


(The class is rowdy. Students are busy chit chatting with one another)

LORRAINE: so what are you going to do about your job?

GEMMA: I don't understand the reason they fired me but I am going to find out

LORRAINE: is it worth it?

GEMMA: it is. I have been working there for a year now so they should value me. They can't fire me for no reason

(Shannon chirps in)

SHANNON: hey nerds, having a meeting?

(The class bursts out laughing)

GEMMA: actually it's a top secret we are discussing about. Wanna know what it is? How to get rid of Shannon Adams

SHANNON: you got nerves, huh? We'll settle the scores outside school later

GEMMA: I'll be waiting

LORRAINE: you don't have to waste your time with her, she isn't worth it?

SHANNON: excuse me? Don't say I didn't warn you

(Shannon grins wickedly and walks to her seat)

XAVIER: hey Gemma...

(Gemma cuts him short)

GEMMA: I have a boyfriend

XAVIER: I know. Introduce me to your friend

GEMMA: first of all, she is my sister and secondly, I love her and I will be ruining her life by introducing you to her

CHAD: he is serious this time, he wants to get married

LORRAINE: then get him married to your sister

(Everyone beers at him)

XAVIER: I like her already

(Gemma's phone beeps)

LORRAINE: who's that?

GEMMA: it's Daniel. He said to meet up later

LORRAINE: what about work?

GEMMA: I can ask him for one

LORRAINE: two spots

GEMMA: what?

LORRAINE: you are helping my family, I want to also help

GEMMA: alright


(Lorraine and Gemma walks out of the hallways when Gemma remembers her book)

GEMMA: oh, I left my book in the library

LORRAINE: alright, let's go

GEMMA: no, it's okay. Stay here while I GI get it

LORRAINE: alright. Hurry nit ro miss your date

(Gemma smiles)

GEMMA: oh come on

(She exits)

LORRAINE: I should probably call dad


(Gemma walks around looking for her book when she bumps into someone)

GEMMA: watch where you are... Shannon?

SHANNON: oh hi, I forgot my book here

GEMMA: yeah, me too. Wait, how come you are nice

SHANNON: because I have a plan. You don't want to miss your date right?

GEMMA: how do you know about that?

SHANNON: I am Shannon, hunter of nerds amd I know nerds secrets

GEMMA: what are you blabbering about?

SHANNON: I hope your date waits this long

(Gemma stares at Shannon in confusion)

GEMMA: huh?

(Shannon walks to the door and locks Gemma in)

GEMMA: hey, hey

(Gemma screams and bangs the door)

GEMMA: hey, Shannon, this isn't funny. Shannon, anyone there. Hey


(Shannon walks up to Lorraine)

SHANNON: hey, I don't mean to poke my nose in your business but I saw Gemma jumping out the library window to meet her date. I just wanna warn you

LORRAINE: how did you know about her date?

SHANNON: why do you nerds jeep asking me that question? I hate you two because you are nerds and you are not cool and I know everything about you, even your parent's divorce

LORRAINE: excuse me?

SHANNON: Gemma told me, she was feeling pity for you. Have a nice day

(Shannon exits leaving Lorraine behind in confusion)

LORRAINE: that's not like Gemma at all

(Lorraine rushes to the library)


(The family are ready to eat when the kids eneters)

LEA: welcome, kids. Where is Emerald?

JAYDEN: I guess she is with her boyfriend

RAY: Gemma and Daniel sitting on a tree

JAYDEN: k-i-s-s-i-n-g

(They both laugh as the family stare at them)

RAY: we are nailing it

LEA: you guys are trouble

BRIE: where is Lorraine? I mean, Sapphire?

JAYDEN: we didn't see her

(Lorraine and Gemma enters looking moody)

LEA: hey, dear, are you okay?

LOUISE: let's sit down and eat

GEMMA: i'm not hungry, I'll be in my room

(Gemma exits angrily)

LEA: what's up with her Sapphire?

LORRAINE: it's a long stiry aunt. I don't think she wanna talk about it

BRIE: hey, how was school?

LORRAINE: school was school. I'll be in my room




(The king and queen are sitted waiting for the prince arrival. Henry enters)

PHILIP: what took you so long?

HENRY: as usual. I am not interested as being some pawn in your bid to gain political deals

(Charlotte interjects in a loud tone)

CHARLOTTE: Henry! You are speaking to the king so I would want you to watch your tone

HENRY: you have to live with the consequences

PHILIP: tomorrow is the ball. We are expecting you to pick a bride

HENRY: I'll pass

PHILIP: excuse me?

HENRY: I am not ready to be king. I want to explore the world. I do not want to be locked up here like a caged animal

CHARLOTTE: Henry, you are misunderstanding us. We want the best for you

HENRY: then send me to school

PHILIP: you are home tutored and yet you still have no brain

HENRY: that's because I am not putting my heart to it. Let's call a spade, a spade, father. I don't like being here and you know it

PHILIP: hundreds of people want this kind of status and you are rejecting it?

HENRY: I am. If you are trying to convince me to stay, then you are way off the mark

PHILIP: the ball is tomorrow and we are expecting a bride whether you like it or not. Dismissed

(The king exits angrily)

CHARLOTTE: what do you want?

HENRY: the opportunity to explore the world. I don't know what outside looks like

CHARLOTTE: that doesn't matter now. What matters is that you are going to be king

HENRY: I don't want to be king

CHARLOTTE: you are beginning to irk me, Henry

HENRY: you two say whatever you want to happen but you don't even dim it fit to lete know. I am not your toy

CHARLOTTE: stop with the pouting already and get ready for tomorrow's ball

(Charlotte exits angrily)




(Gemma sits sadly alone with a magazine on her hand. Lorraine knocks amd enters)


GEMMA: thank you

LORRAINE: sister right?

(Lorraine sighs)

GEMMA: what is it?

LORRAINE: what happened? What is wrong?

GEMMA: I don't blame anyone for my life going wrong expect for mom. She doesn't want to let me go anywhere. I am sure she made my boss fire me

LORRAINE: why would you say that?

GEMMA: because she controls my life. I can't make a decision without her interference.

LORRAINE: you speak my language. Mom controls me too. She want to always know where I am at, who I am with, when will I get back and so on

GEMMA: that's why Shannon is mean to us... because we are nerds

LORRAINE: don't listen to her

GEMMA: at my former school, I was the queen of fashion. I design the clothes I wear to school and propel love it but mom gonna be mom

LORRAINE: yeah, my former school was also cool. My friends love me, not until mom decided to move here

GEMMA: what are we going to do?

LORRAINE: I don't know, maybe find a job and spend less time with them

GEMMA: mom will ruin that idea

(Jayden enters)

GEMMA: how many times will I tell you to knkwck before coming in?

JAYDEN: is Daniel here

LORRAINE: what's your problem with that dude?

JAYDEN: nothing. Oh I have a message foe you. It's Daniel

GEMMA: what did he say?

JAYDEN: he said he is breaking up with you?

(Gemma's heart races fast)

GEMMA: what?

(Jayden and Lorraine stares at Gemma sadly)