
Nine Wives In A Cultivation World?!

In the Battle of Nine Heavens, Space was shattered and the 10 Treasures of Chaos disappeared. Wandering in the void was A soul From Earth as it was about to be forever erased from the reincarnation cycle it was pulled into this vast mysterious realm into a newborn. What will This Soul from Earth do when he awakens and learns he has to find 9 of the most talented girls to reach the Top?

Daoist_Extremity · Eastern
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Three Pure Scripture

Even the Lady holding the Scripture does not know the Origins of this scripture. This scripture is so mysterious That there is no actual technique in there.

Whatever is comprehended from it depends on the persons potential and comprehension. Which is also Why she who goes by Jun Mixie Is so Hesitant because what she comprehended is to divide some of her essence into 3 and give birth to 3 individuals and depending the 3 Core recources she uses for them Determines their potential.

What she does not Understand is how giving birth to three kids will be beneficial to her unless she raises them like cows and sacrifices them when they grow up but she is not that heartless...

As years go by growing in Power Shes reached over hundreds of years old and no longer part of the younger generation.

One day while She was training she heard news that the golden age is coming soon and when she heard that determination flashed in her eyes as she came to a decision.

"The Scripture claims there is only benefits and since the clan kept it obviously its truth full".

"Let me just see what type of benefits Having Children will Have"





1 month Later...

In A room You Can see an ancient formation on the floor with all types of Natural treasures that will cost undying wars in the outside world but even they pale in comparison to the 3 objects in the middle.

"Finally I've obtained these but even though it took a lot of convincing to get father to give me these a lot of those old geezers are reluctant to let me have these especially the middle object"

If the ancestors were to hear her they would surely have steam coming out of their hands after all she is not just using any treasures She is using Void stone, Temporal Sand, And lastly and most mysterious the Founders Stone.

The clan has records That the Founder of the clan obtained this stone by chance and sensed great mystery from it but never solved it so he left it in the clan when he left in pursuit of greater power.

These people who value history would surely Faint from Anger if they found out the Last generation Saintess of the previous Era was going to use it as a resource to Fuel something even she don't know the result will be.

As she finally Completed the formation all she felt was pain from her Soul...


The formation took 3 parts of her soul and all Natural treasures and as soon as it finished The first soul came out the whole space of Nine Heavens froze for a couple seconds.

Then came the 2nd soul and when this soul came out time froze in the Nine Heavens.

In Most influential forces some ancestors were communicating,

"Two Innate Monarch Physiques appeared?"

"How is that possible?"

"Oh looks like the new era has begun"

"Any news from the phenomena hundreds of years ago?"

"SHHhhh...Don't mention it after all anything related to something that can Shake and nearly crack the void and the Grand River of time is bound to be some type of taboo."


Back at the formation as the 3rd soul took shape Not just the Nine Heavens the whole universes, all forbidden areas and beyond every single sentient creature saw no spectacular phenomena all they felt from the bottom of their heart was pure dread.

As soon as these three souls formed they shot right into Jun Mixies stomach and all she thought to her self was,

'Just what monster did i give birth to.'