
No strings attached

No Strings Attached Cameron Myles Diaz is the son of the most powerful and Influential business tycoon in the whole of Texas. His father is referred to as a business god; and has companies and empires not just in Texas alone- but all over different countries. Cameroon succeeded him when he came back from his master's programme. Their family was the wealthiest, most popular and Influential in the whole of Texas; with the headquarters of their company standing strong at the center of the city - with a very tall, huge building. It was the tallest and biggest the city anyone has ever seen. Inside this empire was a treasure house. Yeah... a treasure house. They were that rich. The treasure house was filled with diamonds, golds, silver, other treasure and valuable stones and precious stones. As a result of this, the company was in danger and has so many enemies who wanted to by all means get these treasures, because they know it was a fortune it they could posses it and would surely make them billionaires. But there was a problem; no one knows where the key to the treasure house was - absolutely no one. Many had searched for it, and some had gotten knowledge of where it was but still couldn't get it - it was well guarded. She is Anissa; just Anissa - no surname; because she grew up on the streets and doesn't know anything about herself or where she's from- a strong willed, coldhearted and beautiful girl who life forced to become what she was today. Anissa is a member of the strongest Syndicate in Texas - which were known for all sorts of crimes. The FBI's has been trying to get hold of them for a very long time, but it just wasn't possible. Their identities were unknown to the public, and this made it more difficult, as they always work undercover. They were Involve in all sorts of crime like - fraud, drug trafficking, extortion, killings, running thousands of nightclubs and brothels, blackmailing and so many others. They were a thorn in the flesh and people shivered at the mention of the name - REELERS Yeah..that was the name of the syndicate and it was a very known name in the whole of Texas. What happens when the leader of this syndicate got information that Cameroon was now in possession of the key? What happens when their determination to get the treasures for themselves and better their lives, was now more stronger than ever; as they think their chances were now higher? - Cameroon just got back and didn't know about the recent happenings. What happens when Anissa, being the most beautiful girl and the smartest in the gang Syndicate was given a mission to get close to Cameroon so she can get the key from him or at least know where it was? She was warned never to fall in love with him. " No Strings Attached"- she was told. Do you think it will be possible for her not to fall for the cutest, richest and baddest guy in town? Do you think Cameroon would fall for the beautiful, smart, daring Anissa? Do you think she'll succeed in the task given to her? What fate do you think awaits the both of them?

Ukinebo_Glory · Urban
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8 Chs

Mission Ahead

Chapter 7

" Information has reached us. The homecoming party will be held on Saturday; which is three days from now - at the Myles Diaz Mansion. Some persons has been selected to go there and represent us" Rhoko addressed .

Master hardly come out to speak with them, except on rare occasions - and on very important issues.

" Wait behind if your name is called" he said further and brought out a notebook.

He looked at it and back at the crowd, before he started reading out the names.

He called the names one after the other. Those that heard their names stayed behind, while those whose names weren't called - left.

Anissa was amongst those that heard her name. She looked at Murphy as he walked away with the others

" I have some Information from Master" Rhoko said to them, as soon as the others had left.

Anissa turned to looked around her. They weren't up to 10 that were called out - probably around 7.

" I want to believe you all, already know the reason of your going there?" he asked them,looking from one person to the other.

None of them said a word. Rhoko took that as they understood what he was saying.

He nodded and proceeded.

" You're going there like every normal person going to a party; no undercovers, no guns - just neutral; but dont ever let your guard down and always stay at alert"

" Look out for anything suspicious. Search the Mansion if you can. Just don't come back here with nothing - come with a piece of information at least, or a clue" he chided.

There was a brief silence.

" Any questions?" he thundered after a while.

They shook their heads sideways, Indicating a NO.

Rhoko dismissed them with a wave of the hand, and walked out; going to the Master's chambers to report to him

The selected members find their way out of the base, back to their rooms

Anissa's Pov;

I walked out of there as soon as Rhoko left. I headed to my room straight to tell Murphy all that was said.

Yeah. I know he'll be in my room; and I'm right, because as soon as I opened the door, I saw him getting up from the bed.

He walked to me with curious eyes

" What's the update?" he asked hurriedly.

I sighed and fell on the bed

" Something unusual" I said

He stares at me and came to sit on the bed, close to me

" What do you mean?" he asked again

" It's just like going to a party. Let's just say, they are trying to make us have fun, and work at the time" I explained

" Cool " he nodded

"So cool; only that I'm not feeling it" I said grumpily

" Why?." he asked

" I dunno" I replied honestly

" So...they said nothing about the mission tomorrow?" he asked again, getting up form the bed.

He walked to the table, and took up the cup there. I didn't take my eyes off him

" Yeah; they didn't. It's almost as if they've forgotten all about it" I replied.

