

"You can all go back to work, but remember I have my eyes on you." Amber said, dismissing the employees who scattered and went back to their cubicles.

"You shouldn’t have been so harsh on them." Lucas commented.

"You have no right to teach me how to speak to my employees. Call for a meeting in the conference room." She said, and walked away, followed by her secretary, who was running after her. 

"Stop talking and focus on your jobs," he said to two employees who stopped gossiping and focused on their jobs.

Amber walked into her office and sat down on her revolver chair with a big smile on her face and took the bouquet of flowers, sniffing it while the secretary dropped her bag on the desk. 

"What’s today’s schedule?" She inquired, smiling as she read the little apology card that was in the flower.

"Ahem, I have scheduled all the work for tomorrow, because we have been busy and you need to rest, plus the FBI has destroyed some machines in our factory. The engineers are still working on it." The secretary said.

"Who told you to cancel all my schedules? What do you want me to do all day?" she asked, glaring at him.

"Um, you have a press conference in the afternoon. The public wants to ask a few questions about the perfume. There are still reporters waiting outside the company." he said. She sighed and dropped the flower on the desk. 

"You can go, I need chicken pepperoni for lunch," she said, and he nodded before making his way out of her office. She put her head on her desk and her eyes slowly close on their own accord. 

"Knock! Knock!" Lucas said with his mouth as he knocked on the door of her office, staring at her. She raised her head and looked at him with a frown. She tied her long, black hair into a bun and stood up from the chair.

"Before you yell at me, I just wanted to say that the other managers are waiting in the conference room." he said. 

"I totally forgot about that. Let’s go." she said, walking past him, and he followed her.

Mason sat in his car as Lily handed his lunch box to him and gave him a light kiss on the cheek. 

"Goodbye, honey. Have a nice day. Remember you promised to have dinner with me tonight." She whispered in his ear and shut the door of the car. He noticed his driver was smiling as he drove off.

"Why are you smiling?" Mason asked curiously.

"I am sorry sir. I was just smiling because this is the first time I have seen you guys acting like husband and wife." The driver said and put on a straight face. 

Mason shrugged his shoulders and turned in the seat, looking out the window of the car. "How do I tell this stupid girl that I have someone else in my heart? She will get hurt in the end. I have to get rid of her before Amber finds out that I am married and rejects me." He thought, resting his face on his hand. 

The driver stared at him in the front mirror and sped up the car. 

Lily got into her car as her chauffeur drove off, talking to Mrs. Kings over the phone. 

"I have been trying to reach out to you since last night. I am glad you called." she said.

"What do you want to talk to me about? Is it urgent? Because I have decided to go and see a doctor to ask what’s wrong with me or if the problem is with your son, I can’t help it anymore." Lily said.

"What doctor are you going to see?" She inquired. physique 

"Our family doctor the one at my husband’s hospital," she replied. 

"What a coincidence. I am with my private doctor. I have told her about your situation before. She will like to see you. Why don’t you come over. I will text you the address." Mrs. Kings said.

"I know, mom, I already booked an appointment with my doctor." she insisted.

"I don’t know about your doctor, but I don’t think she is a professional. You should try other doctors, you know, come and see me okay." Mrs. Kings said.

"Yes mom, I am on my way." Lily said with a sad expression and hung up. Her phone beeped, and she received a message from Mrs. Kings. It was the address. She sighed and stared at the chauffeur.

"Turn the car around; we are going somewhere else," she declared and read the address to him. 

hours later.

Amber finished having a conversation with the managers of her company.

"I want to expand this company, and I think the only way for us to do that is to make the shares available to buyers and investors," she said. 

"I think that’s not a good idea. You might lose a lot of your shares." Lucas suggested and the other managers agreed.

"I won’t if I make the shares foreigners can buy limited, so I will always be the highest shareholder. Not just that, I want us to work with those Mexican companies for a while, and I also want you guys to start working on our perfume. I will talk to the brand ambassador to advertise it and show the public that it is harmless and good to use." Amber said.

"That’s a good idea, Miss Darlington." I think we can work with that." An elderly man remarked.

"Since we are all on the same side, the meeting is adjourned." Amber declared, and they all stood up, packing their files before leaving the room, including Lucas.

"Go and check how the factory is doing now, and if they can start our reproducing the product," Amber said to her secretary. 

"I will. We have to go to the press conference now." he said, glancing at his watch. 

"Go and check the situation at the factory first," she said rudely. He bowed slightly and walked away. She adjusted her clothes and took a deep breath, thinking about what she was going to say to the public.