
Shattered to begin with.


(Gemma sits on the sofa, reading a magazine, as Lorraine walks in and approaches her.)

LORRAINE: Let's extend the olive branch, Gemma. I can't go without talking to you. I'm really sorry for what I said, but you misunderstood me.

(Gemma ignores Lorraine as a knock interrupts them.)

LORRAINE: Are we expecting someone?

GEMMA: I don't think so.

(They go to the door and open it to reveal a handsome young man.)

GEMMA: Hi, Daniel. You didn't say you were coming.

DANIEL: Um... yeah, it's a surprise. Gemma, I know you're a good girl. You're sweet, nice, kind, but... I can't be with you.

(Gemma chuckles nervously.)

GEMMA: Excuse me? What do you mean?

DANIEL: I'm breaking up with you. I don't want to hurt you, so I had to do this. I'm seeing someone else.

(Gemma slaps Daniel and bursts into tears.)

GEMMA: How could you do this to me? What did I do wrong?

LORRAINE: That's outrageous. Leave right now. You don't deserve her.

DANIEL: Please forgive me, Gemma.

GEMMA: Just go. I don't want to see you again.

DANIEL: Bye, Gemma.

(Daniel exits, while hot tears stream down Gemma's cheeks.)

GEMMA: It's okay. I just started the day on the wrong foot.

LORRAINE: No, you didn't. He's just a jerk. Don't blame yourself.

GEMMA: I'll be in my room.

(Gemma leaves, and Lorraine follows her.)



(Lorraine knocks and enters.)


GEMMA: I'm sorry too. You were right; no one will ever love me.

LORRAINE: That's not true. You've changed me for the better. You're a gem, Gemma. You're more than that.

(Gemma hugs Lorraine, crying and laughing.)

GEMMA: Thank you for being here for me.

LORRAINE: Twins stick together.

GEMMA: Well, one of us still has a prince charming.

LORRAINE: Oh, stop it.

GEMMA: You're blushing.

LORRAINE: You and Slate are annoying, but his affection for wealth surpasses yours.

(They laugh.)



(Gemma and Lorraine walk to their classes.)

GEMMA: See you later, twinnie. Go find your prince charming.

LORRAINE: Yeah, twinnie.

(They laugh as Gemma heads to her class and Lorraine to hers.)


(Lorraine hears whispering as she approaches.)

CHAD: Lorraine is so stupid to have fallen for you. When are you going to dump her?

TREVOR: Savage.

XAVIER: Guys, I...

CHAD: We know you won the bet.

TREVOR: And she is beneath your level.

(They laugh.)

LORRAINE: Congratulations on winning the bet.

XAVIER: Lorraine, I can explain.

LORRAINE: I know about the bet.

(Lorraine leaves angrily, and Xavier follows her.)


(Lorraine walks away as Xavier stops her.)

XAVIER: Lorraine, please give me a chance to explain.

LORRAINE: Spare me your explanations.

(Lorraine starts crying.)

LORRAINE: Xavier, I trusted you.

XAVIER: Listen, Lorraine. It's partially true. I did plan to break up with you, but then I realized I love you.

LORRAINE: Don't lie to me.

XAVIER: I'm not lying. Please forgive me.

LORRAINE: You hurt me. I trusted you, and you betrayed me.

XAVIER: I didn't mean to, I promise. Please, give me another chance to make it right.

LORRAINE: Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me, Xavier. I won't be fooled again. Have a good day.

(Lorraine exits sadly, leaving Xavier deep in thought.)


(Gemma sits alone, lost in thought. Lorraine enters in tears, interrupting her.)

GEMMA: Hey, what's wrong? Why are you crying?

LORRAINE: I feel like such a fool.

GEMMA: Don't talk like that. Now, tell me, what happened?

LORRAINE: He's been playing with my feelings all along. It was just a game to him.

GEMMA: Seriously? First me, now you? Boys can be real jerks. I'm sorry, Lorraine. He's not worth your tears.

LORRAINE: I don't know what to do.

GEMMA: You'll get through this. Whatever life throws at you, you've gotta stay strong.

LORRAINE: We're Cinder Ellas, aren't we?

GEMMA: Yeah, we are.

(They hug each other, both crying.)




(Lorraine enters to relax but overhears her parents arguing.)

LORRAINE: Come on, guys. This is getting ridiculous. Can't you at least pretend to get along? You have to work this out.

BRIE: We have. We can't keep living together.

(Lorraine's heart races.)

LORRAINE: What? It can't be that bad.

TOM: It's beyond that, Rain.

LORRAINE: So, you're just gonna split up and leave me with one parent? I can't believe this. You can't just give up.

BRIE: Get your things, Lorraine. We're going to grandma's.

LORRAINE: But my cousins are there.

BRIE: I know.

LORRAINE: I hate my cousins. I can't live in a crowded house.

BRIE: You don't hate them, you just haven't gotten to know them yet.

TOM: It'll be okay, Rain.

LORRAINE: No, it won't. I'm really mad at you both right now.

TOM: Rain...

LORRAINE: Don't talk to me.

(Lorraine storms off, leaving her parents behind in confusion.)

TOM: Take care of her, Brie. I'll do my best to be there for her.

BRIE: You better.

(Brie exits to find Lorraine.)


(Everyone is running helter shelter to arrange the house for the incoming guests)

LOUISE: come on, come on, light the candles

GEMMA: Relax, grandma, everything is set

LOUISE: Merci beaucoup

(Brie enters with Lorraine who looks sad. Louise embraces them warmly)

LOUISE: Brie, bienvenue. Comment ça va?

BRIE: Ça va bien, et toi?

LOUISE: Ça va très bien. Salut, Sapphire.

LORRAINE: hi grandma, how are you?

LOUISE: tu parles français?


(Louise gasps in shock)

LOUISE: what? You didn't teach her?

BRIE: mom, I am sorry but I'll explain everything to you. Elle s' appelle Lorraine

LOUISE: I know. Dear, your name is Sapphire, you are a gem

LORRAINE: Thanks, grandma

(Louise notices Lorraine's mood)

LOUISE: you look sad. Don't you want to be here?

(Lorraine fakes a smile)

LORRAINE: no, it's nice here

LOUISE: Merci. Alright, go settle in. Emerald, do the honors

GEMMA: Salut, aunty! Comment ça va?

BRIE: I am fine, Gemma, how are you?

(Louise clears her throat to drae everyone's attention)

LOUISE: It's Emerald

BRIE: sorry, enchante, Emerald

GEMMA: Merci

(Gemma turns to Lorraine)

GEMMA: Salut! Je m' appelle gemma et Emerald. Comment tu t' appelles?

(Lorraine looks at Gemma in confusion)

LORRAINE: I don't understand what you are saying

GEMMA: forgive my mannernot. I was supposed to ask you first before speaking French. I said hi, my name is Gemma and Emerald. What is your name?

LORRAINE: hi, my name is Lorraine but you heard grandma, it's Sapphire

GEMMA: you'll get to understand her soon enough. She said her grandchildren are gems so she literally named us after gems. Are you staying here now?

LORRAINE: yeah, I guess so

GEMMA: you are not happy to be here, are you?

LORRAINE: it's not that. My parents are not together anymore

GEMMA: what? Aunty Brie is divorced?

LORRAINE: not divorced, separated

GEMMA: I am so sorry to hear that. Come on, I'll show you your room

(Gemma and Lorraine exits)