

"Are you going to the press conference? I don’t think you should go. They already heard the news that the other company stole our idea. What do you want to say to them?" Lucas asked standing behind her. 

"I have to go; they trust me; they want to hear from me; and I have to assure my customers that I didn’t break their trust. I will go there to advertise our new product; it’s our product in the first place." She said and tossed him a sexy look before walking out of him. 

He smiled sheepishly and lost his balance, nearly falling on the table. He smiled and sat down on the table, "I need to tell her how I feel." He said and took out his phone, calling someone as he strolled out of the room.

Amber stood in front of the press and took a deep breath with Lucas and her secretary standing next to her. She glared at the different mics beneath her mouth with all eyes on her. 

"Good afternoon, everyone. I know you are all here because of the perfume issue, but we have solved it. I will take only five questions." Amber said, and the crowd started murmuring, complaining that they had many questions for her. She pointed at an innocent-looking reporter that other reporters were pushing in the crowd. "What’s your question, miss?" she asked, and the other reporters made way for her.

"Is it true that your company is the original owner of the perfume?" she asked.

"I did come up with the idea of the perfume, but I didn’t make it harmful." Amber replied.

"Then how did they make the perfume instead of you? I hope you are aware of the people the perfume has sent to the hospital." the reporter added.

"I know, that’s why I want to apologize to the public. The truth is, um, I didn’t ask them to make the perfume for me. They stole the information from my company through one of my employees who was hungry for money, but don’t worry, he has been caught. I just want you guys to check out the new perfume I am going to release soon. The scent is divine. That’s all I have to say, thank you." Amber said attempting to go when Lucas waved at one of the reporters, winking at him.

"Miss Amber, you can’t go yet; you have only answered two questions," the reporter said.

"Okay, I will take one more question." she said, staring at him. Other reporters standing talking at a time.

"When will you get married?" The reporter asked. Her face flushed. She was stunned. She didn’t know he would ask her such a personal question. She felt like disappearing into thin air. Why would he ask her such a thing? Is she getting old or something? She thought. Lucas studied her movements as she grabbed her dress and cleared her throat.

"That’s none of your business," she said rudely, and started walking away as security men guided her. Lucas smirked and gave the reporter a thumbs up although Amber managed to ignore the question.

Amber walked into her office and took a little mirror out of her bag, staring at her face in it. "Am I that old? Do I have wrinkles? Why would that reporter ask me such a question? I am just 26 years old," she said with a frown, observing her face in the mirror. Lucas smiled as he watched her secretly and dragged her secretary aside as he wanted to go into her office.

"Let me go. What’s wrong? Can’t you see I am carrying food for my boss?" The secretary complained.

"S-sorry, I have a task for you to do," Lucas said.

"I am not interested," the secretary said with his head held high, attempting to leave. Lucas put his hand around his shoulder.

"Come on, dude, stop being a tough nut. I need your help," Lucas said, and started whispering in the secretary’s ear as he stood there listening to what he had to say. He gasped, with his eyes wide open.

"Are you nuts? I can’t do that. I will lose my job," he said, raising his voice.

"Shh, keep your voice down. I know, but she won’t know it’s you, and besides, the driver will listen to you." he said. The secretary frowned, and Lucas took out a bundle of money and placed it in his hand.

"Please help me, dude." Lucas said with pleading eyes.

"Ugh! Fine, I will help you, but I will hold you responsible if she finds out." He said and walked away. Lucas smiled as the secretary walked into her office.

Amber sniffed the food as he dropped it on the table. "What took you so long? I am starving," she said, clutching her stomach

"Sorry, ma'am, the elevator was full, so I had to use the stairs." he replied. 

"Stop calling me ma'am, you can call me Miss. Am I that old to you?" She asked, with her gaze fixed on him. He shook his head negatively, handing her the spoon. 

"Sorry, Miss." he apologized. 

"Okay, you can go," she replied rudely. He had just spoiled her mood. She dug into the food and started eating.

Hours later

It was late evening, and Amber was getting ready to go home. She asked her secretary to go get the car ready and carried her bag as she walked out of the office. She went to the factory and stood at the entrance watching the engineers work on the machines that had been damaged by the FBI agents. 

"Oh my god! I thought the damage was nothing to worry about," she said out loud, staring at the engineers.

"We also thought it was not much until the machines stopped working. Thank goodness your lawyer came on time. If not, the damage would have been worse. I thought you were going to sue them since they have found out the truth and that they wrongly accused you," one of her managers said, standing behind her.

"I don’t have to sue them; they have already apologized to me. What are you still doing here? Don’t you want to go home?" She asked, gazing at him.

"I just came to check if we would be able to continue producing the perfume tomorrow. I just got a call from our other shops that they need new supplies." he said. 

"What did the engineer say?" she asked. 

"Isn’t it obvious they are still working on it but their leader told me it will be done by tomorrow." he replied.

"Maybe I should have sued them." She muttered to herself.

"Huh? What did you say?" he inquired curiously. 

"Nothing, I will get going." Amber said and held the string of her bag as she saw her secretary standing at the door. She walked out of the company with him and got into her car. The secretary stood back to see her off. She looked around for Lucas. He was always fond of telling her goodbye whenever she wanted to go home, but today it was different. She relaxed on the seat and heaved a sigh.

"Is something wrong?" the secretary inquired. 

"No," she replied flatly. It’s not like I am waiting for him to tell me goodbye anyway. She thought and shut the door of the car as the driver drove off. 

Amber fell asleep in the car, and when she woke up, she realized she was still on the road. It was strange; her house wasn’t that far from her company. Why hadn’t she reached home? She thought and looked out the window. She had no idea where they were. She wanted to ask the driver when he drove into a five-star restaurant that had a beautiful view.

"Where are we? Why did you take me here?" she asked in a cold tone. The driver stopped the car and turned to look at her in a confused manner.

"Your secretary told me this is the place I should take you." he replied.

"What! And you listened to him? You were supposed to take me home, start the car and take me out of here," she declared with a frown. 

"He told me to take you here that you had a date with your boyfriend in this restaurant." the driver said refusing to start the car. Amber opened her eyes wide in surprise.

"What are you saying? I don’t have a boyfriend. Stop resisting and take me out of here." She declared and sighted Lucas in the side mirror. She wiped her face. 

"What the hell is he doing here?" She thought and was about to open the door of the car when Lucas opened the door and she nearly fell to the floor. He caught her before she could fall. 

"Than…" She paused and opened her eyes wide in shock as he helped her stand on her feet. His hand was on her boobs holding them tightly. 

"Ahh!" she yelled and slapped him hard across the face as she regained her balance.

"H-how dare you!!" she yelled, glaring at him. He clutched his face and stared at her.

"Ouch! What was that for? Why did you hit me so hard?" He complained staring at her.

"You deserved it, you sneaky little pervert," she remarked.