatens not only Earth but the balance of the universe itself. Loki, the trickster god, has set in motion a chain of events that will lead to an invasion by the ruthless Chitauri, a force powerful enough to bring even the mighty Avengers to their knees. Unseen and unknown, Raizel watches as Earth’s mightiest heroes prepare to defend their world. But when the stakes rise to an unimaginable level, and a nuclear missile is launched toward the heart of New York, Raizel is forced to step out of the shadows. Alongside his loyal servant Frankenstein, who has awaited his master’s return for centuries, Raizel must decide how to intervene in a world that no longer remembers the ancient protections that once kept it safe. In a tale where ancient power meets modern heroism, the Noblesse awakens to protect a world that has forgotten him—but will soon remember why he was feared and revered across the cosmos.

Anything_Works · Phim ảnh
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30 Chs

Chapter 24: Decisions and Safe Keeping

Chapter 24: Decisions and Safe Keeping

The soft hum of technology echoed through the corridors of the Avengers Tower as Captain America, Raizel, and Frankenstein walked purposefully towards the meeting room. The sleek, modern design of the building, with its transparent walls and cutting-edge technology, contrasted sharply with the ancient, otherworldly presence of Raizel and the refined, mysterious aura of Frankenstein.

Raizel, ever composed, maintained an air of calm dignity. His crimson eyes, deep and enigmatic, took in his surroundings with a keen awareness, though his expression remained inscrutable. Frankenstein, on the other hand, walked with a poised grace, his black suit immaculate, and his eyes gleaming with a mixture of curiosity and hidden knowledge. The mysterious box he carried was carefully cradled in one hand, its significance unknown to those who would soon gather.

As they approached the large double doors of the meeting room, Captain America glanced at his two companions, noting the contrast between them and the high-tech world they were now navigating. He pushed open the doors, revealing the familiar faces of the Avengers seated around a large table.

The meeting room was bathed in the soft glow of overhead lights, with expansive windows offering a panoramic view of the city skyline. The room's centerpiece was a sleek, oval table, around which the Avengers had already gathered, each lost in their thoughts. Tony Stark sat near the head, casually leaning back in his chair with a tablet in hand, while Bruce Banner, seated next to him, was reviewing data on the holographic screen in front of him. Natasha Romanoff and Clint Barton were seated across from each other, engaged in a quiet but intense conversation.

As Captain America led Raizel and Frankenstein into the room, the ambient chatter ceased, and all eyes turned towards the new arrivals. Tony was the first to greet them, his tone light yet tinged with curiosity. "Raizel, Frankenstein—welcome back," he said, giving a nod of acknowledgment.

Raizel, in his usual manner, responded with a subtle nod, his expression calm and detached. The room fell into a respectful silence as everyone waited for the conversation to unfold.

Frankenstein, ever the dutiful servant, guided Raizel to an empty seat near the center of the table. With practiced ease, he placed the mysterious box on the table and began preparing coffee for his master, an act that seemed almost ritualistic. The scent of freshly brewed coffee soon filled the room, adding a comforting warmth to the otherwise clinical atmosphere.

As Raizel accepted the coffee with a graceful nod, Frankenstein turned to address the group. His tone was measured and authoritative, yet there was an underlying warmth as he spoke. "You may have seen the news of our departure to Asgard via the Bifrost," he began, his eyes sweeping across the room to gauge their reactions. The Avengers, all familiar with the sensational headlines, nodded in unison, their expressions ranging from curiosity to concern.

Frankenstein continued, his voice calm but carrying the weight of his words. "Aether, a great and ancient power, was discovered in Midgard, unconsciously attached to Jane Foster—Thor's companion." He gestured to the box on the table, his eyes briefly lingering on it before returning to the group. "To remove it from her, we traveled to Asgard. This," he said, indicating the box, "is where the Aether now resides."

The Avengers' expressions shifted, a mixture of surprise and unease crossing their faces as they stared at the box. Tony leaned forward, his brow furrowed with concern, while Bruce adjusted his glasses, his scientific mind already racing with questions. Natasha and Clint exchanged a glance, both recognizing the gravity of the situation.

Frankenstein's voice remained steady as he continued. "The Aether is not just any power—it is one of the forces that governs the balance of the universe. It is integral to the very fabric of reality."

Steve Rogers, ever the strategist, spoke up, his tone serious and thoughtful. "If it's so dangerous, can't we just destroy it?"

Before Frankenstein could respond, Bruce Banner interjected, his voice calm but firm. "Steve, didn't you hear what Frankenstein said? The Aether governs the balance of the universe. Destroying it could have catastrophic consequences."

Steve nodded, his expression thoughtful but still concerned. "But will it really be safe in your mansion, Frankenstein? We're talking about an immensely powerful artifact."

Frankenstein met Steve's gaze, his expression unyielding yet respectful. "Captain, I assure you, there is no place on Earth more secure than my master's mansion. Not even the sanctum of the Sorcerer Supreme could provide better protection."

At the mention of a sorcerer, Tony's eyes widened with intrigue. "Sorcerer? Are you telling me magic is real?"

A slight smile curved Frankenstein's lips as he replied, "Mr. Stark, there are far more hidden truths on this Earth than you might imagine. Magic is only one of many."

The room fell silent as the gravity of Frankenstein's words settled in. The Avengers exchanged glances, each considering the implications. Finally, Tony leaned back in his chair, his expression resigned yet accepting. "Alright, I suppose if anyone can keep it safe, it's you two."

The others nodded in agreement, though their expressions remained cautious. The Aether was now in safe hands, but the weight of its existence still loomed over them.

With the primary discussion concluded, the atmosphere in the room began to lighten. Small talk ensued, with Tony and Frankenstein exchanging theories about the nature of the Aether, while Natasha and Clint discussed recent missions. Raizel, having finished his coffee, remained silent but observant, his presence a calming influence on the room.

As the conversation began to wind down, Raizel and Frankenstein rose to leave. Steve, who had been quietly watching them, suddenly spoke up, his tone hesitant but sincere. "Umm... before you go—where exactly is your mansion? I mean, how can we contact you if signals are down?"

Frankenstein paused, a knowing smile playing on his lips. "Our mansion is in a secluded part of the world, hidden from most. However, I will provide you with the address, Captain, so you may visit us whenever you wish."

He handed Steve a small card with an address written in elegant script. "You are all welcome to visit us. It would be a pleasure to host you."

Steve accepted the card with a nod. "Thank you. We'll be sure to keep in touch."

With that, Raizel and Frankenstein made their way towards the exit, their figures elegant and composed as they moved through the corridors.

#End of Volume 1#