
No strings attached

No Strings Attached Cameron Myles Diaz is the son of the most powerful and Influential business tycoon in the whole of Texas. His father is referred to as a business god; and has companies and empires not just in Texas alone- but all over different countries. Cameroon succeeded him when he came back from his master's programme. Their family was the wealthiest, most popular and Influential in the whole of Texas; with the headquarters of their company standing strong at the center of the city - with a very tall, huge building. It was the tallest and biggest the city anyone has ever seen. Inside this empire was a treasure house. Yeah... a treasure house. They were that rich. The treasure house was filled with diamonds, golds, silver, other treasure and valuable stones and precious stones. As a result of this, the company was in danger and has so many enemies who wanted to by all means get these treasures, because they know it was a fortune it they could posses it and would surely make them billionaires. But there was a problem; no one knows where the key to the treasure house was - absolutely no one. Many had searched for it, and some had gotten knowledge of where it was but still couldn't get it - it was well guarded. She is Anissa; just Anissa - no surname; because she grew up on the streets and doesn't know anything about herself or where she's from- a strong willed, coldhearted and beautiful girl who life forced to become what she was today. Anissa is a member of the strongest Syndicate in Texas - which were known for all sorts of crimes. The FBI's has been trying to get hold of them for a very long time, but it just wasn't possible. Their identities were unknown to the public, and this made it more difficult, as they always work undercover. They were Involve in all sorts of crime like - fraud, drug trafficking, extortion, killings, running thousands of nightclubs and brothels, blackmailing and so many others. They were a thorn in the flesh and people shivered at the mention of the name - REELERS Yeah..that was the name of the syndicate and it was a very known name in the whole of Texas. What happens when the leader of this syndicate got information that Cameroon was now in possession of the key? What happens when their determination to get the treasures for themselves and better their lives, was now more stronger than ever; as they think their chances were now higher? - Cameroon just got back and didn't know about the recent happenings. What happens when Anissa, being the most beautiful girl and the smartest in the gang Syndicate was given a mission to get close to Cameroon so she can get the key from him or at least know where it was? She was warned never to fall in love with him. " No Strings Attached"- she was told. Do you think it will be possible for her not to fall for the cutest, richest and baddest guy in town? Do you think Cameroon would fall for the beautiful, smart, daring Anissa? Do you think she'll succeed in the task given to her? What fate do you think awaits the both of them?

Ukinebo_Glory · Thành thị
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8 Chs

To the Company

Chapter 6

The date for the homecoming party of Cameroon has been fixed.

Invitations has already started going out. The REELERS got wind of it and has been preparing also.

It's sure gonna be one hell of a homecoming party.

Mr Myles has told his son to get ready, as he was gonna introduce him to the board of directors of the company, that morning

" why are you moody son?" Isabel asked her son

Cameroon turned to see his mom in his room. He has been so lost in thoughts that he didn't hear her come in

She walked closer to him, with a worried look on her face

Cameroon sighed and walked to the wardrobe

" What's bothering you?" she asked him, now very close to him

" It's nothing mom. Just normal morning attitudes" he said hoping she buys that

She took in a deep breath and sat on the bed.

" You know you can always talk to me, if there's anything"

" Well...your Dad said you should hurry up. You guys are running late" she said and got up from the bed, then walked to the door and got out.

Cameron sighed deeply when she was gone.He opened the wardrobe, and brought out his towel before walking into the bathroom to take his bathe.



Cameroon's Pov;

I walked out of the shower some minutes later.

It was the longest bathe I've had in a while. I did more of thinking than bathing

My thoughts were so far and my mind was occupied.

I consciously walked to the mirror, the towel now tied round my waist.

I pulled out the drawer and took out some cream and comb from it.

They were all in the drawer and hasn't been arranged.

I'll tell the maids to come do that later, if it doesn't slip my mind - again.

I brushed my hair, and dried it with another towel to remove the water. I brought out the lotion and applied a little quantity to my body.

I did some other things before putting on my clothes.

I wore my wrists watch, shoes and with one last look at myself in the mirror, I walked to the door and left.

I walked down to the sitting room, but didn't see anyone when I got there

Has Dad gone?

I stopped a maid to ask her, when I heard noise from the stairs

I looked up to see Mom and Dad walking hand in hand, all smiles.

I smiled too as I beckoned on the maid to go.

They walked down and after greeting them both, Mom escorted us to the garage where the car was already set

Some guards also were there to accompany us.

The driver came immediately, I opened the door for Dad to get in, before walking to the other side.

