
Nine Wives In A Cultivation World?!

In the Battle of Nine Heavens, Space was shattered and the 10 Treasures of Chaos disappeared. Wandering in the void was A soul From Earth as it was about to be forever erased from the reincarnation cycle it was pulled into this vast mysterious realm into a newborn. What will This Soul from Earth do when he awakens and learns he has to find 9 of the most talented girls to reach the Top?

Daoist_Extremity · Huyền huyễn
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5 Chs


In a majestic Universe there is Nine realms situated in the Center.

In one of the more prosperous realms named Realm of Longevity There is a family who has stood tall for Eons. Whose heritage is so deep even the Family members themselves do not know how much sleeping old monsters they have hidden in some Ancestral land.

Out of the 3000 States there is in this Realm This Family Occupies 1,250 of them with each state about 40,000 Kilometers each. In the Core State they Reside in named Everlasting State There lays Humongous Mountain ranges with multiple palaces on the peak of each one, some grander then others.

In the depths of these there is a Mountain so Tall it seems it can pierce the sky itself. If some weaker cultivators were to walk this mountain they would notice the higher they climb the greater the pressure of their bodies and soul; But it is a good thing these people Have self Awareness and do not even delve near this Forbidden Area.

In The most magnificent palace at the very peak of this mountain Range in A hidden Room There was an Absolute Voluptuous Female Standing there Holding an Ancient Scripture while struggling Hard to make a decision.

If you look Closely you would see the three words on the the Cover In bright gold and an Ancient atmosphere.

Three Pure Scripture...