Murphy placed whatever in the cup and brought it to me.

I looked at him with bewildered eyes, when he stretched one cup to me, the other in his left hand.

" What's this?" I asked him, looking at him suspiciously

He chuckled and sat back on the bed again

" Don't tell me you're scared, seriously?" he laughed so hard. I hit his arm slightly and he stopped laughing, and stretched the cup to me again; and this time, I took it - reluctantly

I took a sip, and my lips slowly broke out in a smile.

Woahh! So sweet.

" You like it?" he asked, drinking from his as well

I nodded happily

" What's this? It's so sweet and....and unique" I complimented

" It's an Arab tea" he said, smiling

I looked at him with uncanny eyes

" And it's this sweet??" I asked rhetorically

" Yeah" he said shrugging. I had no choice than to believe him

I gulped down the entire content in a split second.

" Woah...that was fast" he said with a chuckle

" Do you have more?" I asked, stretching my cup to him

" Since when did you become a fan of sweet things?" he asked with a grin

" I dunno; and I'm not - but I just kinda like this Arab stuff you gave me" I replied

He nodded and got up, taking the cup from me

I smiled as he walked back to the table,. placing the cups on it.

" Well...I'm sorry then; because that was the last" he said, the smile on my face vanished immediately

" No hard feelings. I didn't know you'll like to - just wanted you to try it; but I promise to get you more of it" he said with a smile

I sighed and gave a ' whatever' look.

He started walking to the bed again, when we both heard a bell. He stopped right In his tracks, not moving an inch further.

The bell indicates time for announcement.

I hurriedly got up from the bed, like someone that was possessed.

I left the room immediately, I looked back to see Murphy walking behind me. He looks like someone that's gonna pass out any time soon.

I stopped walking, and waited for him to catch up with me

" I wonder what they're going to say again" he grumbled besides me.

" Cut it out, and walk fast" I chided, walking fast again

I got to the hall, to meet few people there, but that changed few minutes later and the place was filled to the brim.

" Sorry for calling for another meeting" Rhoko said

" I forgot to mention something earlier" he said bringing out the notebook that was with him before - again.

" It's about the mission tomorrow" he paused and looked around

" The people I called to wait behind earlier are also the ones going for this mission" he announced.

Murmurings filled the place immediately.

That's so unbelievable!!

How do they expect just the seven of us to carry out the mission?

I thought.

" Silence" Rhoko yelled, and ordered was restored immediately

" New persons will be added also" he said and i heaved

" But the first set of persons are gonna do the main work. The rest are gonna be on standby and act as guards - watching out for any wrong moves and informing the others the state of the ship" he said and stopped

" The following persons are to wait behind, alongside the persons from earlier" he said and took the note up.

He called out some names again - about 5 more names; making us a total of 12 persons.

I was glad when Murphy's name was called. He looked at me with happiness in his yes.

The rest of them that their names weren't called again, left the hall

" Goodday REELERS" Rhoko greeted.

We returned his greeting. He cleared his throat and began

There was a map on the board, he walked to it with a stick in his palm

He pulled the map from the board and walked down the podium, coming down to meet us.

He walked to the large table and gestured for us all to come closer.

We did, as we encircled the table.

The map was placed at the center, where each person can get a better and clearer view.

" This is the entrance to the ship - remember, the ship will start sailing by 12 noon; so make sure to arrive there - at least, an hour earlier" he instructed

He took the stick to another direction

" This is where Mr Jacobs will be. Anissa and Noah will get the briefcase from him, while two other person will be at the door; but be more than two, Incase he has guards with him"

"This way and that way, are the only two routes to getting to his room. The bathroom is this other way, and there's a mini room at the other end. You could hide your weapons there and go get them later" he explained, using the stick with him to touch the areas he was referring to.

Each place in the map, was labelled with a very thick red dot.

" There will be caretakers on the ship, and other ship crew. Beware of the Navy; some of them will be on that ship also"

" Remember your trainings and don't make mistakes" he rounded up.



" Cant believe I'm among those going for the mission" Murphy squealed happily when we got to my room

I just don't get why,he doesn't like going to his room

" Lucky you" I said

" I wouldn't say that. This mission is very risky" he said. His happy mood died down.

" Come of it Murphy; this aint the first time we are doing this" I said trying to brighten up his mood.

" Yeah. Yeah." he said.

" I'm famished" I said walking to the fridge.

" Ahhh. Thank goodness; I thought I was the only one starving " he grinned happily

I opened the fridge and brought out some junks, can drinks and some apples.

I threw one apple to him, which he caught in mid air. I placed the rest items on a tray and carried it to the bed.