I got in, and so did the driver. He ignited the engine and our journey began



I stared at the lovely things I saw on the way.

How have missed Texas. I missed home so much

We passed by so many places , including the places I loved to visit.

I smiled and sometimes laugh at the things I was seeing. Not alot has changed.

" You like the view?" Dad asked , noticing my excitement

" You bet I do" I replied smiling broadly

" Good; but be more concerned with the reason we are going to the company. Don't let excitement cloud your sense of reasoning" he said harshly.

I turned swiftly to look at him.

Whys he mad? Did someone offend him?

I asked inwardly

I stopped looking out the window and brought out my phone to while away time.

The rest of the ride to our destination, was lonely and boring



After about 30 minutes more of driving the driver drove into the company and parked.

I stepped down from the car quickly and made to go open Dad's car, but it was already opened by a guard.

I had almost forgotten they were behind us the whole time .

Some stayed at the front, some at our both sides, while the rest at our back.

People turned to stare at us as we walked in. Some came forward and either shook hands with Dad or came to greet him

Dad didn't fail to introduce me to them. We did this for a long time, making me wonder if there was really a board meeting

After a long time, Dad finally decided it was time to go.

Some guards stayed at the reception whole some followed us to the board meetings hall

We walked and I was stunned to see lots of men.

Yes, men. There was no woman or girl.

I followed Dad closely, he sat down and I sat down besides him, and the meeting began.

" Gentlemen.Meet my son, Cameroon" Dad introduced

First things first.

I smiled and bowed my head slightly.

" Welcome back son"

" It's so good to have you back" . They asked. I couldn't reply to all their questions, so I just smiled instead

" As you all know , this is an enclosed meeting" Dad started again, and the hall became silent immediately

" I brought my son here today, to introduce him property and officially and also to tell you all know beforehand, the decision I have take " Dad announced.

A little murmuring started amongst them.

Dad paused to stare at them

" We've heard all you've said; you can proceed" a very aged man said.

Dad smiled.

" I'll be handing the key of the treasure house over to my son" Dad informed.

The murmurings returned and lasted for a while this time

" But Mr Myles, you know how we all feel about the treasure house. Personally, I think it will he safer if no one other than you know the whereabouts of the key. Exposing it now, will bring more danger to it" another man let out.

I saw sense in what he said, and was happy with it. If only Dad would adhered - I will be so happy.

It will also make Hailey and her mother happy.

" You have no right to question the decision have made. I've made the decision to hand it over to him and that's final; and you have absolutely nothing to worry about - I trust my son, and I know he'll do a good job in safeguarding it like I've done for years; he's not gonna let me down" Dad said and turned to look at me, as if waiting for me to give me an assurance that he was on point.

I quickly diverted my gaze and he took his eyes back to the board of directors

They whisper amongst themselves and talked in groups

" It's fine by us if that's what you want" another said

" And also; very soon, he'll owe 60 percent of the shares and control them" Dad informed again

They were all stunned and short of words.

" But he's only a kid and doesn't know much about these things. How sure are you he's gonna do so well?" a bald man asked.

" Yes I agree with him. We should at least give him enough time to get use to things - the systems and how things works; not just pushing him into something he's not fully ready to do" another said and the rest nodded in agreement like he had said what was in their minds as well

Dad took in a long breath

" I've thought about it countless times before coming here to put it before you all. My son went to the states to do his masters and I assure everyone of you here that he'll do a great job - an excellent one. The only thing he's lacking, is experience and he's gonna get that here ; with our help and cooperation " Dad said

They looked at themselves and sighed in defeat.



We got out of the meeting hall, and the guards outside led us back to the car

I kept replaying what transpired back there.

Why didn't I see Hailey or Javier, or even Miley?

I thought they work in that Company? Why weren't they present?

" You heard all that was discussed back there son" Dad peered into my thoughts

" Most of the things they said we're right; like when they said I should allow you get more experience before coming to take over - they were perfectly right; but that's not my plan for you, and I don't want it that way" he said and paused

I wonder why he always pause anytime he's saying something.

" You heard everything yourself, so I'm counting on you to make me proud. Don't make me regret my actions " he said, staring at me deep down.

I stared back but diverted my gaze.

I dunno if this is the part where I get to say ' I promise you Dad, I won't disappoint you. I'll make you proud'.

" Just stay focused and work hard. Also, don't hesitate to come meet if you're having a hard time " he said and patted my shoulders lightly.

I smile at him, before he looked away.

The rest of the ride home was quiet and tense.