
Ninja System Within A New World

Hunters! 'Oh Shit! I'm in a new world' Cesaire shouted. On his birthday, he received a weird Anime Box as a present from his best friend. On his way home, he tried to escape from bad luck only for it to meet him face to face in his house. Cesaire met Kasha, the God Of Luck who reincarnated him to another world as a punishment for trying to escape his luck influence but not without sending the Anime Box to gift Cesaire a Ninja System. Cesaire now in the body of Jeremy Jr. Styles in a new world were people with superpowers exists. These people were called Hunters. They had the power to destroy mountains with a punch, call forth flames from the skies, transform into mythical creatures and move the world with their will. It was a whole new experience for Jae and he had decided. With the Ninja System(that doesnt seem like a Ninja System), he strived to be the best Hunter in existence. =====•=====

MahSammy · Tranh châm biếm
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41 Chs

Ch~Seventeen: [Bonus Chapter] Using The Jutsu For The First Time.

This bonus chapter is dedicated to [Red_Bell] and [Murdda223] for their supports and comments to the novel. Thank you for your supports and comments and I'm very grateful.


''Clang'' ''Clang!'' ''Clang!''

Clashes of metallic sounds kept booming out as Jae and the fox kept fighting fiercely. There were multiple injuries around Jae's body and the same could be said also to the fox. It was also bleeding from its abdomen but still, its momentum was still very fierce.

'[Substitution Jutsu!]' Jae quickly made the necessary hand seals and puffed into smokes with a broken log on the ground. He had successfully escaped the Fox's tail strike. He quickly created distance between them and created a clone '[Clone Jutsu]' before he rushed back towards the fox along with his clone.

Fortunately, the fox didn't know which is which and attacked Jae's clone. The moment it's claws hit the clone, it exploded into smokes which made the fox distracted for a second. Suddenly Jae jumped out of the smoke with a sword in his hands. Taking advantage of the Fox's confused moment, he quickly drilled the sword into the Fox's tail, hooking the tail to a tree in the process.

Jae quickly gave distance between them after seeing that the fox is now stuck to the tree with a sword in it's tail. The fox let out a cry of pain as it struggled to break free from the tree but Jae obviously wouldn't give it the time to do so.

Bring his hands together and started making hand seals Snake → Ram → Monkey → Boar → Horse → Tiger and when he finished, he shouted in his mind '[Fire Style - Fireball Jutsu]!' Bringing his index and middle fingers close to his mouth, Jae suddenly felt a hot feeling in his throat and then spat out a half a meter orb of flames towards Kuram... Cough! Silver Clawed Red Fox.

Sensing the danger coming from the fireball coming towards it, the fox struggled fiercely to escape from the tree. Its tail was even splitting in half due to how hard it was pushing itself but the fireball was already in front of it.

''Kiu! Kiu!! Kiu!!!' Cries of agony escaped from the fox as the flames clashed into his body and spread around. Adding it's fur to the flames caused an even bigger combustion.

Jae looked at his hand work and gleefully smiled. This was his first step to being a shinobi. If he could ignore the slight pains in his throat, then he would feel even happier. Taking out a sword, he approached the fox who was now weakly sprawled on the floor with burnt skins and fur. Even after all these, the Fox's tenacity to live was quite amazing as it continued growling and snarling at Jae.

''You must be in pain. Lemme end your misery for you'' Jae said cooly while making a knightly pose with his upraised head before he brought down his sword and crudely pierced the Silver Clawed Red Fox's chest through it's heart and thus, the fox breathe it's last.

[Host has killed a Level 3 lifeform. +3 Chakra Points. +1 Shop Points]




[HP - [78 / 170]

[CP - [100 / 170]


[Chakra Points - [71 / 200]

[Shop Points - [1]


'*sigh* a Level 3 life is no joke. More than half my health has gone down' thinking this, Jae finally looked at the injuries on his body. His chest had deep claw marks but was no longer bleeding. His forearms was a little hurting since he used it most of the time to block the Fox's tail strike. Taking a deep breath, he opened his [Item Shop] to check something but he quickly closed it back when he saw that the lowest level of healing pill was a hundred Shop Points.

He then went go the fox and used his kunai to dig out the beast core. He found it in it's head at a spot connected with many vein like thread to the brain. The moment he took it out, a strange smell suddenly wafted out of the corpse of the fox and filled the surrounding and this completely went unnoticed by Jae.

Jae quickly stored the Beast Core and carcass inside his storage space. He then climbed a tree and started to rest to recover his HP as well as his CP.


Jae stayed on the tree for more than an hour and soon recovered his CP to full capacity while his HP had recovered by a lot. But since he can't heal the injury on his chest for now, his HP won't be full.

When he felt ready to move, he jumped down from the tree but it didn't take him more than a second to quickly stop his fall by holding a tree branch before he carefully stuck his feet to the tree branch completely defying the law of gravity as he hung himself upside down like a bat.

Jae's expression was currently of one filled with shock and relief. He was shocked about what he saw down there and felt relief that he quickly stopped his fall in time if not, he would be a goner. The ground was filled with Silver Clawed Red Foxes that Jae felt there were more than twenty of them. He could also see that they were all Level 1-2 which was quite a relief. There were like five Level 2s and the rest were Level 1s.

These beasts were gathered under the tree where Jae was resting as it seems like they were waiting for him. When they saw that he was falling from the tree, they all started growling and snarling with the intent to kill. Jae remembered he killed a Silver Clawed Red Fox and took out it's Beast Core and...

Jae suddenly thought of something, then he activated his C-Net and searched for the information of the beast which displayed something that made his expression to become downcast.

[Silver Clawed Red Fox [Level 1-5 Dire Beast / F-Rank Beast]

[The Dire Beast is an F-Rank Beast that has a lot of unique traits. Unlike other foxes, they move in groups. They have good strength, fast speed and very low defense. They are red in color but have a special metallic silver claw that can easily tear a wood apart. Apart from that, their tail are very large and strong which when hit, it can break bones.

The Fox Leader always like to hunt preys alone while its subordinates would hunt in groups. When the leader of the group dies, and have it's core removed, a strange and unnoticeable smell would spread out which would make the group to locate the leader and have a death battle with the killer. They won't stop until the killer is dead]

'Damn! What have I gotten myself into?! Should I feel sad about the troubles I would go through or should I feel happy about the Chakra Points and Shop Points I would obtain?!' Jae thought as he finished reading the information about the Silver Clawed Red Foxes while looking at the Beasts that looked like they were prepared for war.



How is everyone doing? Well, I'm just gonna drop this here! ⬇⬇⬇⬇

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